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Supporting Extension Services to Scale Up Sustainable Land Management: The potential of WOCAT’s tools and methods
This publication reviews lessons from applying the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) in Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Uganda.
Investing in rural people in Malawi
IFAD began operations in Malawi in 1981 and has provided US$731.96 million in financing (including partner cofinancing) for 14 programmes and projects benefiting more than 2 million households.
Expanding digital remittances and microfinance products towards financial inclusion in The Gambia
This PRIME Africa project enhances the financial resilience and economic empowerment of remittance families through cost‑effective, digitalized remittance flows and innovations for financial inclusion.
Pioneering cost reduction of cross‑border remittances through mobile wallets in The Gambia
This PRIME Africa project enhances the financial resilience and economic empowerment of remittance families through cost‑effective, digitalized remittance flows and financial inclusion innovations. It targets 17,000 remittance receivers and 17,000 remittance senders.
Promoting digital remittances through postal networks in Uganda
This PRIME Africa initiative enhances the financial resilience and economic empowerment of remittance families through cost‑effective digital channelling of remittance flows and financial inclusion innovations.
Promoting digital and financial inclusion through remittances and micro-savings in Ghana
This PRIME Africa project enhances the financial resilience and economic empowerment of remittance families through cost‑effective digital channelling of remittance flows and financial inclusion innovations.
Leveraging remittances to drive financial inclusion in rural Ghana
This PRIME Africa initiative enhances the financial resilience and economic empowerment of remittance families through cost‑effective digital channeling of remittance flows and financial inclusion innovations.
IFAD e-Learning Course: Impact Assessments
The accessible and easy-to-follow course combines the main underlying theories and methodologies of impact assessments with their application in real world situations. Participants will learn about preparing an impact assessment, principles of method selection, ethical issues, data collection, data preparation, analysis, interpretation and utilization.
Building Smallholder Farmers Resilience in Kayonza District: A Case Study of Starlit Project
The STARLIT (Strengthening Agricultural Resilience through Learning and Innovation) project is an IFAD-China SSTC Facility funded initiative which aims to strengthen the resilience of farmers in the maize value chain in Kenya and Rwanda.
Photo Story: Livestock for sustainable development in Zambia
During the COVID-19 pandemic, E-SLIP and RPSF helped poor people to be more resilient by providing livestock packages and access to market platforms, livestock insurance, water, and other resources. This booklet showcases the stories of these farmers.