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Photo Story: Livestock for sustainable development in Zambia

March 2023

During the COVID-19 pandemic, E-SLIP and RPSF helped poor people to be more resilient by providing livestock packages and access to market platforms, livestock insurance, water, and other resources. This booklet showcases the stories of these farmers.

IFAD Research Series No. 89: Incorporating the Impact of Climate and Weather Variables in Impact Assessments: An Application to an IFAD Climate Change Adaptation Project in Viet Nam

March 2023

This paper discusses which climate variables to collect, and from which sources, when incorporating them into an impact assessment.

IFAD Research Series No. 88: The Impact of Climate Change on Livestock Production in Mozambique

March 2023

This paper focuses on activities targeting improved pasture management, supplemental feed sources and livestock value chain development.

PIRAS Country Update: Samoa

February 2023

PIRAS supports COVID-19 food system and economic recovery. In it, PIRAS supports food production, post-harvest handling and market access.

The enhanced Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP+)

February 2023

This brochure provides an overview of ASAP+, which is expected to be the largest fund dedicated to channelling climate finance to small-scale producers.

Frontier technologies for securing tenure: A review of concepts, uses and challenges

February 2023

This publication, based on a review of 20 publications and 13 expert interviews, showcases the frontier technologies used in land tenure projects, as well as the associated benefits and challenges.
