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Evidence Review on the Effectiveness of Interventions Promoting Women's Empowerment in Developing Countries: Approach Paper
This approach paper describes the strategy for data collection and analysis and the contours of the evidence gap map and systematic review.
Effectiveness of life skills interventions for the empowerment of women in developing countries: Protocol for a Systematic Review
This protocol for the systematic review details the methods used in the meta-analysis.
Stock-taking exercise on Livestock Farmer Field Schools: East and Southern Africa
This report reviews and documents lessons learned from livestock farmer field schools in four IFAD-funded projects that applied this approach in Madagascar, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania (Zanzibar).
PIRAS Country Update: Solomon Islands
PIRAS supports COVID-19 food system and economic recovery. In Solomon Islands, it works across 30 communities to support sustainable food production, to improve nutrition, and to strengthen inclusive local value chains.
PIRAS Country Update: Fiji
PIRAS supports COVID-19 food system and economic recovery. In Fiji, it works in 70 villages and supports food production, post-harvest handling and market access.
PIRAS Country Update: Tonga
PIRAS supports COVID-19 food system and economic recovery. In Tonga, it tackles the urgent agricultural needs emerging from the January 2022 Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption and tsunami.