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The Luxembourg-IFAD partnership
Luxembourg is a long-standing partner with development priorities that align with IFAD’s mandate.
IFAD Research Series 94: Engaging women in microfinance - a qualitative study of the Programme de Microfinance Rural in Mali
This paper outlines the results of a study on the Programme de Microfinance Rural in Mali. It explores the impacts on agency and use of resources in households, with a focus on the role of gender in addressing these issues.
Monitoring and Evaluation for South-South and Triangular Cooperation in IFAD
This brief explains how IFAD uses M&E at the corporate strategy, country strategy and project levels to maximise the impact of SSTC.
Results from the Rural Competitiveness Development Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The brief emphasizes the importance of community involvement in multi-stakeholder platforms and the need for adaptive strategies, like public-private partnerships, to ensure the long-term success of programmes.
Operations Academy: Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Theory of Change and Logical Framework
This course explains the Theory of Change and the Logical Framework in IFAD projects, the difference between the two and describes how to prepare them.
Operations Academy: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) during implementation course
This course explains the planning, monitoring and evaluation activities during project implementation. It describes the annual planning process, the need for continuous data collection and project monitoring at every project phase. It discusses field visits, supervision missions, special studies, M&E for capacity building, transforming data into meaningful information and the completion process.