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RemitSCOPE: Ghana Country Diagnostic
This Ghana country diagnostic was prepared in accordance with the PRIME Africa goals.
RemitSCOPE: The Gambia Country Diagnostic
The Gambia country diagnostic has been prepared in accordance with the PRIME Africa goals, to provide more in-depth analysis and additional evidence for the areas of action identified in the country road map.
Operations Academy: Strengthening Project Implementation
The course enhances knowledge of IFAD’s Project Cycle, its key milestones and the roles of key actors involved in project implementation.
Operations Academy: Technology Transformation and Agriculture Fundamentals of ICT4D in Agriculture
This course introduces the key principles and approaches to integrate digital solutions into IFAD’s work.
The Canada-IFAD partnership
Canada and IFAD have a long-standing partnership to end poverty and hunger. Both are invested in inclusive and sustainable transformation, particularly for rural populations.
Sustainable Agricultural Intensification Practices - East and Southern Africa
This note identifies SAI practices implemented in 17 East and Southern Africa countries and recommends best approaches to promoting SAI in ESA and beyond.
Photobook: Supporting Syrian refugees and host communities in Jordan
The Small Ruminants Investment and Graduating Households in Transition Project (SIGHT) aims to reduce poverty and improve national food security among Syrian refugees and host communities in Jordan by providing a package of support to boost small-ruminant productivity.