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Rwanda: Climate-Resilient Post-Harvest and Agribusiness Support Project (PASP)

December 2023

The Climate-Resilient Post-Harvest and Agribusiness Support Project pioneered the Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) model which combines weather data with farmers’ knowledge to enhance their decision-making.

Nicaragua: Adapting to Markets and Climate Change Project

December 2023

The Adapting to Markets and Climate Change project influenced national policy for early warning and climate information for coffee and cocoa.

Angola: Agriculture and fisheries transforming rural lives and livelihoods

December 2023

IFAD and the Government of Angola are working together to promote better and more diverse livelihoods for Angolans through rural and agricultural development. These projects and programmes create job opportunities, improve food and nutrition security, increase market access, build capacity, empower women and build rural people’s resilience.

Additional languages: English, French, Portuguese

The Qatar–IFAD partnership

November 2023

The State of Qatar played a major role in the establishment of IFAD in 1977 and has been a key supporter of IFAD for the past 46 years.

The Kuwait–IFAD partnership

November 2023

The State of Kuwait played a major role in the establishment of IFAD in 1977 and has been a key supporter of IFAD for the past 46 years.

The United Arab Emirates–IFAD partnership

November 2023

The United Arab Emirates played a major role in the establishment of IFAD in 1977 and has been a key supporter of the Fund for the past 46 years.

The Saudi Arabia-IFAD partnership

November 2023

Saudi Arabia is a founding member of IFAD and has been a key supporter of the Fund for the past 46 years. Since IFAD’s inception, Saudi Arabia’s financial and strategic support has been critical to combating poverty and strengthening food systems in developing countries.

The Belgium-IFAD partnership

November 2023

The Kingdom of Belgium is a founding member of IFAD and has been a key partner to the Fund since its inception, shaping its strategic directions and sharpening its focus in support of the most vulnerable rural areas, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where more than 50 per cent of IFAD’s resources are invested.

Promoting youth engagement in Northern Montenegro

November 2023

This policy brief, based on the lessons and experience of the Rural Clustering and Transformation Project in Montenegro, describes how engaging youth in agriculture requires an enabling environment.
