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Promoting financial inclusion through digitalization of remittances

June 2024

This report highlights the transformative power of digital solutions to enhance financial inclusion and reduce remittance costs.

IFAD Remittance Innovation Toolkit

June 2024

This toolkit provides guidance on improving access to secure and swift remittance services through enhanced identity verification and customer due diligence (CDD) practices.

GFRID Summit 2023: Outcomes Report

September 2023

This report outlines key findings and actionable outcomes for both remittances and diaspora-impact investments.

RemitSCOPE Africa Report 2023

June 2023

This report uses the latest data to give an overview of remittances into and throughout Africa, looking at the drivers, trends, impact and potential.

RemitSCOPE: Kenya Country Diagnostic

May 2023

This diagnostic provides an assessment of Kenya’s remittance market, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, using a market-oriented approach. 

RemitSCOPE: Ghana Country Diagnostic

May 2023

This Ghana country diagnostic was prepared in accordance with the PRIME Africa goals.

RemitSCOPE: The Gambia Country Diagnostic

May 2023

The Gambia country diagnostic has been prepared in accordance with the PRIME Africa goals, to provide more in-depth analysis and additional evidence for the areas of action identified in the country road map.

Financing Facility for Remittances Knowledge Products

February 2023

Since its inception in 2006, IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR), has produced a large number of publications and information material with global outreach. This pamphlet aims to provide the reader with a quick overview of each, with a link to the dedicated webpage.
