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Best management practices guidelines for small-scale tilapia cage aquaculture in Ghana and Nigeria
This technical manual and the accompanying brief were compiled for the Promoting Sustainable Cage Aquaculture in West Africa (ProSCAWA) project, undertaken in Nigeria and Ghana from 2020 to 2023.
Good practices in fish nutrition and feeding
This manual of good practices in fish nutrition and feeding in the specific context of the Democratic Republic of the Congo was produced to build the capacities of fish farmers and extension services, and promote other aquaculture technologies and manuals of good aquaculture practices developed by WorldFish.
The Fisheries and Aquaculture Advantage: Fostering food security and nutrition, increasing
This report presents selected achievements and lessons from the growing portfolio of fisheries and aquaculture investments supported by IFAD.
Research Series Issue 40: Local-economy impacts of cash crop promotion
How to do note: Fisheries, Aquaculture and Climate Change
Guidelines for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Fisheries and Aquaculture Projects
climate change experts in different moments in time. Substantive inputs were provided by a range of stakeholders, including smallholder
farmers, aquaculturists, academics, personnel from ministries of agriculture and environment, and development cooperation partners.
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests - Implications for IFAD
Following an inclusive consultation and negotiation process, which involved more than 70 countries, international organizations, and representatives of the civil society and the private sector, the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGs) were officially endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security on 11 May 2012. The VGs set out principles, technical recommendations and practices for improving the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests. They promote secure tenure rights and equitable access to these resources as a means of eradicating hunger and poverty, supporting sustainable development and protecting the environment. They give recommendations to countries and to other key actors, who are strongly encouraged to adopt and use them on a voluntary basis.