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Monitoring and Evaluation for South-South and Triangular Cooperation in IFAD
This brief explains how IFAD uses M&E at the corporate strategy, country strategy and project levels to maximise the impact of SSTC.
Results from the Rural Competitiveness Development Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The brief emphasizes the importance of community involvement in multi-stakeholder platforms and the need for adaptive strategies, like public-private partnerships, to ensure the long-term success of programmes.
Operations Academy: Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Theory of Change and Logical Framework
This course explains the Theory of Change and the Logical Framework in IFAD projects, the difference between the two and describes how to prepare them.
Operations Academy: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) during implementation course
This course explains the planning, monitoring and evaluation activities during project implementation. It describes the annual planning process, the need for continuous data collection and project monitoring at every project phase. It discusses field visits, supervision missions, special studies, M&E for capacity building, transforming data into meaningful information and the completion process.
Operations Academy: Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) plan
This course introduces the M&E plan, its purpose and the key actors who must prepare it. It also presents suggestions for the contents.
Operations Academy: ICT4D in Agriculture - Digital Rural Finance
This advanced course builds on the ‘Fundamentals of ICT4D in Agriculture course’ to enhance knowledge and capacity among IFAD staff and members of Project Management Units to integrate agricultural digital technologies into IFAD’s work.
Operations Academy: ICT4D in Agriculture - Value Chains, Market Access and Bundled Services
This advanced course builds on the ‘Fundamentals of ICT4D in Agriculture’ course to further enhance IFAD staff’s knowledge and capacity to integrate agricultural digital technologies into IFAD’s work.
Operations Academy: ICT4D in Agriculture - Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity and Climate Adaptation
This advanced course builds on the ‘Fundamentals of ICT4D in Agriculture’ course to further IFAD staff’s understandings of key principles and approaches to integrate digital solutions into IFAD’s work.
Lessons Learned from the Resilient Food Systems Programme
This publication presents the results of the Resilient Food Systems programme which aims to strengthen policy dialogue and decision-making in 12 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The Food of Viet Nam: 34 traditional dishes cooked by the rural people and ethnic minority groups of Viet Nam
This cookbook contains 34 easy-to-follow traditional dishes cooked by the rural people and ethnic minority groups of Viet Nam, and recognises their invaluable role in preserving the country’s cultural and biological diversity, inspiring an appreciation for the interconnectedness of food, culture and the natural world.
Building sustainable, climate-resilient rural livelihoods in Viet Nam
This photo book tells the stories of ten people who benefited from the Project for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Mekong Delta in the Ben Tre and Tra Vinh Provinces. Three years after the project closed, the rural businesses they built have proven to be sustainable, enabling them to escape poverty and contribute to the well-being of their families and communities.
Jordan Photobook: Rural Economic Growth and Employment Project
This photobook offers a glimpse into the Rural Economic Growth and Employment Project in Jordan.
Investing in rural people in the Pacific Islands
IFAD supports Pacific Island countries to develop inclusive, productive, resilient and sustainable food systems that are community-driven.
The Brazil–IFAD partnership
The strong partnership between IFAD and Brazil is based on a shared commitment to reducing poverty and pursuing innovative ways to assist rural communities.
IFAD Research Series 93: New methods to define and measure rurality in Latin America and their impact on public policies: the cases of Mexico and Panama
This paper outlines two index proposals for defining and measuring rurality: the relative rurality index and the contiguity of areas of similar densities.
Understanding the new agriculture and food agenda: How is the past shaping the future?
This paper examines to what extent, and how, donor approaches in agriculture, rural development and food systems have changed over the past 20 years, what are the main emerging issues, what should be done to address these and how these changes could shape the activities of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD).
Philippines: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
Various sources estimate the population of indigenous peoples in the Philippines at 12-15% of the current national population of 108 million, or a total of about 16-17 million.
Indonesia: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
Indonesia is comprised of 13.000 islands with a total area of 7 million km2. It has a total population of 273 million in more than 1.000 various ethnic and sub-ethnic groups with their own cultures and traditions.
Guidelines for Inclusive Agricultural Value Chains Development in Africa
These guidelines assess previous Agricultural Value Chains (AVC) development efforts across Africa, propose policies and strategies for developing AVC pathways, and identify the policy and institutional factors needed for successful implementation.
Cambodia: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
Indigenous Peoples of Cambodia represent 24 different groups, who reside mainly in the upland forests, plains, and mountains of the northern and north-eastern provinces.
From Rhetoric to Reality: Donor coordination for food systems transformation
This report provides practical guidance for donors and their partners to better coordinate and align for food systems transformation and rural development.
Climate Action Report 2022
This report presents the results of IFAD’s climate-focused finance and shows how IFAD combines up-to-date, robust knowledge on climate and sustainable agricultural development with easy-to-access financial mechanisms.
Supporting Rural Livelihoods Amid Rising Global Fragility: Learning from the effects of the Ukraine conflict in the southern African development community
This policy note takes stock of government responses to the impacts of the war in Ukraine on food, fertilizer and food.
White Paper: An integrated investment framework for climate-adaptive and water-resilient food systems
This white paper, produced by IFAD and the NDC Partnership, emphasizes the need for integrated investments in climate-adaptive, water-resilient food systems, addressing challenges, discussing case studies, outlining barriers and providing recommendations for a new financial execution model.
Rwanda: Climate-Resilient Post-Harvest and Agribusiness Support Project (PASP)
The Climate-Resilient Post-Harvest and Agribusiness Support Project pioneered the Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) model which combines weather data with farmers’ knowledge to enhance their decision-making.
Nicaragua: Adapting to Markets and Climate Change Project
The Adapting to Markets and Climate Change project influenced national policy for early warning and climate information for coffee and cocoa.
Angola: Agriculture and fisheries transforming rural lives and livelihoods
IFAD and the Government of Angola are working together to promote better and more diverse livelihoods for Angolans through rural and agricultural development. These projects and programmes create job opportunities, improve food and nutrition security, increase market access, build capacity, empower women and build rural people’s resilience.
The Qatar–IFAD partnership
The State of Qatar played a major role in the establishment of IFAD in 1977 and has been a key supporter of IFAD for the past 46 years.
The Kuwait–IFAD partnership
The State of Kuwait played a major role in the establishment of IFAD in 1977 and has been a key supporter of IFAD for the past 46 years.
The United Arab Emirates–IFAD partnership
The United Arab Emirates played a major role in the establishment of IFAD in 1977 and has been a key supporter of the Fund for the past 46 years.
The Saudi Arabia-IFAD partnership
Saudi Arabia is a founding member of IFAD and has been a key supporter of the Fund for the past 46 years. Since IFAD’s inception, Saudi Arabia’s financial and strategic support has been critical to combating poverty and strengthening food systems in developing countries.
The Belgium-IFAD partnership
The Kingdom of Belgium is a founding member of IFAD and has been a key partner to the Fund since its inception, shaping its strategic directions and sharpening its focus in support of the most vulnerable rural areas, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where more than 50 per cent of IFAD’s resources are invested.
Promoting youth engagement in Northern Montenegro
This policy brief, based on the lessons and experience of the Rural Clustering and Transformation Project in Montenegro, describes how engaging youth in agriculture requires an enabling environment.
Uganda: Transforming rural economies for a better tomorrow
IFAD is working with the Government of Uganda to increase the income of rural households living in poverty and improve their food security and resilience.
Women transforming rural areas in Northern Montenegro
Montenegro’s Rural Clustering and Transformation Project highlights the imperative of integrating rural women into decision-making processes at all levels. This policy brief underscores the importance of enhancing rural women's education, training and job access.
Viet Nam: Country Technical Note on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues
This report aims to provide the most recent information on the issue of Ethnic Minorities in Viet Nam in terms of the general situation, poverty reduction, impact of COVID-19, Government policies and programs as well as such as NGOs, ODA and IFAD in Viet Nam.
Investing in rural people in Uganda
This factsheet outlines IFAD’s strategy to reduce poverty in Uganda while improving their food security and reducing their vulnerability. It also outlines ongoing operations in the country.
IFAD Impact Report 2022
With its first Impact Report – which is aligned with ICMA’s Harmonised Framework for Impact Reporting for Social Bonds – IFAD demonstrates how the proceeds of private placement issuances have been invested in rural people, in particular smallholder farmers who are key to global food security and account for the majority of food production in some regions.
PRUNSAR: Catalogue of Innovations
This Catalogue of Innovations showcases 35 innovations generated and promoted by researchers and smallholder farmers across 30 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America under the PRUNSAR programme.
Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023
The 2023 edition of the Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean presents an update of the data and trends in food security and nutrition in recent years.
ASAP Technical Series: Climate Information Services
This technical paper summarizes experiences and lessons learned on CIS, including from IFAD’s Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP).
Investing in rural people in South Sudan
IFAD has been engaged in South Sudan since 2011. Its long-term vision for the country is to gradually contribute to the reduction of food and nutrition insecurity and poverty among rural women and youth through inclusive and sustainable agriculture and livelihood transformation.
IFAD's Newsletter on South-South and Triangular Cooperation - Issue 2
The second edition of Shared Development, the IFAD newsletter on SSTC, focuses on interventions at the regional and country levels that target climate adaptation and resilience.
The Finland–IFAD partnership
IFAD and Finland share a vision of a world without poverty and hunger. At a time of cascading global crises and mounting vulnerability to climate
change among the world’s poorest people, the partnership between IFAD and Finland is committed to a mutual focus on supporting resilient, inclusive and sustainable food systems that can break the cycle of crises and enable small-scale farmers to improve their livelihoods.
The Italy-IFAD partnership
Italy and IFAD share a commitment to a world where people have access to affordable, safe, nutritious and sufficient food. Italy plays a key leadership role in strengthening the Fund’s financial architecture, which enabled IFAD to become the first United Nations fund to receive a credit rating (AA+) and the only development finance institution to systematically conduct impact assessments across its portfolio.
Cambodia: Agricultural Services Programme for Innovation, Resilience and Extension (ASPIRE)
ASPIRE implemented a demand-driven approach to agricultural extension services, fostering innovation through new policies and strategies.
Bolivia: The Economic Inclusion Programme for Families and Rural Communities (ACCESOS)
The Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP) piloted talking maps in Bolivia. This innovative tool brings together science and traditional community knowledge to identify key issues and adaptation priorities, giving Indigenous Peoples, women and youth a voice in decision-making.
Kyrgyzstan: Livestock and Market Development Programme II
This project empowered local communities and promoted more sustainable pasture management practices for more responsible pasture usage.
Tajikistan: Livestock and Pasture Development Project II
In the pursuit of sustainable rural development, the LPDP-II project empowered rural people, enabling them to establish Pasture User Unions and create Community Livestock Pasture Management Plans to address the degradation of pasture resources.
Vietnam: Project for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Mekong Delta (AMD)
The project mainstreamed climate-informed socio-economic development plans in two provinces.