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Resilience in rural Syria: An entrepreneurial spirit conquers hardships

Determination and perseverance are what make an entrepreneur successful. That’s doubly true in a country like Syria, where ongoing conflict has disrupted people’s lives for the past decade.

Supporting rural women’s land rights

In many parts of the world, full participation in society – including the ability to earn an income – is still dependent on owning (or having the rights to) land.

Keeping the family happy and healthy: Hafeeza’s story

Four years ago, back-to-back misfortunes upended Hafeeza Begum’s life. She knew it fell to her to get her young family back on their feet.

Three reasons to invest in land tenure security

For rural people, especially low-income rural people, land and livelihood are one and the same.

Maximizing impact in the LAC region with SSTC and knowledge management

Although the residents of the global South may live worlds apart from each other, they often face a surprisingly similar set of challenges.

Reaping the rewards: Infrastructure brings opportunities for rural Chinese livestock farmers

The villages of Naihe and Zhaowa, nestled in the hilly Liupanshan area of China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, are surrounded by world-famous rugged beauty.
