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When it comes to protecting biodiversity, we must all do our part

May 2024 - BLOG

Biodiversity in all its forms has transformative power – protecting it requires a whole-of-society approach, in which we all play our part. 

6 ways IFAD is helping to prevent the next pandemic

May 2024 - BLOG

Given the complex interconnections between the health of animals, people and the planet, how can we prepare ourselves for the next pandemic? Here’s how IFAD’s investments are helping.

Prosperity or the planet? Luckily, they're not mutually exclusive

February 2024 - BLOG

All too often, value chain development harms the planet by emitting carbon and degrading environments. That’s why to build truly prosperous rural areas, we must make value chains not just strong, but sustainable.

When it comes to measuring water security, lived experiences matter

January 2024 - BLOG

Water stress is growing around the world. To effectively tackle it, a new approach assesses not only whether water infrastructure is available and working, but also whether it is meeting the needs of the people who rely on it. 

Why camelids are key to a better future in Bolivia and beyond

January 2024 - BLOG

Why has the UN declared this year the International Year of Camelids? IFAD’s Country Director for Bolivia, Daniel Anavitarte, explains why you should care about these extraordinary mammals – and why they’re key to sustainable rural development in South America and beyond.
