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Rural realities go global with immersive storytelling

August 2023 - BLOG

Few storytelling mediums are more powerful than film. Find out how IFAD is using virtual reality and 360° video technology to ensure that rural people’s voices are heard.

Tapping public policies and programmes to boost IFAD’s impact

April 2022 - BLOG

In many countries, we have the opportunity to partner with public policies and programmes to deliver the services our project participants need. Although effective inter-institutional coordination is never simple, it is doable – and entirely worth the effort.



Fixing our food systems means getting the fundamentals right

November 2021 - BLOG

The term “food systems” encompasses a huge variety of activities and issues. To make sure we’re all starting from the same place, let’s focus on the fundamentals: the land, and how to treat it well.

Returning to Brazil’s Gente de Valor project: Lessons on sustainable impact

August 2021 - BLOG

The Gente de Valor project was designed to assist the sertanejos (those who live in Brazil’s semi-arid region). It featured a community-driven development approach that promoted active participation and local leadership. Five years after the project ended, IFAD returned to evaluate the project’s outcomes and the effects of this approach.
