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IFAD and GCF scale-up action to improve life for millions of people and restore ecosystems in Africa’s Great Green Wall

A new investment programme is planned to support Sahelian governments through a partnership between the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and IFAD in order to boost climate finance for these rural populations.

African migrants’ family remittances put to the test

In April, the World Bank projected a sharp decline of about 20 per cent in global remittances as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and shutdown.

What’s needed to protect food security in Africa during COVID-19

In most of Africa, people are more likely to die from starvation caused by the economic fallout from the pandemic than from COVID-19 itself.

IFAD’s Sara Mbago-Bhunu to join renowned Global South Experts on Commission on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification

Sara Mbago-Bhunu, IFAD’s director for the Eastern and Southern Africa Division, is among twenty-two renowned experts from across the Global South who are joining a major new Commission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (CoSAI).

COVID-19 response must target African agriculture and the rural poor

Africa has so far escaped the worst health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the continent looks like it could be the worst hit.

IFAD to provide US$43 million to boost aquaculture in Mozambique

IFAD announced today support for a new project to reduce poverty and increase production and incomes for more than 88,000 rural small-scale fish farmers through aquaculture.

Mozambique and IFAD join to combat climate change and increase food security

IFAD today announced support for a new programme to increase incomes, improve food and nutrition security and build the resilience of at least 902,500 rural Mozambican farmers, in one of the African countries most affected by climate change.

Talking about climate risk insurance with women in Ethiopia: How to improve value, access, and delivery

Women in Ethiopia and the world over play a huge and growing role in farming and food production.
