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A guide to the pulses that power our planet

Pulses are at the heart of thriving rural communities, and an essential ingredient for a sustainable future. Learn about some of these superfoods – and how to cook them with our Recipes for Change!

Navigating marine biodiversity for a better tomorrow – Episode 52

Marine biodiversity is a precious resource – but it has long been under threat. Today's coral reefs, for example, cover half the area they did in 1950, and nearly 10 per cent of marine life is at risk of extinction.

More food with every drop

Water is key to food and agriculture, but with many parts of the world increasingly affected by water scarcity, it’s critical that we use it wisely. Luckily, small-scale farmers are up to the challenge.

Why the Sustainable Development Goals matter: your questions answered

As countries meet to evaluate how much progress has been made towards the Sustainable Development Goals, find out more about these 17 objectives and why they’re important for the rural communities we work with.

El fondo de desarrollo agrícola de la ONU dará apoyo técnico y financiero para conservar los ecosistemas silvestres de la Amazonía peruana

El Gobierno del Perú ha anunciado esta semana la puesta en marcha de un proyecto para conservar los ecosistemas silvestres de la Amazonía, mediante la puesta en valor de la biodiversidad para la seguridad alimentaria y los bionegocios. Esta nueva iniciativa contará con el apoyo técnico y financiero del FIDA, junto con la FAO y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial (ONUDI).

It’s time we treat the transformation of food systems like the emergency that it is

Our current food systems cannot keep up with the world’s growing population – as a result, millions face hunger. Now more than ever, countries must take action to transform how food gets from farm to plate.
