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Recipes for Change: Ema datshi and millet momos

Try the Recipe at home: Ema datshi and millet momos - Bhutan

Young smallholder farmers overcoming climate challenges in Viet Nam

Climate change is one of the major dynamics of change affecting rural youth livelihoods. It is having significant effects on the countries in which the rural youth population is concentrated and on the sectors in which they will be looking for employment opportunities.

Gender-Transformative Adaptation. From good practice to better policy

Gender inequality is a pervasive threat to sustainable development and has negative impacts on our collective ability to meet human rights obligations.

Rwanda and IFAD partner to reduce poverty in drought-prone areas

About 7,167 poor and food insecure rural households in Rwanda will benefit from a new US$24.7 million project that aims to improve food and nutrition security, climate resilience and raise incomes by increasing production.

Opportunities, challenges and limitations of climate-smart agriculture - The case of Egypt

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) aims to facilitate the evolution of agricultural systems in the face of a rapidly changing climate. IFAD's approach to promoting CSA for smallholders focuses on three core objectives.

Paxina Chileshe talks about climate adaptation

Paxina Chileshe, climate change specialist at IFAD, talks about climate adaptation and smallholder farmers.

Massimo Giovanola talks about agricultural risk management

Massimo Giovanola, risk management specialist at IFAD, talks about IFAD's innovative and holistic approach to agricultural risk management.
