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Highlights from COP26 – Saturday 6 November

IFAD Goodwill Ambassadors, Idris and Sabrina Elba attended COP26 to help ensure that African farmers are not left out of the climate conversation and to promote greater investments for small-scale farmers and producers to adapt to climate change.

Media briefing with Idris and Sabrina Elba on how we can feed ten billion humans without destroying the habitable planet

We would like to invite you to our in-person media briefing on Saturday, 6 November at 11:00-11:30 GMT with IFAD and Conservation International on the importance of investing in small-scale agriculture, climate adaptation and nature-based solutions to achieve sustainable and prosperous food systems.

IFAD Goodwill Ambassadors Idris and Sabrina Elba attend COP26 to advocate for increased investments in climate adaptation and biodiversity protection

As climate negotiations enter a crucial phase, Idris and Sabrina Elba, UN Goodwill Ambassadors for IFAD, will attend COP26 to advocate for increased investments to help small-scale farmers to adapt to climate change and to protect biodiversity.

Six reasons to focus on small-scale producers at COP26

IFAD believes rural economies and food systems have the potential to become more resilient, sustainable, inclusive – and productive – all at the same time. But to get there, we need to focus our attention and support on the people who make these systems work.

COP26: Pastoralists and rural entrepreneurs from Asia and Africa amongst speakers at IFAD Pavillion

Pastoralists and young rural entrepreneurs from six different Asian and African countries will be at COP26 in person to share their experiences in managing their ecosystems and to advocate for investments to stimulate green jobs and climate adaptation.

Highlights from COP26 - Wednesday 3 November

It’s the first day at the IFAD Pavilion at COP26 in Glasgow, United Kingdom, and we’ve come together with thousands of activists, world leaders and representatives of businesses and civil society from around the world to talk about the greatest challenge we face: how to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Bringing the benefits of agricultural insurance to smallholders in Viet Nam: Building awareness and understanding

Between sowing their seeds and selling their harvest, smallholder farmers in developing countries face a multitude of potentially devastating risks. In Viet Nam, as in countries around the world, many of the most severe threats are climate-related, including storms, floods, excessive heat, frost and drought.

At COP26, IFAD spotlights the impact of climate change on small-scale farmers with an innovative virtual visit to Bangladesh

IFAD highlighted the impact of climate change on small-scale farmers at the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change currently underway in Glasgow, UK, through a virtual visit to Bangladesh, where the country’s poorest small-scale farmers spoke about the projects and practices that are helping them adapt.
