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The Real Groundbreakers: Irma from Guatemala

Irma, a young Q’eqchi woman and farmer from Guatemala, is working to reforest over 400 hectares of land damaged by climate change, illegal logging and fires.

Improving livelihoods of women in south west Ethiopia

Gendo Gembela Tsire is a women’s group in Chencha district, Ethiopia who are demonstrating the process of making kocho (to make traditional flatbread) and bula (a flour blend prepared as a porridge) from the enset crop.

Change starts at home – Addressing gender imbalances and climate issues through household methodologies

IFAD is piloting the use of household methodologies (HHMs) for gender equality and climate change adaptation as a way to accelerate progress towards the economic empowerment of rural women in Rwanda.

Hitting the right notes – Midori raises awareness of rural women through music

World-renowned violinist and United Nations Messenger of Peace, Midori, travelled to Viet Nam to meet with and perform for villagers in a remote and poverty-stricken community to raise awareness of the challenges faced by rural women.

The Real Groundbreakers: Halimé Djimet, Chad

Halimé Djimet is leading a collective of women in Chad to produce and market their sesame seed oil successfully.
