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Protecting health and protecting livelihoods: a delicate balance in the era of COVID-19

Development encompasses a wide range of actions that enables people, communities and nations to thrive even after projects have ended.

In Brazil, a “quiet revolution” for rural women makes the invisible visible

In north-eastern Brazil, as in so many other places, rural women's work is often invisible. But a revolution is taking place – and IFAD is a part of it.

Fast and flexible: IFAD’s first successful project restructuring protects smallholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted agricultural and food systems around the world, along with the livelihoods and food security of the poorest rural communities – precisely the groups of people whom IFAD concentrates its efforts on.

The making of a turning point: A rural Chinese women’s cooperative joins the COVID-19 fight

In 2016, the IFAD-funded YARIP project had partnered with the Qujing Zhanyi District Women’s Federation to transform traditional embroidery art into a new source of income and employment. Qujing, located in the ethnically diverse Yunnan province, is home to the Yi, an ethnic group with a population of about 300,000.

Before and during COVID-19, an e-voucher initiative makes a difference for Kenyan farmers

Victoria Muteti, a 44-year old farmer living in Kenya’s Makueni County, has many reasons to be satisfied. In January 2020, she was able to harvest more than 2,500 kilograms of sorghum from her 2.5-acre farm – far more than the 1,000 kg she harvested in 2019.

Small-scale farmers can help build resilient food systems in a post–COVID-19 world

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 820 million people were living in hunger. Tens of millions more will join them if we do not take the right actions, and quickly.
