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IFAD Member States approve ambitious $2 bn plan to reduce hunger and poverty for 100 million rural people

The 178 Member States of IFAD today adopted an ambitious agenda to improve the production, incomes, food security and resilience of more than 100 million rural people over three years.

IFAD highlights the transformative power of innovation for small-scale farmers

For small-scale farmers in some of the most remote corners of the world, innovation isn't just a buzzword. It's a lifeline with the potential to reshape the future of agriculture by generating and scaling up new ideas, new approaches and opportunities to sustainably overcome the challenges they face on a daily basis.

Recipes for Change: Nsima with chicken casserole and khobwe balls

Learn how to make a delicious and sustainable Malawian meal with these recipes collected from rural communities by Chef Sophie Grigson.

Swaying the power of seaweed - Episode 53

Seaweed packs a punch. It produces more than half of the world’s oxygen and removes millions of tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year. It's also incredibly nutritious and easily cultivated, with seaweed farming making up nearly a third of all marine aquaculture.

Global leaders harness the power of innovation for small-scale farmers at IFAD’s 47th Governing Council

Heads of state, ministers, development and innovation experts and representatives of small-scale farmers from all over the world will gather in Rome to participate in the IFAD’s annual Governing Council.

El FIDA insta a entidades públicas y privadas a acelerar las inversiones en desarrollo rural en Perú

El FIDA anunció hoy que, durante más de 25 años, su apoyo en el financiamiento de proyectos de inversión pública ha permitido generar un impacto positivo para miles de comunidades y hogares rurales por un monto total de 345 millones de dólares, de los cuales 155 millones han sido aportados por el Fondo.

A guide to the pulses that power our planet

Pulses are at the heart of thriving rural communities, and an essential ingredient for a sustainable future. Learn about some of these superfoods – and how to cook them with our Recipes for Change!

Rebuilding livelihoods in Afghanistan’s rural communities

IFAD’s Crisis Response Initiative is helping pastoralists in Herat build resilience against crises by training pastoralists in animal husbandry practices, providing veterinary units with equipment and supplying high quality feed during winter months.

Strengthening rural value chains, one link at a time

A well-oiled agricultural value chain allow small-scale farmers to make the most of their produce. That’s why IFAD works with rural communities around the world to strengthen local value chains and overcome the challenges that arise along the way.

Innovation for a food-secure future

Heads of state, ministers, development and innovation experts and representatives of small-scale farmers from all over the world will gather in Rome to participate in IFAD’s annual Governing Council.
