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Historic statement by Public Development Banks signals greater commitment to tackle global hunger and poverty

For the first time in history, today 13 Public Development Banks (PDBs) made a joint commitment to strengthen investments in food and agriculture in the context of a global pandemic and a changing climate.

Agricultural risk management: Towards long-term resilience

Risk and uncertainty intensify in the agriculture sector – especially throughout Africa.

Supporting rural women’s land rights

In many parts of the world, full participation in society – including the ability to earn an income – is still dependent on owning (or having the rights to) land.

A look at the digital technologies transforming agriculture

Agriculture has periodically been shaken up by various technological revolutions. The latest? The advent of digital technologies.

Keeping the family happy and healthy: Hafeeza’s story

Four years ago, back-to-back misfortunes upended Hafeeza Begum’s life. She knew it fell to her to get her young family back on their feet.

Green jobs for youth: What works and what’s missing?

Rural young people are increasingly concerned about the environment. Many of them work in sectors that are threatened by climate change, and they’re well aware that their industry and food systems will need to become more resilient and sustainable than ever before.

Recovery, Rebuilding, Resilience Under COVID-19 – Episode 13

In this month’s programme, we have the latest on COVID-19 from IFAD’s Associate Vice-President Donal Brown; news on nutrition from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic; and a report on getting youth issues right in development activities.

The 14th Five-Year Plan: An opportunity to advance China’s agricultural and rural transformation

A unique opportunity for China to advance its agricultural and rural transformation agenda.

Three reasons to invest in land tenure security

For rural people, especially low-income rural people, land and livelihood are one and the same.

African Heads of State call on world leaders to increase investment in IFAD to end rural hunger and poverty

Ten African Heads of State have issued a strong call to other world leaders to increase their funding to IFAD or risk jeopardizing Sustainable Development Goal targets for eradicating poverty and hunger, particularly in Africa.

Ten African Leaders write letters to other World Leaders to urge them to increase funding to IFAD

Ten African Heads of State have issued a strong call to other world leaders to increase their funding to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) or risk jeopardizing Sustainable Development Goal targets for eradicating poverty and hunger, particularly in Africa.

As FAO turns 75, its mission to end hunger and nourish the world is as relevant today as ever

Today, World Food Day marks the 75th anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Born on the wake of catastrophe - World War II, three-quarters of a century later, FAO's mission to end hunger and nourish the world has been made more relevant because of another global scourge - the COVID-19 pandemic, said QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General.

Idris and Sabrina Elba call for investments in rural agriculture to fight rising hunger

For Idris Elba, returning to Sierra Leone late last year was about two things: reconnecting with his roots and learning about the challenges facing the country where his father was born, so that he could become a better advocate for its people

Rural women in Latin America take control of food production – and their own development

All across Latin America, rural women are taking charge of their communities’ food production – and their own economic and personal development.

“Cashroots” movement builds community resilience in the Solomon Islands

Simon Chottu works hard and plays hard. An events manager by trade, he’s spent the last few years hosting hip-hop parties and organizing music events and competitions across the South Pacific.

Governments need to halt the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on rural women, says IFAD President on International Day of Rural Women

Our food supply is at risk if we don’t start prioritizing rural women during this pandemic, said Gilbert F. Houngbo, President of IFAD in a strong call to governments to increase their investments in rural women.

Consultation on IFAD’s Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures

IFAD is currently updating its Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures (SECAP) which was introduced in 2015 and last updated in 2017. This ongoing update of SECAP is not intended to be a comprehensive revision of the Procedures.

Rural women: The key to building back better in a post-COVID world

In times of crisis, rural women are the key that holds families and rural communities together – and in times like these, they need our support more than ever.

Dutch poverty fighter joins UN agency IFAD as global poverty rates rise

Meike van Ginneneken joins IFAD today as the new Associate Vice President of the Strategy and Knowledge Department.

Nourishing a sustainable cocoa trade in the Solomon Islands

On a dusty side street in Auki, a seaside market town on the island of Malaita, Arania Enterprises is bustling.
