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The making of a turning point: A rural Chinese women’s cooperative joins the COVID-19 fight

In 2016, the IFAD-funded YARIP project had partnered with the Qujing Zhanyi District Women’s Federation to transform traditional embroidery art into a new source of income and employment. Qujing, located in the ethnically diverse Yunnan province, is home to the Yi, an ethnic group with a population of about 300,000.

Before and during COVID-19, an e-voucher initiative makes a difference for Kenyan farmers

Victoria Muteti, a 44-year old farmer living in Kenya’s Makueni County, has many reasons to be satisfied. In January 2020, she was able to harvest more than 2,500 kilograms of sorghum from her 2.5-acre farm – far more than the 1,000 kg she harvested in 2019.

Tracking the implementation and impact of the Uganda Yield Fund: A groundbreaking M&E system for a groundbreaking fund

We are in the middle of a shift in how development is financed. Impact investing is on the rise.

When they came home: Migration and responses to COVID-19 in India

With most of the world sheltering in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ILO estimates that about 2.7 billion people are currently affected by workplace closures.

Small-scale farmers can help build resilient food systems in a post–COVID-19 world

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 820 million people were living in hunger. Tens of millions more will join them if we do not take the right actions, and quickly.

Chef Bela Gil’s pesto-millet balls: A lockdown-friendly recipe

We’ve been asking our Recipes for Change chefs to tell us how they are adapting to life during the coronavirus pandemic – and to share a delicious recipe that can be made with basic cupboard ingredients.

Empowering and protecting rural women in the time of coronavirus

The April morning sun beats down on Kontagora, a lively market town in central Nigeria. Generators hum as milling machines husk the brown bran from rice grains, revealing glistening white kernels. COVID-19 is on everybody’s mind. But the thriving Tudun Wada South Rice Processors women’s cooperative is open for business.

How do shocks affect project impacts?

Past experience tells us that quick, tailored support is required to ensure that the impacts of our projects are protected from the effects of the COVID-19 crisis.

Investing in Food in the Time of Coronavirus - Episode 7

We begin this month’s programme with an update on IFAD's operations and on investing in food during the time of coronavirus.

An Asia-Pacific crisis like never before

After many years of sustained annual reductions in poverty and hunger across the Asia-Pacific region, the COVID-19 global pandemic is threatening a massive reversal of these gains and driving Asian countries into recession.

Recipes for Change: Chef Lance Seeto’s homemade chicken, ginger and greens soup

IFAD’s Recipes for Change chefs are adjusting to life in a world contending with COVID-19 – and as a part of that, they’re sharing some excellent recipes that you can make with ingredients you’ve already got in your home cupboard.

IFAD announces landmark investment in impact fund helping rural SMEs

In a continuation of its efforts to help small-scale farmers and micro-, small and medium size rural enterprises in developing countries create jobs and increase incomes, IFAD announced today it will make an investment of US$9 million (€8.4 million) into the Agri-Business Capital (ABC) Fund, a blended capital impact fund.

As Earth Day adopts a climate action theme, let’s not forget about smallholder farmers

On this day 50 years ago – the first Earth Day had just taken place – and a global movement was born.

Recovery, reactivation and resilience: Confronting COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean

With half of the planet’s population locked down, the global economy brought to a halt and the number of cases reaching into the millions, it is clear that the COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest crisis of our time.

IFAD’s response to the COVID-19 crisis - protecting and enhancing rural resilience

The COVID-19 pandemic is far more than a health crisis: it is affecting societies and economies. IFPRI estimates, for example, that 140 million additional people could fall into extreme poverty this year as a result of the virus.

Collaborating in a time of crisis: Three early takeaways from the COVID-19 response in India

The tremendous progress in reducing poverty made by India over the past 25 years could now be reversed because of the unprecedented emergency facing all of us – the COVID-19 pandemic.

Teach me how to fish and I will transform my life – and my community

Along the coastline of Mozambique, fishing boats dot the clear blue waters. For the people on these boats, their daily excursions are their livelihood – in more ways than one.

#IFADatwork: our mission in the time of COVID-19

This interactive map shows how our colleagues, beneficiaries, and partners have continued working, while taking steps to stay safe.

UN Goodwill Ambassadors Idris and Sabrina Elba launch appeal for IFAD’s $200 million coronavirus relief fund for rural communities

Actor, filmmaker and humanitarian Idris Elba and actress, model and activist Sabrina Dhowre Elba today launched a new global coronavirus relief fund on behalf of IFAD to prevent economic shocks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic from triggering a global hunger and food crisis.

New IFAD fund launched to help prevent rural food crisis in wake of COVID-19

With the COVID-19 pandemic and economic slowdown threatening the lives and livelihoods of the world’s most vulnerable people, IFAD today committed US$40 million, and launched an urgent appeal for additional funds, to support farmers and rural communities to continue growing and selling food.
