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IFAD, Stanbic Bank enter partnership to cut money transfer costs to Uganda in half

IFAD and Stanbic Bank Uganda (SBU) today announced a partnership that will cut the cost incurred by Ugandan migrant workers sending money home in half by using Flexipay, a digital payments’ platform.

Africa is in the eye of the climate change storm. Here is what its people are calling for

It’s time countries step up their investments and secure a climate-resilient future for small-scale farmers in Africa. Here’s how.

12 startups de Latinoamérica y el Caribe lideran el cierre de la brecha digital en zonas rurales

Innovatech, el novedoso proyecto financiado por el FIDA e implementado por la entidad financiera alemana Sparkassenstiftung, está sentando un precedente en Latinoamérica, al lograr una exitosa vinculación entre startups tecnológicas –empresas fintech y agtech–, y el sector rural en seis países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe.

African leader Gerardine Mukeshimana joins UN rural development agency IFAD as Vice-President

Amid growing global food insecurity and an intensifying climate crisis, Gerardine Mukeshimana takes up duties today as Vice-President of IFAD. Mukeshimana, a former Rwandan Minister for Agriculture and Animal Resources, was instrumental in leading agricultural growth in Rwanda for almost a decade.

Future proofing farming for youth - episode 47

The future of farming belongs to rural youth. In this episode, we explore how to enhance productivity and empower young farmers.
