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Invitation to Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD: How indigenous food systems can help build resilience to impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic

This year, representatives from Indigenous Peoples’ groups from around 57 countries will meet with development organisations and governments to discuss ways to address challenges and opportunities.

Help for Nigerian small-scale farmers to improve food security and combat poverty in the face of COVID-19

The Federal Government of Nigeria and IFAD are working together to lessen the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on small-scale farmers’ activities and domestic food supply in northeastern states of Nigeria.

Unless we urgently rethink agriculture, more diseases will jump species

As the world grapples with the current pandemic, other threats, not least our climate emergency, have not gone away. The science is clear that without urgent global action, the climate and broader environmental crisis could be worse.

New Vision, New Year – Episode 16

In this month’s episode, we’re focusing on youth and indigenous peoples as agents of change in the developing world.

Help small-scale farmers adapt to climate change or face increased hunger and migration, warns IFAD President

If investments to help rural small-scale farmers adapt to climate change do not substantially increase, we risk widespread hunger and global instability, warned Gilbert F. Houngbo, President of IFAD, ahead of next week’s Climate Adaptation Summit.

Fai fatongia: One island’s path to food security, COVID mitigation and climate resilience

In the Kingdom of Tonga, fai fatongia rules the day. Under this principle, which translates to “fulfilling one’s responsibility,” Tongans traditionally put the collective good first and their individual needs second.

There is a growing climate emergency facing smallholders across Asia Pacific – what is IFAD doing about it?

According to UN reports, the Asia Pacific region is the most disaster-prone region in the world. Nearly 45 per cent of the world’s natural disasters occur in the region.

Digital agriculture: key to helping small-scale producers overcome COVID-19 challenges

As we approach the first anniversary of the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s an important moment to take stock on the impact of the pandemic, and to reflect on what we have learned, and what we can do better going forward.

Greening the Sahara: the Great Green Wall Initiative

In 2009, I travelled by road to Timbuktu, Mali on a short field trip. As we made our way down the dusty roads, I remember wondering what could possibly pull this arid, sparsely populated land into relative prosperity.

French President Emmanuel Macron calls on leaders to fund IFAD

In a move to sustainably address rising hunger and poverty, exacerbated by COVID-19, climate change and biodiversity loss, French President Emmanuel Macron called on global leaders to step up their commitments in support of long-term agricultural development.

IFAD and GCF scale-up action to improve life for millions of people and restore ecosystems in Africa’s Great Green Wall

A new investment programme is planned to support Sahelian governments through a partnership between the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and IFAD in order to boost climate finance for these rural populations.

To “green” the Sahel, we need big plans and small actions

The best way to make the desert bloom is to dig a hole. Not a well, but a shallow pit in the sandy soil about as wide as the length of your forearm. Then add some dung, plant your seeds, and wait for the rains.

National Calls for Proposals (The Gambia, Ghana, Senegal): Supporting remittances in times of crisis in Africa

The Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) of IFAD is pleased to announce the 2020 National Calls for Proposals: Supporting Remittances in Times of Crisis in Africa.

Take our end-of-year quiz!

A lot has happened over the last year – besides a global pandemic. See how much you were paying attention by taking our end of year quiz!

A year in review: Nurturing resilient rural communities in a time of change

2020 has been a tumultuous year. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone across the world – and meanwhile, the other challenges faced by rural people across the globe haven’t gone away.

New Frontiers in Sustainable Farming – Episode 15

In this episode, we say goodbye to a year that’s been full of uncertainty and change, but also adaptation, innovation and improvement.

A holiday gift with impact: crowdfunding solar-powered water access in Africa

This holiday season, some of the world’s poorest families in Somalia and Malawi look set to access water through innovative solar energy products financed through a crowdfunding project set up by IFAD.

Wishing you season’s greetings from Recipes for Change

Our Recipes for Change chefs Ska Moteane, Lance Seeto, Bela Gil, Pierre Thiam and Mariah Gladstone shared with us their festive wishes for the Recipes for Change community and IFAD in the holiday season.

Chef Bowerman wishes our readers Happy Holidays with this festive treat

To celebrate with all our readers and supporters and wish you Happy Holidays, we asked our Recipes for Change chefs to share some festive recipes to enjoy during the holiday season.

Five reasons IFAD is putting small-scale farmers at the forefront of food systems transformation

Our current food systems are not sustainable. Hunger has been on the rise for several years, with an estimated 811 million people worldwide going hungry in 2020 – and with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, up to 132 million more people are expected to join this number soon.

The first woman camel farmer in North Africa: Imen’s story

Benguerdane is a small town in the desert plain of El Ouara, a region in the extreme south-east of Tunisia, just a few kilometres away from the Libyan border. The climate there is forbiddingly arid, and the main source of livelihood is raising livestock like sheep and goats.

Pope Francis joins 25 countries to fight against poverty and hunger in first round of pledges to IFAD

Despite the economic consequences of COVID-19, a growing number of countries around the world today stepped up their investments in long-term development, signalling a greater awareness of the links between hunger, inequality and instability which often spark humanitarian crises.

IFAD joins with partners to build resilience and boost development in the Sahel

IFAD is joining with FAO and WFP - as well as the G5 Sahel and the Green Climate Fund to revitalize economic activities and food systems in the Group of Five Sahel countries and in the Republic of Senegal.

How Bhutan is showing the way in building crop biodiversity

For countries like Bhutan – nestled in the high Himalayas, historically isolated and topographically challenging – ensuring food security is vital.

Climate change talks cannot continue to ignore the needs of small-scale farmers

Poor rural people are among the hardest hit by climate change while contributing little to its causes. They deserve a fair share of climate finance to improve their resilience, and a seat at the table for the global climate talks.

Des députés français se mobilisent pour soutenir le développement agricole et l’action du FIDA sur le terrain

Les députés français, Marion Lenne et Jean François Mbaye, membres de la commission des Affaires étrangères du parlement, en visite au Sénégal cette semaine, ont plaidé pour que le gouvernement français augmente sa contribution de manière significative à la douzième reconstitution des ressources du FIDA, qui se conclura en février 2021.

Mozambique and IFAD to increase resilience and food and nutrition security in the face of climate change and COVID-19

The Government of Mozambique and IFAD have officially launched the Inclusive Agri-Food Value Chain Development Programme (PROCAVA) to improve rural livelihoods, food security and resilience – are all critical needs in view of pandemic and climate change impacts for the country’s most vulnerable people.

Eliminating poverty and hunger high on global agenda as countries pledge funds to IFAD

At a time when hunger and poverty are increasing due to conflict, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the world’s poorest countries are the first to pledge funds to the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to support its work to ensure that the most vulnerable rural people can sustainably access nutritious food and decent incomes.

Multi-million euro contribution from Germany to IFAD will help avert a COVID-19 food crisis

In the face of a looming food crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Germany has committed funds to IFAD to help ensure small-scale farmers can continue growing food in some of the poorest regions of the world.

World Soil Day: A tribute to our friends underground

Today is World Soil Day, so let’s dwell a little on this amazing world of earthworms, mites, fungi and microbes.

Working closer as a UN family in country – a review of progress in implementing the UN reform agenda across Asia Pacific

The adoption of General Assembly resolution 72/279 in May 2018, triggered a consortium of UN organizations to come together and rethink how the United Nations Development System can deliver more coherent, accountable and effective support to help countries achieve the 2030 Agenda.

New UN report reveals the inequality in the geographical distribution of malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean

A new United Nations report shows the territorial inequality of malnutrition in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Sicurezza alimentare e Covid-19, come proteggere le filiere?

La vice Ministra degli Esteri Emanuela Del Re ed esperti italiani e internazionali ne discutono in un seminario online aperto ai giornalisti.

Three ways we’re using digital technologies to fight rural poverty in the NEN region

Digital technologies have become our constant companions over the last few decades. Devices like smartphones and laptops have become even more relevant after the COVID-19 outbreak, helping us stay in touch even in times of physical distance.

The United Nations will present a new report on food and nutrition security in Latin America and the Caribbean

On December 2, the United Nations will present the new edition of the report Panorama of food and nutritional security in Latin America and the Caribbean 2020, focused on the territories that suffer the highest rates of malnutrition, stunring and overweight.

Rural youth, innovation and tradition: the challenge of a new order

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the reinvention of the agricultural sector is indispensable today. In fact, it is already beginning to take place with young people at the heart of it.

Resilience in rural Syria: Welcoming back tourists with fresh-baked pastries

After a decade of conflict, local tourists are slowly starting to return to the pristine mountainsides just a short drive outside Latakia, Syria. Visitors to the village of Zaghreen, in particular, are greeted by the aroma of Issam Mohammad Hamoody’s freshly-baked pastries.

Resilience in rural Syria: The sound of songbirds

Conflict has paralyzed much of Syria’s rural economy over the past decade. People throughout the countryside often repeat what has become a common quote: “No sound is louder than the sound of gunshots.” But at least one woman in rural Syria is listening to a different tune.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Each year, to raise public awareness of gender-based violence across the world, the United Nations recognizes 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

16 days of activism against gender-based violence: Building a brighter future for women and girls

Violence against women is far more than a violation of human rights. It undermines women’s physical and mental health, as well as their ability to be happy and productive members of their societies.

IFAD and FAO join forces to support family farming in the Near East and North Africa

IFAD and FAO have joined forces to foster inclusive and sustainable family farming as the central cornerstone for a vibrant, productive and profitable agriculture across the Near East and North Africa.

Why small farms are key to the future of food - and how we can support them

In the 25 years since Clayton Christensen coined the term “disruptive innovation,” much has been written about the benefits of shaking up established business practices.

Resilience in rural Syria: An entrepreneurial spirit conquers hardships

Determination and perseverance are what make an entrepreneur successful. That’s doubly true in a country like Syria, where ongoing conflict has disrupted people’s lives for the past decade.

Innovations in agriculture during COVID-19 – Episode 14

This month’s programme is all about innovations in agriculture. We’re travelling around the world to hear about new technologies designed to ensure food security.

In an urbanizing world, strong rural–urban links remain the key to resilient cities

As the world becomes more and more urbanized, many have suggested that cities hold the key to an efficient, sustainable future.

AA+ credit rating from Standard & Poor’s will help IFAD increase investments to fight poverty and hunger

The prospect of eradicating hunger and poverty received a boost today as IFAD obtained its second strong public credit rating, facilitating its access to private funds to invest in increasing rural prosperity and development in the world’s poorest countries.  

President's Hearing to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Parliament

Gilbert F. Houngbo, President of IFAD was invited to hold a hearing to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Parliament on 18 November.

No place like home: Moldovan youth bring business to the countryside

Moldova’s agriculture sector is increasingly developing and modernizing. This is due both to an increased presence in lucrative markets like the European Union and to the efforts deployed by IFAD and the Government of Moldova to help restructure the sector, largely through sustained investments and financial support to small-scale farmers, to accompany this modernization.

Linking small-scale producers to markets in Lebanon

Apple season in Lebanon is much like apple season in many other parts of the world. But in Lebanon, apple growers – along with small-scale farmers of all kinds – face a number of constraints on their ability to efficiently grow and sell their crops.

Dutch funding to IFAD will help avert COVID-19 food crisis

As more people spiral into hunger and poverty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Netherlands has stepped up its funding to IFAD to help avert a rural food crisis.
