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Mobile phones to help 1.7 million small-scale farmers increase production during COVID-19 economic slowdown

Some 1.7 million small-scale farmers in Kenya, Nigeria and Pakistan will soon receive personalized agricultural advice through their mobile phones as a means to improve their incomes, food security and resilience to economic shocks caused by COVID-19, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) announced today.

Youth leaders working towards transformative rural development

From climate action groups to political institutions, youth are taking on leading roles and bringing new perspectives into the table – showing they are not only the future, but also the present.

Nepali youth prepare for their dream jobs with IFAD-supported courses

Ranjana Chaudhary’s story sounds like the stories of many thousands, if not millions, of young people in Nepal.

Shining the development spotlight on youth

As a result of the pandemic, the equivalent of 400 million full-time jobs have already been lost worldwide, and a further 71 million to 100 million people could consequently be pushed into extreme poverty.

Indigenous youth in agriculture during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to re-examine everything: their priorities, their jobs, even their roles in society.

IFAD and Uzbekistan bring improved incomes and livelihoods to the Fergana valley

More than 375,000 rural people in eastern Uzbekistan’s Fergana valley will benefit from new financing that aims to increase their incomes through the introduction of modern farming techniques, provide access to long-term financing for agriculture, and create jobs in rural areas.

Humanitarian aid alone is not enough to address hunger, says new Vice President of UN agency IFAD

We are failing in our response to increasing hunger levels by focusing predominantely on humanitarian aid, said Dominik Ziller, the new Vice President of IFAD who took office today.

Smartphones keep track of IFAD projects’ achievements and challenges in Brazil during COVID-19

For all the chaos they bring, crises also have a way of giving birth to unexpected opportunities. One way they do this is by urging people to develop new tools to help them resist disaster.

Un total de 25 organizaciones impulsan una campaña para empoderar a las mujeres rurales, indígenas y afrodescendientes frente a la pandemia de COVID-19

58 millones de mujeres viven en zonas rurales de América Latina y el Caribe; una parte importante de ellas juega un rol central en la producción y abastecimiento de alimentos

Free-range chicken farming a success in remote Viet Nam

At first, when Nguyen Thi Bich decided to try her hand at highland chicken farming, she didn’t quite know what to expect.

Keeping Farmers in Focus in a COVID-19 World - Episode 10

In this month’s programme, we’re keeping farmers in focus. We’ve got the latest on how farming communities are coping with the COVID-19 crisis.

Call for Proposals: Rural youth employment opportunities: Support to Integrated Agribusiness Hubs

This call for proposals is to select a recipient or consortium of recipients to receive a four-year IFAD grant financing to implement the project: Rural youth employment opportunities: Support to integrated agribusiness hubs initiative, for a total amount of up to US$3.5 million.

Member State delegates welcome Special Envoys in support of IFAD’s Twelfth Replenishment

IFAD’s Twelfth Replenishment (IFAD12) comes at a critical juncture. Hunger is on the rise across the globe, and progress against poverty has come to a standstill.

2020 Call for Nominations: Indigenous Peoples Awards

IFAD launches the first call for nominations for the Indigenous Peoples Awards to recognize the efforts and the achievements of development projects that successfully engage with Indigenous Peoples or ethnic minorities living in rural areas.

Annual Report 2019 reaffirms the importance of IFAD’s investments in challenging times

In 2020, the world is seeing once again that when crisis strikes, it is the poorest and most vulnerable people who suffer the most.

From project participant to project staff: Priscilla Torres’s story of growth

Although you won’t find the little village of Wowetta on any Internet map, it’s the centre of the universe for Priscilla Torres, a 37-year-old Wapishana woman. A very active and outspoken mother of three, Priscilla is a true community leader.

IFAD, Mars and ICRAF invest in sustainable farming research and development in Indonesia and the Philippines

A new project will focus on two raw materials critical to the livelihoods of small-scale producers: cocoa and palm oil

Angola and IFAD to promote sustainable agriculture and boost food security in the face of climate change

The International Fund for Agricultural Development of the United Nations (IFAD) today announced support for a new project to boost agricultural productivity, improve food and nutrition security and build the resilience of at least 218,000 rural families in Angola who are vulnerable to climate shocks.

Indigenous Peoples are crucial partners to build a better post–COVID-19 world, says IFAD President

Indigenous Peoples and their unique knowledge are essential to address the COVID-19 outbreak and to build a more sustainable, resilient world.

Social media helps young rural Kenyan entrepreneurs battle the COVID-19 shutdown

Until COVID-19 hit in March, the G-Star Youth Group’s banana processing factory was buzzing with activity.

The Rural Youth Innovation Award honours young people who care about biodiversity, market access and the preservation of traditions

Rossana Polastri, Director of the Latin America and the Caribbean Division of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), has announced the winners of the Rural Youth Innovation Award. This prize has been created by IFAD to strengthen and build the capacities of young people and to promote opportunities being created by young people who are already changing the rural landscape of the region.

The importance of data management for pastoral communities

Globally, between 200 and 500 million pastoralists manage rangelands that cover over a third of the Earth’s landmass.

Thank you, “cocoa doctors”

Chocolate comes in many different forms and varieties, but it always needs one vital ingredient: cocoa. But a decade ago, it was predicted that, by 2020, the world would have a cocoa shortfall of one million tonnes a year.

IFAD invests €77.7 million in Niger for food and nutrition security and climate change resilience

The International Fund for Agricultural Development of the United Nations (IFAD) today announced a new project that will boost support for about 210,000 poor rural households in Niger that are vulnerable to climate shocks and food insecurity.

Indigenous knowledge – and resilience – in a COVID-19 world

It is increasingly clear that human health and our relationship with nature are inescapably intertwined. This holds true across many dimensions of health, including the potential for the transmission of disease – just as we are seeing with the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo and IFAD partner for better nutrition and resilience for small-scale farmers facing COVID-19

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) today announced support for a new programme in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to reduce poverty, increase productivity and incomes, improve food and nutrition security, and build the resilience of more than 410,000 small-scale farmers households.

Location, location, location: Why using GIS in rural development projects is fundamental

Knowing the geographic location of people or things helps us to monitor well-being and assess the impact of events.

The red gold of Azilal: How thyme and saffron empower women in Morocco's High Atlas

Fatima Amaguar came home from university with an idea.

Peru: New IFAD-funded project to help family farmers to increase productivity and recover from COVID-19

The Government of Peru and IFAD signed a financing agreement today for a new project to help family farmers increase their competitiveness and resilience, and to recover from the COVID-19 impact.

One small step: Empowering micro-, small and medium businesses across South Asia

It is something of a paradox that, while there is broad agreement that micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are an integral part of the economy in developing countries, they remain underserved.

Stepping up rural finance to support smallholder farmers in Zambia

The COVID-19 pandemic is creating disruption - but sometimes offers opportunities for innovative solutions for rural farmers.

Looking inward: I-Kiribati fight a double health crisis

COVID-19 is not the only health crisis threatening to devastate the population of Kiribati. Cases of diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have tripled between 2005 and 2010.

From La Paz to Turco: Going back to the roots to start a new life

Guadalupe Moller lives in Turco, a small community in rural western Bolivia. She’d spent most of her life in La Paz, Bolivia’s capital, but four years ago she moved back to Turco, where her family’s roots are.

Catching up with Recipes for Change Chef Lance Seeto

Chef Lance Seeto is an icon of South Pacific cuisine. He’s also been a supporter of IFAD’s Recipes for Change campaign for more than five years now.

Young People in Agriculture – Before, During and After COVID-19 - Episode 9

IFAD is helping young people in agriculture evaluate the COVID-19 crisis and build their resilience for the future. In this episode, we hear from nine different voices on this important topic.

Interview with Recipes for Change Chef Bela Gil

“I joined this project because I believe food can really change the world.”

Never let a good crisis go to waste

Small-scale farmers face multiple challenges in Cambodia - with limited access to credit and vulnerability to climate change.

Back to the Roots: Innovating with sustainable gastronomy

What comes to mind when you hear the words “sustainable gastronomy”? Some of us focus just on the cuisine and think about delicious – and perhaps costly – dishes.

Photo contest shows how Latin American and Caribbean rural youth see their own lives

It’s not often that we have the opportunity to see how rural people see themselves. International organizations like ours tell their stories armed with cameras, notebooks and laptops – and, of course, our own point of view, which is important to compare with theirs.

On International Day of Family Remittances, IFAD calls for remittance service providers to be declared essential businesses in times of crisis

With the significant decline in money sent home by migrants due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic,IFAD today called for governments across the world to declare remittance service providers essential businesses in times of crisis.

The difference four years makes: A small Ecuadorean town goes from subsistence to prosperity with IFAD’s support

Four years ago, the residents of Chiquicha were just gathering the first fruits of an irrigation project.

Coming back home: The road ahead for migrant returnees in Nepal

Migrants are essential workers; they contribute to the economy of the places they go and, through remittances, to their communities back home.

India: Radiant Women

"Tejaswini" means “a woman who is radiant”. And the one million Indian women who are part of the Tejaswini Rural Women’s Empowerment Programme, are indeed radiant.

African migrants’ family remittances put to the test

In April, the World Bank projected a sharp decline of about 20 per cent in global remittances as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and shutdown.

Regional SOFI 2019: Sustainable food systems for healthy diets in the Near East and North Africa

Rethinking food systems for healthy diets and improved nutrition.

Canada is first to commit funds to IFAD facility created to help avert food crisis

Canada announced today that it will be the first country to pledge funds to a new facility set up by the IFAD to help prevent a food crisis in some of the world’s poorest and most marginalized rural communities in the wake of COVID-19.

COVID-19: The decline of global remittances puts rural families at risk

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the loss of millions of jobs in the developed and developing world.

From Meghalaya to Jharkhand, how India is ensuring agri supply chains are not disrupted

In a world living with Covid-19, it is clear that supply chains and logistics should be simple and easy to manage. And that’s what several Indian states are doing.

Keeping exports flowing: Saving development gains in Rwanda

When exports of dried pineapple resumed at the beginning of May, after the lockdown, Jean Damascène Hakuzimana, President of the Tuzamurane farmers’ cooperative, was relieved.
