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Four questions with IFAD’s new Vice-President

Meet IFAD’s new Vice-President. Gerardine Mukeshimana discusses the importance of investing in rural communities, climate change adaptation and giving women access to resources.

Call for proposals: IFAD grant financing the implementation of a project on "Innovative regenerative agriculture approaches to improve resilience and food security"

The Near East, North Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia Division of IFAD is pleased to share this call for proposals aimed at selecting a recipient or consortium of recipients to receive an IFAD grant.

10 ways to reduce food loss: lessons from the field

Food loss occurring after harvest and before retail sale, also termed post-harvest loss, is a key challenge in many developing countries and one that IFAD is committed to alleviate.

This is what sustainable development looks like: How IFAD projects reap rewards long after they end

Investing in rural communities is a long-term solution to many of the problems the world is facing – but projects must keep giving, long after they’ve come to an end. Find out more about IFAD’s longtail impacts across the globe.

France, Norway and Spain make landmark financial commitments to IFAD, as President urges others to follow suit

After France and Norway announced their highest-ever financial contributions to IFAD yesterday, preceded by Spain’s pledge of a four-fold increase last week, IFAD President Alvaro Lario is calling on leaders to urgently follow suit.

Counting the cost of malnutrition - Episode 48

In this episode, we’re tackling malnutrition. In the spotlight we have an intriguing report on obesity in developing countries. Then we speak to IFAD's Lead Technical Specialist on Nutrition, Joyce Njoro, about the factors driving food inflation and its impact on access to healthy diets. Also in episode 48, Nadine Gbossa shares with us the key findings from this year's UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment.

Fitch Ratings confirms AA+ rating for the International Fund for Agricultural Development

Fitch Ratings confirmed IFAD Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'AA+' with a Stable Outlook.

El FIDA impulsó la formación digital de 2,400 jóvenes en Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras para revalorizar la ruralidad en las redes sociales

Con el objetivo de revalorizar la ruralidad desde el protagonismo juvenil, el FIDA premió hoy en su sede en Roma a los jóvenes ganadores del Concurso de YouTubers y TikTokers Rurales, provenientes de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras.

How IFAD promotes peace

Poverty is both a symptom and a driver of conflict. That’s why IFAD supports the poorest and most marginalized people as they contribute to a more peaceful world where everyone can access dignified work that fosters shared economic prosperity.

Learning from El Niño

El Niño is back, and its effects are expected to have dire consequences for rural people. Oliver Page explains why we must do more to create a resilient, sustainable future in the face of this devastating climate phenomenon.

IFAD President at UNGA: “The climate crisis hinders efforts to eradicate hunger and poverty”

World leaders gather in New York for the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), to rebuild trust, reignite solidarity among nations and rescue the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This includes rescuing Sustainable Development Goals for Zero Hunger and No Poverty. Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, warns of the dire and irreversible effects that the climate crisis will have on hunger and poverty if sound adaptation measures are not taken quickly.

FAO, IsDB, and IFAD Collaborate to Strengthen Food Security Technologies for Smallholder Farmers

FAO, IsDB, and IFAD have joined hands in a significant partnership agreement aimed at enhancing global food security and nutrition. This trilateral cooperation agreement focuses on empowering rural smallholder farmers by providing them with accessible, affordable and adaptable technologies crucial for ensuring food security.

Why the Sustainable Development Goals matter: your questions answered

As countries meet to evaluate how much progress has been made towards the Sustainable Development Goals, find out more about these 17 objectives and why they’re important for the rural communities we work with.

North Africa is struggling to cope. The terrible events of this week will become all too familiar unless we invest in resilience

IFAD’s Regional Director for the NEN region, Dina Saleh, reacts to the disastrous events that have occurred in the region this week.

The road to a greener future

Roads may sometimes be taken for granted. But for remote rural communities, they can be life changing. Find out how integrating roads and water management can lead to sustainable economic growth.

Earthquake devastates poor rural communities in Morocco

A devastating earthquake in Morocco has rocked rural communities. IFAD’s team are on the ground to understand how our project participants and the projects themselves have been affected.

South-South action to confront development challenges

Rural people across the world live in a dizzying array of contexts, yet they face surprisingly similar struggles. Through South-South and Triangular Cooperation, countries in the Global South learn from each other and share resources so they can overcome development challenges together.

Recipes for Change: Gaeng Nor Mai Som (Lao soured bamboo soup)

Chef Saeng's Gaeng Nor Mai Som, a hearty and delicious Lao sour bamboo soup, takes us on a flavourful journey into the heart of Southeast Asia.

Investing in a better future: Asia and the Pacific

The Asia Pacific region is one of dizzying contrasts and incredible scale. We caught up with Regional Director, Reehana Rifat Raza, to find out the challenges faced by rural people in this dynamic region and how investment can make all the difference for their futures.

ALIDE y el FIDA unen fuerzas para fortalecer el desarrollo rural en América Latina y el Caribe

En el marco de la Cumbre de Finanzas en Común 2023, la Asociación Latinoamericana de Instituciones Financieras para el Desarrollo (ALIDE) y el FIDA han anunciado su nuevo partenariado para promover el desarrollo agrícola y rural, impulsar la seguridad alimentaria y combatir la pobreza rural en toda América Latina y el Caribe.

What are Public Development Banks? Your questions answered

Public Development Banks are a crucial but often underappreciated force driving global change for the better. As the world confronts compounding crises, we deep dive into PDBs and why they matter for rural people.

Investing in a better future: East and Southern Africa

East and Southern Africa is home to a diversity of landscapes, people and challenges. We sat down with Regional Director Sara Mbago-Bhunu to talk about rural life and the importance of investment.

The UN’s agricultural development fund chief urges Public Development Banks to direct funding to fight hunger, poverty and climate change

“Public development banks must ensure that their significant financial resources better serve the fight against hunger, poverty and climate change”, said Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, at the Finance in Common Summit 2023 (FICS) today in Colombia.

IFAD, Stanbic Bank enter partnership to cut money transfer costs to Uganda in half

IFAD and Stanbic Bank Uganda (SBU) today announced a partnership that will cut the cost incurred by Ugandan migrant workers sending money home in half by using Flexipay, a digital payments’ platform.

Africa is in the eye of the climate change storm. Here is what its people are calling for

It’s time countries step up their investments and secure a climate-resilient future for small-scale farmers in Africa. Here’s how.

12 startups de Latinoamérica y el Caribe lideran el cierre de la brecha digital en zonas rurales

Innovatech, el novedoso proyecto financiado por el FIDA e implementado por la entidad financiera alemana Sparkassenstiftung, está sentando un precedente en Latinoamérica, al lograr una exitosa vinculación entre startups tecnológicas –empresas fintech y agtech–, y el sector rural en seis países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe.

African leader Gerardine Mukeshimana joins UN rural development agency IFAD as Vice-President

Amid growing global food insecurity and an intensifying climate crisis, Gerardine Mukeshimana takes up duties today as Vice-President of IFAD. Mukeshimana, a former Rwandan Minister for Agriculture and Animal Resources, was instrumental in leading agricultural growth in Rwanda for almost a decade.

Future proofing farming for youth - episode 47

The future of farming belongs to rural youth. In this episode, we explore how to enhance productivity and empower young farmers.

IFAD and Bangladesh observe 45 years of successful rural transformation

Minister for Agriculture Muhammad Abdur Razzaque highlighted the dramatic progress made by Bangladesh in the agricultural sector at an event commemorating 45 years of partnership between IFAD and the Government of Bangladesh.

When resilience is not enough

The line between getting by and going under is often all too thin. Disasters can immediately upend lives and reverse decades of progress and rural development. That’s why rural people also need their community, their country and their planet to be resilient.

Why farmers’ organizations matter: Your questions answered

Farmers’ organizations mean small-scale farmers can access markets, inputs, finance and information that would otherwise be hard to come by. Find out what farmers’ organisations are and what IFAD is doing to support them.

Investments in poor small-scale farmers generate significant benefits for climate and environment, says new IFAD-GEF report

Joint investments in small-scale farming in developing countries not only increase vulnerable rural people’s capacity to cope with the ever-increasing climatic and economic shocks, but significantly benefit the environment and climate by helping to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, recovering degraded land and curbing biodiversity loss, according a new joint report launched today by IFAD and the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Healthy planet, healthy people: How IFAD and GEF are partnering to transform the world

Small-scale farmers need financial support to face the climate crisis. For the last 20 years, IFAD and the Global Environment Facility have been supporting rural communities as they build food systems that nourish us all.

El fondo de desarrollo agrícola de la ONU dará apoyo técnico y financiero para conservar los ecosistemas silvestres de la Amazonía peruana

El Gobierno del Perú ha anunciado esta semana la puesta en marcha de un proyecto para conservar los ecosistemas silvestres de la Amazonía, mediante la puesta en valor de la biodiversidad para la seguridad alimentaria y los bionegocios. Esta nueva iniciativa contará con el apoyo técnico y financiero del FIDA, junto con la FAO y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial (ONUDI).

Rural realities go global with immersive storytelling

Few storytelling mediums are more powerful than film. Find out how IFAD is using virtual reality and 360° video technology to ensure that rural people’s voices are heard.

Young people hold the key to Africa’s green economy

Young people in rural areas are struggling to find work and earn an income. Here’s how the green transition is changing that in Africa.

Indigenous youth are shaping our world

Indigenous youth not only embody many generations of tradition, but they are also the guardians of our future. By playing critical roles in today's society, they are shaping a better world.

Recipes for Change: Stuffed vine leaves

Stuffed vine leaves are prevalent across much of the Middle East and the Mediterranean – in fact, there are countless variations of this dish.

We must do more to curb obesity and overweight in low- and middle-income countries

Overweight and obesity are on the rise in low- and middle-income countries. Here’s what we can do to help reverse this health crisis.

UN and South Sudan join forces to boost rural development through producers’ organizations and access to finance

The project is expected to reach 160,000 people, with a focus on women, youth, returnees and people with disability.

Heads of the Rome-based UN food and agriculture agencies call for greater investments in South Sudan to avoid a catastrophic food crisis

Leaders from FAO, IFAD and WFP warn of a deepening crisis in South Sudan without immediate action and investment in resilience.

Remittances for rural development – Episode 46

Remittances are a lifeline for countless people across the world. In this episode we look at the ways in which these funds have revolutionised rural development.

Décideurs et Ministres Africains réaffirment leur soutien au projet de transformation rurale du FIDA dans le cadre de la 13e reconstitution des fonds de l’institution

Le FIDA convie autour d’une table ronde, les ministres et les hauts fonctionnaires chargés des finances, du développement rural et de l'agriculture de l'Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre ce jeudi 27 juillet 2023 à Rome.

Five ways IFAD is making livestock more climate friendly

Countless rural people depend on livestock for livelihoods, nutrition and traditional ways of life. Supporting small-scale farmers to become even greener can strengthen food systems, preserve livelihoods and benefit our planet.

Transforming Global Food Systems: $400 billion needed per year while doing nothing could cost $12 trillion

Following recent news that the fight against hunger has stalled, a gathering of global leaders taking stock of progress made in transforming food systems becomes even more urgent.

It’s time we treat the transformation of food systems like the emergency that it is

Our current food systems cannot keep up with the world’s growing population – as a result, millions face hunger. Now more than ever, countries must take action to transform how food gets from farm to plate.

New partnership to promote decent work across food systems

A new multi-stakeholder partnership to advance labour and human rights, decent jobs and fair and adequate incomes and wages within the agri-food sector has been formed by the International Labour Organization (ILO), IFAD, and CARE International.

The UN’s agricultural development fund announces new US$900 million investment to improve over 600,000 rural lives in Brazil

The partnership between the Government of Brazil and the IFAD aims to achieve unprecedented levels of results in the coming years to transform the lives of people living in rural areas.

UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment

The fight against hunger has stalled according to the latest figures that the UN released last week, with 122 million more people suffering chronic malnourishment since 2019. The challenges to eradicate hunger and poverty are many. Yet, without financing for food systems transformation, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate targets will remain out of reach.

New analysis: Rising obesity rates in developing countries linked to high cost and limited availability of healthy foods

Steep price gaps between healthy and unhealthy foods, coupled with the unavailability of a variety of healthy foods, are driving rising obesity rates in both urban and rural areas of developing countries, according to a literature review released by IFAD.
