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No biodiversity, no farmers, no food security

With biodiversity declining to alarming levels around the world, IFAD calls upon leaders participating in the biggest global biodiversity conference in a decade starting tomorrow, to reach a robust agreement which preserves, restores and promotes biodiversity.

Germany provides EUR 30 million to IFAD’s immediate response to the global food and energy crisis

Germany has granted EUR 30 million to IFAD to support poor rural communities cope with the impacts of the global food, fertilizer and energy crisis.

There’s a whole world beneath our feet.

Healthy soil is key to the world’s food security. IFAD is helping farmers in Ethiopia shift from harmful pesticides to environmentally-friendly pest management treatments, in a bid to heal the earth beneath our feet.

IFAD President Alvaro Lario to meet President Andry Rajoelina in Madagascar

The President of IFAD, Alvaro Lario, will travel to Madagascar from 4 to 7 December 2022. It is his first visit to the country since he took office as President of IFAD on 1 October 2022.

How disability and the climate crisis converge

18 million persons with disabilities are expected to be displaced by climatic events by 2050, we must urgently include them in climate action—both as participants and decision makers.

Opening opportunities for people with disabilities in rural Nepal

In a remote village in wester Nepal, an IFAD-supported project is working to enhance the resilience of the most vulnerable members of the community, including women and people with disabilities.

Low-cost mobile remittances to boost rural development in The Gambia

IFAD, APS International, MFS Africa and QMoney, are working together to slash international remittances transfer costs and improve access to related services in remote areas of The Gambia, creating new socioeconomic opportunities that will boost overall rural economic development.

Global Environment Facility tasks FAO and IFAD to lead new $230 million agrifood systems transformation program

The initiative aims to support shifts towards sustainable nature-positive production and efficient value chains for crops, commodities, livestock, and aquaculture.

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti partner with the UN Agricultural Fund to fight hunger and poverty and spur economic development in rural areas

Against a backdrop of record levels of hunger, high food and fertilizers prices, and extreme weather events affecting the lives and livelihoods of poor rural populations and small-scale farmers in developing countries, Cassa Depositi and Prestiti (CDP) and IFAD agreed today to work jointly to expand and amplify the impact of long-term rural development programmes of common interest which will help lift the world’s poorest rural populations out of hunger and poverty and adapt to a changing climate.
