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The Rural Youth Innovation Award honours young people who care about biodiversity, market access and the preservation of traditions

Rossana Polastri, Director of the Latin America and the Caribbean Division of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), has announced the winners of the Rural Youth Innovation Award. This prize has been created by IFAD to strengthen and build the capacities of young people and to promote opportunities being created by young people who are already changing the rural landscape of the region.

One small step: Empowering micro-, small and medium businesses across South Asia

It is something of a paradox that, while there is broad agreement that micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are an integral part of the economy in developing countries, they remain underserved.

Stepping up rural finance to support smallholder farmers in Zambia

The COVID-19 pandemic is creating disruption - but sometimes offers opportunities for innovative solutions for rural farmers.

Never let a good crisis go to waste

Small-scale farmers face multiple challenges in Cambodia - with limited access to credit and vulnerability to climate change.

Why do wet markets matter?

Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak, much information and misinformation has been circulated about wet markets and an international rallying cry has been made for wet markets to be better regulated or even closed down.

Building up family farmers’ resilience through nature-based solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean

Resilience has become the talk of the town in the development community.

Sauli Hurri talks about rural finance, markets and value chains

Sauli Hurri, senior regional technical specialist, talks about rural finance, markets and value chains

Michael Hamp talks about rural finance, markets and value chains

Michael Hamp, lead technical specialist talks about rural finance, markets and value chains

Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on small-scale agriculture in The Gambia

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us just how vulnerable agricultural value chains are to external shocks – and how much more we need to do to build the sector’s resilience.

Jonathan Agwe talks about rural finance, markets and enterprises

Jonathan Agwe, lead regional technical specialist talks about rural finance, markets and enterprises
