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Meet the young entrepreneurs fighting to preserve and restore our biodiversity

Young people the world over know that conserving our biodiversity is key to eradicating hunger and achieving a healthy and sustainable food system. Here’s how they’re fixing our broken planet.

A digital divide is holding rural women back. Here is what we can do to change this

Many rural women are excluded from digital services. What is causing the digital divide and what can we do to end it?

From tulips to tomatoes: Technology empowers women in Asia

In Pakistan and Bangladesh women are harnessing technology to connect to the world and build a business, one click at a time.

Rural people in crisis: The latest news from IFAD

Rural people are still paying the highest price for the rise in food, fertilizer and fuel costs. The Crisis Response Initiative was set up as part of IFAD's ongoing efforts to build rural people's resilience to these shocks. Here are selected highlights on the crisis from our teams in the field.
