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Sénégal : Le FIDA et le CNCR signent un accord de don pour l’amélioration des revenus des femmes et des jeunes entrepreneurs avicoles villageois

Le FIDA et le Conseil national de concertation et de coopération des ruraux (CNCR) du Sénégal, viennent de signer un Accord de don pour améliorer les revenus des femmes et des jeunes entrepreneurs avicoles villageois ayant subi les conséquences des mesures restrictives prises pour faire face à la pandémie de Covid19.

Putting rural people in the development driving seat in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, community driven development puts small-scale farmers in charge of identifying what they need to prosper and how development funding should be used.

Global Environment Facility tasks FAO and IFAD to lead new $230 million agrifood systems transformation program

The initiative aims to support shifts towards sustainable nature-positive production and efficient value chains for crops, commodities, livestock, and aquaculture.

The latest food security and nutrition report paints a grim picture. Three IFAD experts react to the shocking figures

The latest SOFI report shows that rather than moving towards zero hunger, evermore people are hungry. On the back of these disheartening results, three IFAD experts give their reactions to the report.

Take a 360° tour of a small, thriving pig farm in the green hills of Lao PDR

In the tiny village of Manh, nestled in the green uplands of Lao, agricultural production groups are coming together to develop their businesses and learn new techniques. For Boun Tham, groups like these made all the difference for his pig farm.
