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Building a more nourished future – Episode 67

Travel from the flourishing school gardens of Tajikistan and Tunisia to the farms of Iraq and Moldova, where a brighter, more nutritious future is taking root.

Jóvenes innovando la América Latina rural - Edición especial

En esta edición especial en español, exploramos cómo los jóvenes rurales e indígenas de América Latina utilizan la tecnología para promover su cultura y la conservación ambiental.

Meet the young people making irrigation in Asia smarter

Rural youth are bringing agriculture into the digital age. Meet three young rural people in Asia who’ve cracked the irrigation code!

Sustainable development can solve rural China's climate challenges

Our Associate Vice-President Donal Brown reflects on how IFAD has accompanied this dynamic country on its development journey – and how we will continue to collaborate into the future.

Rural youth rocking the digital age – Episode 56

In this episode, we speak to three young YouTubers and TikTokers in Latin America who are bringing their rural lives to the world via our screens – and encouraging young rural people to build a future at home.

Zero waste, full plates: winning with school meals - Episode 54

In this episode, we explore why we must pursue zero hunger and zero waste as joint goals. In particular, we look at how these efforts are crucial for children, who depend on nutritious diets for healthy development.

IFAD President makes first official visit to Algeria to promote youth employment and climate adaptation in rural areas

IFAD President Alvaro Lario will be visiting Algeria next week in his first official visit to the country since he was elected head of the International Fund for Agricultural Development in 2022.

Rural youth breathe fresh life into Sri Lanka

Young people are crucial contributors to prosperous rural communities. Meet two entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka who are working hard to make a difference.

A year of rural stories

For countless people in IFAD-supported projects, 2023 was a year in which their lives changed. Here are some of the stories we told over the past 12 months.  

From city to soil: Young graduates seek a better life in rural areas

All over the world university graduates are trading in cities for rural areas. IFAD is helping to create employment opportunities so that young people can earn a living and stay connected to the land.

Self-sufficient farming for better health in the remote Pacific

Rural people in Kiribati are leading the way in sustainable farming, making nutritious foods available and creating a foundation for better health in the years to come.

Fishing for a better future in Nigeria

In Nigeria, aquaculture brings new opportunities to rural youth and helps to reduce the country’s unemployment rate.

How indigenous youth are grappling with climate change

Climate change is having a huge impact on Indigenous Peoples all over the world. We sat down with three indigenous youth to talk about how erratic weather patterns are affecting their communities and how they are drawing on tradition and technology to cope with it.

Investing in a better future: Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia

The Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia is a dynamic region faced with many challenges. We caught up with Regional Director Dina Saleh to find out how rural people are coping with the realities of conflict and climate change and to understand why the right investments now can make all the difference later.

Investing in a better future: West and Central Africa

West and Central Africa is as intricate as it is vast. We sat down with Regional Director, Bernard Mwinyel Hien, to better understand the region’s strengths and challenges.

Cerca de 4 000 jóvenes rurales de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras mejoran sus medios de vida con el impulso del FIDA

Cerca de 4 000 jóvenes de áreas rurales y periurbanas en Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras han mejorado sus medios de vida tras su participación en un proyecto de desarrollo rural para jóvenes financiado y promovido por el FIDA, junto a su socio estratégico ICCO Cooperación.

El FIDA impulsó la formación digital de 2,400 jóvenes en Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras para revalorizar la ruralidad en las redes sociales

Con el objetivo de revalorizar la ruralidad desde el protagonismo juvenil, el FIDA premió hoy en su sede en Roma a los jóvenes ganadores del Concurso de YouTubers y TikTokers Rurales, provenientes de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras.

How IFAD promotes peace

Poverty is both a symptom and a driver of conflict. That’s why IFAD supports the poorest and most marginalized people as they contribute to a more peaceful world where everyone can access dignified work that fosters shared economic prosperity.

Future proofing farming for youth - episode 47

The future of farming belongs to rural youth. In this episode, we explore how to enhance productivity and empower young farmers.

Young people hold the key to Africa’s green economy

Young people in rural areas are struggling to find work and earn an income. Here’s how the green transition is changing that in Africa.

Indigenous youth are shaping our world

Indigenous youth not only embody many generations of tradition, but they are also the guardians of our future. By playing critical roles in today's society, they are shaping a better world.

The people feeding the world should get their due

Despite their gruelling work, rural people all over the world aren’t getting a fair return. Find out how IFAD is empowering small-scale farmers to earn and produce more, while improving their working conditions.

Why development is a smart investment even in unstable times

In an age of multiple intersecting crises, only a holistic approach to both humanitarian and development assistance can disrupt the cycle.

A new strategy for a new country: IFAD supports youth in South Sudan

To transform rural lives we must build a strong understanding of the countries we operate in. Find out how IFAD is doing just that in South Sudan.

La escuela móvil de cocina Miska recorre Bolivia para formar a cientos de jóvenes emprendedores rurales

Miska, palabra quechua que significa “siembra temprana”, es el nombre simbólico de la primera escuela móvil de cocina que ofrecerá una formación integral en gastronomía y habilidades digitales a cientos de jóvenes emprendedores en su recorrido por zonas rurales de Bolivia.

Behind the scenes of an IFAD project: Your top questions answered

Find out what happens behind the scenes of an IFAD project as we answer our followers’ top questions.

YouTubers y TikTokers rurales de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras promocionan su entorno con apoyo del FIDA

Con el objetivo de revalorizar la ruralidad desde el protagonismo juvenil, el FIDA presentó hoy en La Paz la segunda edición de la iniciativa “YouTubers y Tiktokers Rurales”, un ciclo de talleres de capacitación y un concurso de talentos para promover la creación de empleo juvenil y la mejora de los niveles de nutrición de casi 5 000 jóvenes de entre 16 y 35 años de zonas rurales y periurbanas de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras.

Turning dreams into reality in West Africa

Young people in rural areas of West Africa are leaving unemployment behind and setting up successful agri-businesses.

Meet the young entrepreneurs fighting to preserve and restore our biodiversity

Young people the world over know that conserving our biodiversity is key to eradicating hunger and achieving a healthy and sustainable food system. Here’s how they’re fixing our broken planet.

38 665 000 EUR du FIDA pour soutenir l’insertion économique et professionnelle des jeunes ruraux maliens

Le FIDA et le gouvernement malien ont procédé, hier, à la signature d’un accord de prêt d’un montant de 38 665 000 Euro qui financera la création de richesses et la réduction de la pauvreté pour les jeunes ruraux du Mali.

Sénégal : Le FIDA et le CNCR signent un accord de don pour l’amélioration des revenus des femmes et des jeunes entrepreneurs avicoles villageois

Le FIDA et le Conseil national de concertation et de coopération des ruraux (CNCR) du Sénégal, viennent de signer un Accord de don pour améliorer les revenus des femmes et des jeunes entrepreneurs avicoles villageois ayant subi les conséquences des mesures restrictives prises pour faire face à la pandémie de Covid19.

Putting rural people in the development driving seat in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, community driven development puts small-scale farmers in charge of identifying what they need to prosper and how development funding should be used.

The youth weigh in on COP27

As today’s young people grow into tomorrow’s adults, the impacts of climate change are simultaneously growing and worsening. Rural youth are valuable contributors to climate action. At COP27, we showcased the lives and ambitions of young innovators and activists. Find out what they had to say.

The perfect weekend away in rural Bangladesh

Discover hidden gems in rural Bangladesh with two IFAD colleagues as they visit a community-led eco-tourism project that has transformed the area.

Meet 3 young people in Bangladesh upskilling their communities

With limited access to schools, markets and jobs, many young people leave Bangladesh’s Haor wetland region in search of more stable opportunities. Meet three young people IFAD is helping to upskill so they can generate an income while staying in the region.

The future is rural: Meet the young people determined to build a better future at home

Rural youth around the world face a dilemma: their roots are in their rural homes, but it’s often hard to build a future there. Meet some of the young people IFAD is helping to devise solutions to the challenges they see around them and build more resilient futures.

IFAD-funded project to create opportunities of employment and economic inclusion for rural youth in the Dominican Republic

IFAD and the Government of the Dominican Republic signed a financing agreement yesterday that will support the implementation of the Productive Inclusion and Resilience of Poor Rural Youth Project (PRORURAL Joven). This rural development operation aims to improve opportunities for rural youth to access jobs and establish businesses, and to build resilience among them and their families to climate, social and economic shocks and stresses.

IFAD Vice President to meet Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente and ministers in Rwanda

The Vice President of IFAD, Dominik Ziller, will meet with Edouard Ngirente, Prime Minister of the Republic of Rwanda, as well as other high-level government officials during a visit starting 9 May.

Lending a hand – and finance – to young agricultural entrepreneurs in East Africa

We know a thing or two about connecting youth with the financial services they need to start a business – but there’s always more to learn. Here, we reflect on some of our “lessons learned” as part of a recent grant programme in East Africa.

Investing in rural youth in El Salvador to tackle migration and enhance food security

The IFAD-funded Rural Adelante Project in El Salvador helps rural youth stay in their communities and make a living from agriculture, instead of migrating to cities or abroad.

Appel à propositions: Création de possibilités d’emploi pour la jeunesse rurale en Afrique

Cet appel à propositions vise à sélectionner un bénéficiaire ou un consortium de bénéficiaires pour recevoir un financement sous forme de don du FIDA sur quatre ans pour mettre en œuvre le projet : Opportunités d'emploi pour les jeunes ruraux - Appui à l'initiative des pôles agro-industriels intégrés

In Turkey, strawberry farms bring opportunities for rural youth

Youth who grew up in the Taurus Mountains of Turkey have traditionally moved to the big cities to pursue their careers. But recently, thanks to an IFAD-supported project, the region’s farmers have begun growing strawberries. Highland strawberries are proving quite popular, driving the growth of a new regional value chain – and bringing the region’s youth back to the countryside to take part.

In China, youth are at the forefront of transforming food systems

Young people are the future of the world’s food systems, and they should therefore have a say in how the food systems of tomorrow should be configured. In China, youth have long been leading efforts to promote organic farming and sustainable consumption – and now, they’re beginning to act for change.

Taking stock of the dairy business with the Wazo Jema Youth Group

Wazo Jema is one of many youth-led small businesses that got a boost through the IFAD-funded Vijabiz programme. Although they’re on more solid ground than they were before, they’ve continued to face some challenges – and these difficulties highlight ways that future initiatives can be improved.

COP26: Pastoralists and rural entrepreneurs from Asia and Africa amongst speakers at IFAD Pavillion

Pastoralists and young rural entrepreneurs from six different Asian and African countries will be at COP26 in person to share their experiences in managing their ecosystems and to advocate for investments to stimulate green jobs and climate adaptation.

Promoting youth employment in Grenada

Two of the most significant challenges Grenada faces are common ones for small island developing states: high levels of youth unemployment, currently over 40 per cent, and vulnerability of agricultural production to climate change and climate shocks.

The Gilani Umoja Youth Group reaps their rewards

The Gilani Umoja Youth Group was founded in 2017 as a way to create jobs for local youth and ensure a steady supply of cereals and other staple crops. Despite some struggles at first, their business is now a source of livelihoods for themselves and others in their community.

The Lare Milk Dealers find their niche

Milk processing is normally a profitable venture in Kenya’s Nakuru County, but the Lare Milk Dealers Youth Group struggled to enter the market at first. Thanks to trainings hosted by an IFAD-supported project and some innovative additions to their business model, they’re now thriving.

The Greenthumb Youth Group casts their nets

The Greenthumb Youth Group hadn’t had much luck with traditional farming. But thanks to a grant to set up an aquaponics venture – combining crop farming and fish farming – their success is making waves all along the value chain.

Rural Youth Innovation Award honours youth leaders fighting COVID-19

IFAD believes in the tremendous innovative capacity of rural youth – and we take seriously our responsibility to support young people in their constant search for change and innovation. That’s why this year’s Rural Youth Innovation Award in Latin America and the Caribbean, a project financed by the China-IFAD SSTC Facility, focused on initiatives led by young people fighting the pandemic.

Responding to the challenges of a year like no other: IFAD’s 2020 Annual Report

IFAD’s Annual Report provides a concise, compelling and interactive discussion of how we addressed the challenges of the last year.

New horizons for the Ingobor Youth Group

Meet Ingobor, a group of 20 former bus drivers and conductors who pooled their resources and established a successful dairy business.

Call for Proposals: Rural youth employment opportunities

This call for proposals seeks to select a recipient, or consortium of recipients, to receive a four-year IFAD grant, for a total amount of up to US$4.8 million, to implement the project Rural youth employment opportunities: Support to integrated agribusiness hubs initiative.

Reflections on improving rural people’s nutrition: A conversation with 2021 World Food Prize winner Dr Shakuntala Thilsted

Nigel Brett, Director of IFAD’s Asia and the Pacific Division, interviews Dr Shakuntala Thilsted, Lead for Nutrition and Public Health at WorldFish.

El FIDA lanza la Segunda Edición del Premio a la Innovación Juvenil Rural en América Latina y el Caribe

El objetivo del concurso es identificar y premiar iniciativas innovadoras impulsadas por jóvenes que contribuyan a superar los desafíos de la pandemia de COVID-19 en las áreas rurales de la región.

New Vision, New Year – Episode 16

In this month’s episode, we’re focusing on youth and indigenous peoples as agents of change in the developing world.

Rural youth, innovation and tradition: the challenge of a new order

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the reinvention of the agricultural sector is indispensable today. In fact, it is already beginning to take place with young people at the heart of it.

No place like home: Moldovan youth bring business to the countryside

Moldova’s agriculture sector is increasingly developing and modernizing. This is due both to an increased presence in lucrative markets like the European Union and to the efforts deployed by IFAD and the Government of Moldova to help restructure the sector, largely through sustained investments and financial support to small-scale farmers, to accompany this modernization.

Green jobs for youth: What works and what’s missing?

Rural young people are increasingly concerned about the environment. Many of them work in sectors that are threatened by climate change, and they’re well aware that their industry and food systems will need to become more resilient and sustainable than ever before.

Youth leaders working towards transformative rural development

From climate action groups to political institutions, youth are taking on leading roles and bringing new perspectives into the table – showing they are not only the future, but also the present.

Nepali youth prepare for their dream jobs with IFAD-supported courses

Ranjana Chaudhary’s story sounds like the stories of many thousands, if not millions, of young people in Nepal.

Shining the development spotlight on youth

As a result of the pandemic, the equivalent of 400 million full-time jobs have already been lost worldwide, and a further 71 million to 100 million people could consequently be pushed into extreme poverty.

Indigenous youth in agriculture during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many people to re-examine everything: their priorities, their jobs, even their roles in society.

The Rural Youth Innovation Award honours young people who care about biodiversity, market access and the preservation of traditions

Rossana Polastri, Director of the Latin America and the Caribbean Division of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), has announced the winners of the Rural Youth Innovation Award. This prize has been created by IFAD to strengthen and build the capacities of young people and to promote opportunities being created by young people who are already changing the rural landscape of the region.

Young People in Agriculture – Before, During and After COVID-19 - Episode 9

IFAD is helping young people in agriculture evaluate the COVID-19 crisis and build their resilience for the future. In this episode, we hear from nine different voices on this important topic.

Never let a good crisis go to waste

Small-scale farmers face multiple challenges in Cambodia - with limited access to credit and vulnerability to climate change.

Photo contest shows how Latin American and Caribbean rural youth see their own lives

It’s not often that we have the opportunity to see how rural people see themselves. International organizations like ours tell their stories armed with cameras, notebooks and laptops – and, of course, our own point of view, which is important to compare with theirs.

Tom Mwangi Anyonge talks about youth

Tom Mwangi Anyonge, lead technical specialist at IFAD , talks about youth, rural development and institutions.

Stay at home! Savings, contingencies and electronic wallet use

Without initially knowing it, last year more than 13,000 young women in Colombia began to prepare for the current economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

IFAD-funded water system helps Kenyan students stay safe

Last month, we brought you the story of the Mukurwe-ini Technical Training Institute, a school in Kenya’s Nyeri county whose new roof water harvesting system was improving the lives of the students, staff and nearby residents. In recent days, with Kenya now affected by COVID-19, we reached out to Patrick Muchemi, principal of the Institute.

Indigenous Peoples in the Farming Front Seat - Episode 5

In IFAD's Podcast Episode 5, we’re focusing on indigenous peoples and the challenges they face when it comes to agriculture.

The faces of empowerment

Rural women are key agents in the effort to achieve the economic, environmental and social transformations required for sustainable development. Ensuring their empowerment is crucial not only to their own well-being, but that of their families and communities.

El FIDA invita a los jóvenes de América Latina y el Caribe a postular al Premio a la Innovación Juvenil Rural

El FIDA ha lanzado el Premio a la Innovación Juvenil Rural el cual busca impulsar y fortalecer las capacidades de los jóvenes rurales de América Latina y el Caribe y promover las oportunidades generadas por jóvenes que ya están cambiando el mundo rural en la región.

Women Powering the Farming Future - Episode 4

In IFAD's Podcast Episode 4, we gear up for International Women’s Day and look at how women are powering the farming future.

World leaders and celebrities call for greater investment to end hunger and poverty

Heads of state, ministers, development leaders, and celebrities today called for greater investment in rural areas to accelerate progress to achieve a world free from poverty and hunger in the next 10 years.

Keeping Farming Real - Episode 3

In this month’s programme we look at one of the most pressing issues facing farming today – that of youth and what’s being done to offer interesting and viable options for life on the farm for young people in developing countries.

Help farmers and the planet? Yes, we can

Tajikistan is a mountainous country nestled in Central Asia. Over five million people live a rural life, the majority of them depending on agriculture for their livelihoods.

Paving the way: Rural youth in Pakistan

Deep in the mountainous region of northern Pakistan sits the picturesque village of Minimarg. Almost 200 kilometres from Gilgit, the region’s capital, Minimarg can only be accessed via the 4,000-meter Burzil Pass.

New Report: Investments in indigenous peoples, youth and women essential to fight climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean

Development projects that integrate investments in rural indigenous peoples, youth and women with measures to adapt to climate change are more likely to be successful in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to a new report launched today by IFAD.

IFAD calls on governments in Asia and Pacific region to invest in their rural youth

With about 60 per cent of the developing world’s rural youth living in Asian and Pacific countries, specific and effective policies and investments are urgently needed to offer them a future, according to a report by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to be presented at Peking University today.

More than 100 million young adults are still living in extreme poverty

In recent years, the concerns and worldviews of young adults have been increasingly occupying center stage in global debates. And they should.

Pathways for rural youth to financial inclusion

With increasing population, underemployment and increasing demand for food, youth can pay rich dividend in terms of social and economic growth when given the right opportunities and support.

Call for proposals: Grant to implement inclusive red meat value chains for women and youth farmers in Eastern and Southern Africa

This call for proposals is to select a recipient or consortium of recipients to receive a three-year IFAD grant financing to implement the project: Inclusive red meat value chains for women and youth farmers in Eastern and Southern Africa for a total amount of up to US$2 million.

Women and youth lead change in Lima's highlands and high rainforest

The resilience of smallholder farmers, coupled with the support of development projects is allowing Peru’s rural people to progress towards better living standards. Women and youth are very often on the frontline of that effort.

Climate change is a youth issue

Climate change ranks among the most important dynamics shaping livelihoods of young people now and in the future.

IFAD and Senegal invest in decent jobs and incomes for poor and marginalized rural young people

About 150,000 rural young people in Senegal – 50 per cent of them women - will benefit from a new US$93.3 million project that aims to create income and decent sustainable jobs in agricultural, pastoral and fishery value chains.

Afrobeat stars Mr Eazi and Sherrie Silver at 2019 African Green Revolution Forum to support IFAD's call for greater investment in youth and rural development

Urgent investments in agriculture and rural development from Africa's leaders are needed to create opportunities in support of the millions of young people who will soon enter the job market.

Indigenous communities in Malaysia building capacity for resilience through IPAF

The Jakun people is the largest group of the Orang Asli Indigenous Peoples of Malaysia. They have an amazing partnership between people and the forest - looking after it and using only what they need to live. But their traditional livelihoods are at risk.

Measuring youth participation in agriculture in Tanzania and Malawi

In our recent IFAD Research Series study we looked at the dynamics of employment in agriculture in Tanzania and Malawi.

Creating opportunities for rural youth

Nearly 1 billion youth live in developing countries, almost half of them in rural areas. IFAD’s Rural Development Report 2019, finds that this enormous rural youth population can pay a rich dividend.

Recipes for Change: Ema datshi and millet momos

Try the Recipe at home: Ema datshi and millet momos - Bhutan

High unemployment rates among rural youth are destabilizing the Near East and North Africa region

When economic opportunities are limited, programs and policies to help rural youth will generally be ineffective.

No stability in the Sahel without rural development and job creation for young people, says IFAD President ahead of G7

The economic transformation of rural areas and the creation of jobs for millions of young rural people are pre-conditions to stability in the Sahel, says Gilbert F. Houngbo, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), who takes his message to the G7 ministerial meeting on development in Paris tomorrow.

How old is the average farmer in today's developing world?

As it turns out the short answer to this question is about 34 and not 60 as is often reported.

IFAD's 2019 Rural Development Report

Nearly 1 billion of the world’s 1.2 billion youth aged 15-24 reside in developing countries. Their numbers are growing far more rapidly in lower income countries than in higher income countries, particularly in rural areas.

From farm to market: improving the food value chain through women empowerment in Guinea

Saran Condé is a 30-year-old smallholder farmer in Guinea's Faranah region. She has improved her farming skills and increased her productivity since joining an IFAD supported community garden.

New IFAD report highlights challenges facing growing population of rural youth in the world's poorest countries

About 500 million young people live in the rural areas of developing countries, representing about half of the youth of these countries. Rural young people are exposed to poverty and lack employment opportunities and access to land, services, technologies and training.

New policies and investments urgently needed in support of rural youth in poorest countries, says a new UN report

Effective policies and investments are urgently needed if the world's poorest countries are to offer a future to hundreds of millions of marginalized young people living in rural areas, according to a new report released today by the United Nations' International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

UN report outlines prospects for rural youth in some of the world's poorest countries.

Nearly 1 billion of the world’s 1.2 billion youth live in developing countries and half of them in rural areas where they are most often poor, lack economic opportunities and face constraints to access land, services, technology and training.

‘Make your moves matter’- UN rural poverty agency launches dance challenge on TikTok to empower rural youth to fight rising hunger

IFAD is launching an innovative global dance challenge, asking young people to make their moves matter and record a 15-second dance video in support of creating opportunities for rural youth in some of the world's poorest countries.

Tanzania and IFAD strengthen partnership for reducing rural poverty

The President of the IFAD, Gilbert F. Houngbo, will travel to the United Republic of Tanzania and meet President John Pombe Joseph Magufuli and other high-ranking officials to discuss investments to improve food and nutrition security, provide employment opportunities for rural youth and reduce poverty.

Innovative impact fund to create jobs for rural youth in developing countries

An impact fund with an innovative approach for attracting much needed capital to the rural areas of developing countries will be launched today at the annual meeting of Member States of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Rwandan choreographer Sherrie Silver named IFAD Advocate for Rural Youth

Today during the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) annual meeting of Member States, award-winning choreographer, dancer and actress Sherrie Silver issued an urgent call-to-action to heads-of-state, government ministers, and development leaders to listen and invest in rural youth.

From Africa to Brazil and back: empowering youth through South-South learning exchange

Seven women and men from Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria and Ivory Coast take part in a one-week learning exchange programme in Brazil focused on climate resilient post-harvest management of cassava.

Empowering youth to drive sustainable development

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) released its latest report on the transformation of rural areas, renewing its commitment to empower young people in developing countries as agents of change.
