

Search Results

19 APR

IFAD at the Perugia International Journalism Festival

Languages: English, Italian
18 APR

IFAD President Alvaro Lario meets Minister Tetsuro Nomura and joins the G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Miyazaki, Japan

Languages: English
05 APR

IFAD issues first sustainable bond in euros to Germany’s HPK and others, increasing investments to alleviate rural poverty and hunger

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
31 MAR

10 000 productores rurales ecuatorianos transformarán sus medios de vida gracias a un proyecto de USD 30 millones apoyado por el FIDA

Languages: Spanish
28 MAR

IFAD and Burundi sign US$3 million grant to help cushion small-scale farmers from continued impacts of Ukraine crisis

Languages: English, French
28 MAR

IFAD officials to meet government authorities and small-scale farmers in Angola

Languages: English, Portuguese
28 MAR

The EU and IFAD join forces to support resilient and sustainable food systems

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French


Media contacts

Asset Publisher

Alberto Trillo Barca

Communication Officer, Global Media

[email protected]

Caroline Chaumont

Communication and Media Outreach Officer

[email protected]