

Search Results

18 JAN

Sénégal : Le FIDA et le CNCR signent un accord de don pour l’amélioration des revenus des femmes et des jeunes entrepreneurs avicoles villageois

Languages: French
22 FEB

IFAD-funded project to develop technological solutions to help smallholder farmers overcome COVID-19 impact in Latin America and the Caribbean

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
11 FEB

IFAD to provide additional support to mitigate COVID-19 impact in Somalia

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
09 SEP

Support for Syrian herders and farmers to safeguard livelihoods in the face of the COVID-19 crisis

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
17 MAY

South Sudan small-scale producers receive support from IFAD to safeguard their livelihoods in the face of the COVID-19 crisis

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
25 MAR

New investment in digital solutions will connect Latin American farmers to markets and banking services in response to COVID-19 restrictions

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
16 FEB

Livelihood-recovery project directly supporting Cambodia’s most vulnerable and those impacted by COVID-19 to launch tomorrow

Languages: English


Media contacts

Asset Publisher

Alberto Trillo Barca

Communication Officer, Global Media

[email protected]

Caroline Chaumont

Communication and Media Outreach Officer

[email protected]