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An old crop for a new crisis: how cassava helped Samoans through the pandemic

December 2022

Faced with the prospect of food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic, Samoans turned to an ancient staple to feed their families and communities.

Rising sea levels threaten Egypt's fertile plains in the Nile Delta

December 2022

The Nile Delta is the breadbasket of Egypt, but climate change threatens agriculture here. IFAD is working to protect the land and improve the quality of previously infertile land. Sabrina Dhowre Elba, IFAD colleagues, and project coordinators and participants describe how this is changing people’s lives.

Here comes the sun: solar-powered irrigation brings crops back to life in Rwanda

December 2022

In rural Rwanda, solar-powered irrigation gives women farmers a sustainable alternative to time-consuming and expensive manual and diesel-powered systems.
