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A new sustainable way to fish for better incomes and diets in Nigeria and Ghana

September 2022

Cage aquaculture is a greener, cheaper method of fish farming. Thanks to South-South and Triangular Cooperation, ProSCAWA is helping small-scale fishers get started with cage aquaculture and meet growing demand for fish.

It’s time to transform African agriculture. These numbers show why

September 2022

African agriculture is at a crucial juncture. It has enormous potential to not only feed Africa, but also the world. Yet, global conditions are holding small-scale African farmers back. Five numbers show how transforming African agriculture can make a big difference.

East Africa is experiencing its worst drought in decades. It’s time to invest in climate adaptation

August 2022

East Africa is experiencing one of the worst droughts in decades, with millions facing food insecurity as crops fail, livestock die and water sources dry up. Read how IFAD is building resilience to climate change and what else needs to be done.

Women-led sea patrols in the Philippines are protecting livelihoods and the ocean

August 2022

Coastal communities in the Philippines depend on the sea for sustenance, but these once thriving oceans are emptying due to climate change and harmful fishing practices. Local women are fighting back, protecting fisheries while using them sustainably.

Making money with honey in Türkiye

August 2022

The highlands of southern Türkiye are honey heaven. Meet two beekeepers who are building a flourishing honey business while protecting bees and, in turn, biodiversity.

Meet 3 young people in Bangladesh upskilling their communities

August 2022

With limited access to schools, markets and jobs, many young people leave Bangladesh’s Haor wetland region in search of more stable opportunities. Meet three young people IFAD is helping to upskill so they can generate an income while staying in the region.

The future is rural: Meet the young people determined to build a better future at home

August 2022

Rural youth around the world face a dilemma: their roots are in their rural homes, but it’s often hard to build a future there. Meet some of the young people IFAD is helping to devise solutions to the challenges they see around them and build more resilient futures.
