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As temperatures rise, so too does our need for diverse crops

July 2023

Drought is the number one cause of agricultural production loss. This is why IFAD supports small-scale farmers as they grow crops that are resilient, but often neglected.

IFAD Annual Report 2022

July 2023

The Annual Report provides milestones and highlights from IFAD’s work during 2022. Readers can learn how IFAD is supporting rural people to build their resilience to the crises of today and tomorrow, and of the different initiatives that will put us in a position to achieve even greater impact.

Agricultural programmes are key to food security and dietary diversity

July 2023

Agricultural programmes are key to food security and dietary diversity in rural areas, we must continue investing in them.

Zero Hunger: Are we on track to achieve it by 2030?

July 2023

The SOFI 2023 report reveals that many people are still going hungry, with the world’s most vulnerable regions and people worst affected. We explore what is causing hunger today and how we can make real change, now.

From bunnies to buffalo, livestock give rural women a living

July 2023

Meet the rural women who are tending to livestock while earning a living and empowering themselves.

The people feeding the world should get their due

July 2023

Despite their gruelling work, rural people all over the world aren’t getting a fair return. Find out how IFAD is empowering small-scale farmers to earn and produce more, while improving their working conditions.

Five decades of rural transformation: IFAD's greatest successes

July 2023

Since its founding in 1977, IFAD has worked to enable rural people all over the world to overcome immense challenges and thrive. We take a look at some of our biggest successes over the years.

Innovation matters, especially for small-scale farmers

June 2023

IFAD applies the latest tools and technologies to support small-scale farmers. Here are six examples of innovations proven to work for rural communities all over the world.
