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See how permaculture transformed farmland in Nepal from barren to lush

July 2022

When Megnath Ale Magar returned to his village in Nepal after a decade working abroad, he found a degraded land. In just three years, he transformed his barren farmland into a lush ecosystem using a permaculture approach.

From subsistence to self-sufficiency: how women in Sudan are using savings and credit groups to build a better future

July 2022

Climate change, commercial agribusiness, and societal norms threaten small-scale farmers’ way of life in a small village in Sudan. A women’s savings and credit group is changing this.

Against the backdrop of conflict and COVID-19, IFAD is helping farmers grow in Yemen

June 2022

Years of conflict in Yemen have taken their toll – and among all of the devastation that’s been wrought, the country’s agricultural sector is one of the hardest hit. Now, an IFAD-supported initiative is helping Yemeni farmers get back on their feet.

It’s been 50 years since the first Stockholm Conference. What have leaders done to protect our planet since?

June 2022

In June 1972, members of the United Nations gathered in Stockholm for the first-ever conference on protecting the environment. Fifty years later, global leaders are returning to where it all began to decide where we go from here.

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