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Supporting farmers with disabilities in Uganda
Ugandan farmer, Fred Ouma, lost his sight ten years ago. Unable to contribute to his family, Fred became depressed, and his family suffered.
Sophie Grigson on how diversifying crops in Malawi cultivates sustainability and resilience
IFAD Recipes for Change chef Sophie Grigson travelled to Malawi to meet local small-scale farmers who are fighting back against climate change by diversifying their crops.
Rebuilding livelihoods in Afghanistan’s rural communities
IFAD’s Crisis Response Initiative is helping pastoralists in Herat build resilience against crises by training pastoralists in animal husbandry practices, providing veterinary units with equipment and supplying high quality feed during winter months.
Encouraging young women in business in Tunisia
Hayet has a university degree but, like one third of young rural women in Tunisia, she could not find a job and had no means of earning an income.
Turning over a new leaf. How rural people in Madagascar cope with the impact of climate change
Amina Sana had very little income and not enough to eat. But her life has been transformed after receiving livestock and training from the IFAD-supported FORMAPROD project
Rural women lead the way
There is no solution to climate change without rural women. It’s time to invest in them. It’s time to let them lead the way.
IFAD and South-South and Triangular Cooperation: An interview with Satu Santala
Global hunger and food insufficiency are increasing, reflecting increased inequalities arising from unequal economic recovery and persisting income losses following the pandemic. Satu Santala, Associate Vice-President of the External Relations and Governance Department at IFAD, tells us more about Fund’s approach to tackling these global challenges through SSTC.
Brazil’s semi-arid region is full of life
Brazil’s north-eastern semi-arid region, known as sertão, is a land rich in culture and enchanting landscapes, but the harsh climate and lack of water make it difficult to earn a living here. However, over recent decades, modern ingenuity has combined with traditional mutual aid systems to help communities make the most of the region’s natural resources.
Rural savings banks go digital in Honduras
Don Lolo has been growing coffee on the slopes of El Playón in Honduras for over fifty years. Now, thanks to support from IFAD’s Rural Poor Stimulus Facility, he's using an online banking app to apply for loans, manage savings, and reach new buyers.
Chef Cracco on how jackfruit is helping rural people in Sri Lanka adapt to climate change
Carlo Cracco, one of Italy’s most famous chefs, is helping IFAD promote jackfruit as a way to adapt to climate change in rural Sri Lanka.
Investing in rural youth in El Salvador to tackle migration and enhance food security
The IFAD-funded Rural Adelante Project in El Salvador helps rural youth stay in their communities and make a living from agriculture, instead of migrating to cities or abroad.
Digital Technology and Homeworking help rural women in Guatemala recover from COVID-19
COVID-19 lockdowns meant Juana could no longer go to her job in rural Guatemala. But thanks to a loan from her local rural savings bank and IFAD’s Rural Poor Stimulus Facility, Juana started her own business at home.
Driving Miss Babli: Young women in Bangladesh get the chance to learn new skills
Thanks to driving lessons provided by the Haor Infrastructure and Livelihood Improvement Project - Climate Adapation and Livelihood Protection (HILIP/CALIP), a group of young rural women in Northern Bangladesh now have careers as drivers—a typically male-dominated profession.
Brazil: Sharing Buriti with the rest of the world
Brejo Dois Irmãos is a tiny and isolated community of 200 families in north-east Brazil. It hides a precious treasure: the burití, or “tree of life” in the indigenous Tupi-Guarani language.
2021: Rural Resilience in Action
For another year, millions of small-scale farmers have been bearing the brunt of climate change and COVID-19. We were there to support them every step of the way.
Solar-powered fridges aid COVID recovery in Djibouti
This year’s COVID-19 lockdowns cut off Djibouti’s fishing community from their markets. But with no way to store fish in the searing heat, many fishers were forced to throw their catch away. Now, thanks to some solar-powered fridges, they’re back on their feet and trading with new customers.
Tipping the scales of equality in the Philippines
"Before, these women were just waiting at home. Now, we are more educated. We are empowered to be more independent," says Ruperta Gagarin, a businesswoman from the Philippines.
Fostering ecosystem services in the Peruvian Andes
The FIDA-MERESE project has helped farmers in the Jequetepeque and Cañete river basins become stewards of the ecosystems on which they depend.
ShareFair of geospatial tools and applications for climate investments
As changing climates affect farming conditions across the world, how can geospatial and remote sensing tools help IFAD and others decide on where adaptation investments are best needed and what impact these interventions will have?
Women are protagonists of change in Nicaragua’s rural areas
One after another, women who received support from the NICAVIDA project, repeat like a mantra: “I’m a protagonist”.
Promoting youth employment in Grenada
Two of the most significant challenges Grenada faces are common ones for small island developing states: high levels of youth unemployment, currently over 40 per cent, and vulnerability of agricultural production to climate change and climate shocks.
Tackling climate change: Saving Senegal's mangrove forests
Marianne Ndong and her colleagues make a living from raising and selling oysters in the village of Dassilamé Sérère, in Senegal’s Saloum Delta. Mangroves don’t just support marine life, like the oysters Marianne raises. They also form a protective barrier between land and sea.
A glimpse into the Pacific food systems
Discover the specificities of food systems in the Pacific region, why they are particularly fragile, and the role of the island communities in protecting them.
Empowering rural women with Agroecological Logbooks
The video presents the main results of using the Agroecological Logbook methodology in projects supported by IFAD in Brazil.
How South-South and Triangular Cooperation is transforming coconut cultivation and processing in Viet Nam
All businesses, irrespective of their size, location, products, and services, depend on weather and climate. Finding and sharing solutions to climate-related challenges is at the centre of South-South and Triangular Cooperation.
Developing Uganda's small and medium-sized agricultural businesses
Gladys Ndagile has been a poultry farmer for many years, but it was only when she connected with a local egg processing business that she finally made a profit from her eggs.
A win-win partnership is boosting small farmer milk production in remote Montenegro
It’s six o’clock in Mojkova, in Montenegro and a long working day starts for Sladan Minic. It is an early wintry morning, and Sladan starts to collect milk from the local dairy farmers driving around mountainous roads.
Brazil's seed guardians: Securing future biodiversity with the help of the past
Brazil has always been rich in biodiversity. But in the country's semi-arid north-eastern region, extensive ranching, slash-and-burn agriculture, and uncontrolled demand for firewood have led to widespread environmental degradation of the Caatinga biome.
Fighting climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean
Small-scale farmers are responsible for up to 80 per cent of food production in Latin American and Caribbean countries, but they are at the frontline of the fight against climate change and social injustice.
School meals in Guatemala - making food systems work
Guatemala has the fourth highest rate of malnutrition in the world where over 50 per cent of children under five are stunted. Many children do not get enough nutritious food, and often came to school hungry.
Kenya: All the ingredients for a successful banana processing factory
Take some young entrepreneurs, add some modern equipment and training supported by IFAD and the Kenyan Government, spread the word using digital marketing, and you have all the ingredients for a successful banana processing factory.
The China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility: Leveraging SSTC for rural development
To accelerate rural poverty alleviation, enhance rural productivity, and advance rural transformation through South-South and Triangular Cooperation, the China-IFAD SSTC Facility was established in 2018, becoming the first Facility in IFAD dedicated to SSTC.
Targeting hunger by transforming food system through South-South Cooperation
Through South-South Cooperation, IFAD is tapping into existing expertise, skills, capacities, and solutions to address the effects of COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges on rural populations.
Wishing you season’s greetings from Recipes for Change
Our Recipes for Change chefs Ska Moteane, Lance Seeto, Bela Gil, Pierre Thiam and Mariah Gladstone shared with us their festive wishes for the Recipes for Change community and IFAD in the holiday season.
Ten African Leaders write letters to other World Leaders to urge them to increase funding to IFAD
Nigeria: From Rice to Riches
On 1 October 2020, the UN marks 25 years since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action – a blueprint to advance women’s rights. But according to the Gender Equality report there’s still a long way to go.
Ethiopia: Water Works
Thank you, “cocoa doctors”
Chocolate comes in many different forms and varieties, but it always needs one vital ingredient: cocoa. But a decade ago, it was predicted that, by 2020, the world would have a cocoa shortfall of one million tonnes a year.
India: Radiant Women
"Tejaswini" means “a woman who is radiant”. And the one million Indian women who are part of the Tejaswini Rural Women’s Empowerment Programme, are indeed radiant.
Improving the livelihoods of artisanal fishers and their communities along Mozambique’s coastline
The IFAD-supported Artisanal Fisheries Promotion Project (ProPESCA) was implemented to improve the livelihoods of artisanal fishers and their communities living along Mozambique’s coastline.
Sierra Leone: Recovering from a pandemic
In 2014, the people of Sierra Leone faced a seemingly unstoppable virus and a catastrophic outbreak, leading to strict precautionary measures, quarantine and fear.
Zainab Semgalawe talks about rural institutions
Sauli Hurri talks about rural finance, markets and value chains
Michael Hamp talks about rural finance, markets and value chains
Oliver Page talks about climate change and environment
Marie-Aude Even talks about agronomy
Marie-Aude Even, senior regional technical specialist in agronomy at IFAD, talks about crops development.
Mattia Prayer Galletti talks about indigenous peoples
Putso Nyathi talks about agronomy
Tom Mwangi Anyonge talks about youth
Jonathan Agwe talks about rural finance, markets and enterprises
Colombia: Rebuilding lives and businesses in post-conflict rural areas
Colombia is a country rich in natural resources and diverse communities. But in small towns and across the countryside, many families remain poor.
Targeting at IFAD - Focusing efforts to create opportunities for rural poor people
Senegal: Focusing on Ability
Djenalib Ba and Daba Diom are Persons with a Disability. Training received from IFAD-supported projects in rural areas of Senegal made them able to feed their families and send their children to school.
Niger: No safety without water
Increasing violence in the Sahel region is causing a rise in the number of internally displaced persons. Fleeing Boko Haram through the desert, there is an urgent need for shelter and basic resources, like water.
Connecting lives: immerse yourself in the virtual reality of life
Step into the real world of Mariamo Fermino Bilasse as she builds her business in Mozambique
Climate Knowledge from the Ancestors
Have you ever found yourself looking outside the window, wondering if it will be raining soon? Perhaps you never thought of asking the ants.
Zero hunger, climate resilient: Transforming agriculture in Guinea-Bissau
Paving the way: Rural youth in Pakistan
Recipes for Change: Ema Datshi & Millet Momos from Bhutan
In this episode of Recipes for Change, Italian celebrity chef, Carlo Cracco, is in Bhutan to find out how farmers are rediscovering traditional crops that can help them mitigate the impact that climate change is having on their staple cultivations.
Recipes for Change: Moringa Leaves with Coconut from Sri Lanka
Guide to finding IFAD financial data
Speak Up, Report, Support
Sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse is unacceptable and has no place in IFAD, including its operations and financed activities.
IFAD reaffirms its no tolerance policy.
A day in the life of a vegetable farmer in Lesotho
IFAD's 2019 Rural Development Report
Paxina Chileshe talks about climate adaptation
Paxina Chileshe, climate change specialist at IFAD, talks about climate adaptation and smallholder farmers.
Mawira Chitima talks about water
Massimo Giovanola talks about agricultural risk management
Massimo Giovanola, risk management specialist at IFAD, talks about IFAD's innovative and holistic approach to agricultural risk management.
Harold Liversage talks about land tenure
Antonio Rota talks about livestock
Pedro de Vasconcelos talks about remittances
Pedro de Vasconcelos, remittances specialist at IFAD, talks about remittances and their impact on people living in rural areas.
Joyce Njoro talks about nutrition
From low to high: Increasing productivity and purchasing power in Kenya
Guatemala: Leveling the playing field
Rwanda: Reducing food loss in a changing climate
Farmers in Rwanda can lose around 30 per cent of their harvests before they even reach the market, due to a lack of adequate means to dry, store and transport the crops.
India: Barring Malnutrition
The Real Groundbreakers: Claudine from Rwanda
The Real Groundbreakers: Rekha from India
The Real Groundbreakers: Irma from Guatemala
The Real Groundbreakers: Halimé Djimet, Chad
Recipes for Change: Sesame Fish with Sorrel Sauce
India: Nutrition through innovation
The Gambia: IFAD invests in rural women
Guatemala: Bringing Water to the Well
Recipes for Change: Tuna with Taro Leaves
Burundi: Justice for Maura
Viet Nam: Adapting in the Delta
Vietnam is the world's second largest exporter of rice and 60 percent of it is grown in the Mekong Delta. But now farmers in at least two provinces say the future of rice production is threatened because of rising sea levels and temperature increases attributed to climate change.
Bolivia: The Alpaca Connection
Burkina Faso: Waiting for the rain
The Gambia: Reclaiming the Land
In The Gambia, women often farm on degraded, unproductive land. The more fertile land is usually reserved for men. But things are changing.