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Recipes for Change: Dhindo – corn flour purée with nettle leaf curry and pickled tomatoes – Nepal

March 2020
Climate change is contributing to increasing temperatures and droughts in Nepal, where corn and tomatoes are a staple food.

Recipes for Change: Moringa leaves with coconout - Sri Lanka

October 2019
Sri Lanka is a small island nation in South Asia, located in the Indian Ocean off India’s southeastern coast. Given that a large proportion of the population is concentrated in coastal areas, the country is particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels.

Recipes for Change: Te Mai Ae Tanna Kiribati

August 2019
Breadfruit is one of the main staple foods of Kiribati. Breadfruit trees require a tropical climate to thrive and are therefore plentiful in the Pacific region. Breadfruit is a good source of vitamin C, thiamine and potassium for the local population.

Recipes for Change: Ema datshi and millet momos

July 2019
Try the Recipe at home: Ema datshi and millet momos - Bhutan
