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Six proven ways to transform rural communities

March 2023

After 40 years working with rural people, here are some of the things we have learned to make our work under IFAD13 a success. 

It’s not too late to prevent the worst-case scenario

March 2023

The IPCC’s latest Synthesis Report is a reminder that the power is in our hands to prevent the very worst outcomes of climate change—if we take decisive and ambitious action now.

When the world is drying up, every drop of water counts

March 2023

Climate change and a growing population are exacerbating water scarcity. As the water cycle is disrupted, farmers are coming up with inventive ways to harvest, store and use water. IFAD is helping them with simple but effective and climate-smart water infrastructure.

As Cyclone Freddy breaks records, vulnerable rural people are in the eye of the storm

March 2023

For over a month, Cyclone Freddy has been battering south-east Africa. This may be the longest-lasting tropical cyclone ever recorded—and vulnerable rural communities are in the eye of the storm. We explain what this means for IFAD’s project participants in the region.

2022: Resilience in the face of adversity

December 2022

As we near the end of 2022, IFAD looks back on some of the themes that defined a year of dramatic change. 
