Programme for Rural Irrigation Development PRIDE


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Programme for Rural Irrigation Development

The Programme for Rural Irrigation Development (PRIDE) aims to enhance rural Malawian communities' resilience to food insecurity and the adverse effects of climate change.

PRIDE will develop climate-smart land and water management systems for small-scale farmers engaged in rainfed agriculture and cultivating on irrigated land. It will establish and strengthen the capacity of the Water Users' Association to manage, operate and maintain irrigation schemes for appropriate land and water governance. It will build small-scale farmers' capacities to take advantage of market opportunities by establishing farmer business schools. It will also promote market linkages through value chain analysis to identify suitable crops and commodity platforms to bring together all actors in the value chain.

Irrigation and water storage techniques are expected to increase agricultural productivity, as they will allow small-scale farmers to cultivate more crops. Enhanced access to timely weather information, irrigated lands, adapted agricultural technologies and remunerative markets will improve small-scale prodcers' income up to eightfold and build their resilience to the adverse effects of climate change.

PRIDE is funded through a highly concessional loan and grant from IFAD and a complementary grant under the Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP).

17,500 smallholder households, particularly those of women and young people, will benefit directly from PRIDE.

Visit the project website

Status: Ongoing
Approval Date
17 December 2015
2015 - 2026
Total Project Cost
US$ 125.88 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 87.79 million
Co-financiers (International)
ASAP+ 2RP Trust Fund US$ 7 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
National Government US$ 13.08 million
National Government In-kind US$ 4.44 million
Beneficiaries In-kind US$ 2.79 million
Beneficiaries US$ 7.28 million
Private sector local US$ 3 million
Financing terms
DSF Grant/Highly Concessional
Project ID
Project Contact
Bernadette Mukonyora

Project design reports

Project design reports

PRIDE final PDR Region: East and Southern Africa

Environmental and social impact assessment

Environmental and social impact assessment

Final environmental and social management framework

Interim (mid-term) review report

Resettlement action framework

Resettlement action framework

PCR digest

Special study

Project list

Project completion report

