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The Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility (IPAF) - Assessment of the performance of the fourth IPAF cycle

February 2019
In 2017 IFAD commissioned an assessment of the fourth IPAF cycle with the aim to review and analyse the performance of regional partners in implementing the Facility and the results achieved in the execution of IPAF-funded projects between 2015 and 2018.

Resultados relevantes por cada proyecto

July 2018
Las organizaciones indígenas parte del IPAF han identificado los resultados más relevantes de sus proyectos.

Indigenous peoples’ collective rights to lands, territories and natural resources

July 2018

Efforts to expand and strengthen indigenous peoples’ rights over their lands, territories and natural resources have become crucial to achieving the objectives of poverty reduction, more secure livelihoods, environmental sustainability and the preservation of indigenous cultural value systems. With this aim, over the past decades IFAD has worked together with indigenous peoples and their representing institutions to create enabling environments to secure their access to collective rights over ancestral territories, improve the sustainable management of indigenous lands, regulate the community use of natural resources and reduce conflicts over lands and resources.

