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“We need to change our mindset, diaspora and migrant workers are crucial development partners,” says IFAD expert

Today, 16 June, marks the International Day of Family Remittances, led by IFAD. We spoke with Pedro de Vasconcelos, Manager of the Financing Facility for Remittances at IFAD.

Her land, her rights: How land ownership can transform the lives of women - and hold back desertification - in Niger

Meet the woman who fought for her right to land ownership and contributed to halting drought and desertification.

Transforming rural futures through digital remittances

Remittances are a lifeline for rural communities all over the world, here’s why we should continue to invest in digital transfers.

Remittances and diaspora investments are vital to boost agriculture and rural development, says IFAD President

“Making the most of remittances and diaspora investments can, paradoxically, curb the need for more to migrate. These flows are great contributors to the wellbeing of millions. Almost US$1.8 billion in remittances are flowing daily to low and middle-income countries, leveraging development opportunities. Half of that amount, US$900 million, is boosting agriculture and rural development” said Álvaro Lario, the President of IFAD at the opening session of the Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development (GFRID) in Nairobi today.

Media advisory: IFAD President Alvaro Lario visits India to advocate for small-scale farmers and rural communities at G20 meeting

Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, will attend the G20 Agriculture Ministers’ meeting in Hyderabad from 15-17 June to advocate for increased support for small-scale farmers and poor rural communities.

IFAD reaffirms commitment to help Pacific Islands cope with climate change impacts and boost rural livelihoods

An IFAD delegation to Fiji, Kiribati and Tonga, met royalty, key government officials, farmers’ organizations and other partners to discuss investments to promote inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth in Pacific Island countries.

IFAD launches A New Day film, highlighting transformative power of investments in small-scale farmers who feed the world, ahead of Global Financing Pact talks in Paris

As world leaders gather in Paris 22-23 June to begin laying the foundation for a new global financial architecture sensitive to the needs of developing countries, IFAD launches a campaign to scale up investments in small-scale farmers with the short film – A New Day.

A New Day is possible

Small-scale farmers in developing countries produce one third of the world’s food. But today they are only one flood, one drought or one failed harvest away from ruin. To stem the impact of climate change on food security and to reduce poverty, IFAD is calling for more investment in rural communities - now.

A New Day: Q&A with the people IFAD supports

IFAD's new film, ‘A New Day’, tells the story of Tunisia’s rural people and is a testament to their resilience as they battle to adapt to our changing weather. We speak to two IFAD-supported project participants about their daily struggles, as well as their hopes and dreams for the future.

Behind the Scenes of ‘A New Day’

IFAD’s latest film, ‘A New Day’, was shot in Tunisia amid soaring temperatures. Get a behind the scenes look of how we made the film, the people we met and the challenges of shooting in an area dramatically affected by climate change.  

IFAD President visit to China reinforces longstanding partnership to transform rural lives

Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD met key officials and partners, including Vice Minister of Finance Wang Dongwei and Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Ma Youxiang, on a visit to China from 3-8 June to deepen the successful partnership between the People’s Republic of China and IFAD in securing decent lives and livelihoods for small-scale farmers.

Harnessing the potential of remittance flows and diaspora investments for international development: more than $600 billion is sent home annually

Even in times of crisis, remittance flows have allowed people in developing countries to be resilient and even prosper. Last year, the money sent home exceeded US$600 billion annually, half of which went to poor rural areas.

New IFAD initiative with EU funding to boost rural development in Kenya through digital remittances

IFAD and the European Union unveiled two new initiatives today in Kenya, that aim to boost rural development by making the use of digital remittance flows faster, safer and cheaper.

Cabo Verde is small in size but not in ambition

Despite its name, Cabo Verde is arid and water starved. IFAD AVP, Jo Puri, visited the archipelago to discuss its future with the country’s leadership and hear from the rural people IFAD supports about how we can improve their lives.

Why development is a smart investment even in unstable times

In an age of multiple intersecting crises, only a holistic approach to both humanitarian and development assistance can disrupt the cycle.

Debunking three myths about rural people and the environment

The world is full of misconceptions about rural people and the environment. Find out what’s true and what’s not, as we debunk three major myths.

UN Rural development agency partners with Amundi to issue IFAD’s largest sustainable bond to date

Today IFAD issued its largest private placement (€115 million) to Amundi Asset Management, to increase financing for inclusive and sustainable rural transformation.

Let's raise a glass to South Asia’s dairy farmers

Milk is widely produced in South Asia, but not without its challenges. Here’s how IFAD helps small-scale farmers across the region optimize their production.

A new strategy for a new country: IFAD supports youth in South Sudan

To transform rural lives we must build a strong understanding of the countries we operate in. Find out how IFAD is doing just that in South Sudan.

IFAD President visits Canada, advocating for greater investment in small-scale farming to alleviate global food crises

Today, Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD arrives in Canada to advocate on behalf of small-scale farmers and poor rural communities in developing countries, to be better able to boost local food production, adapt to climate change and build solid and reliable regional food supply chains.

Fighting water scarcity with innovation – Episode 44

This month we are focusing on water scarcity.

Rural people rely on biodiversity. Here's how IFAD protects it

Biodiversity is especially important for small-scale farmers. Here’s how IFAD is further integrating it into projects all over the world.

Rural people make a beeline for prosperity

On World Bee Day, meet the pollinators buzzing to protect our planet and the rural people taking care of them.

Call for tender: Asia and the Pacific Implementation partner for the Smallholder Economic Empowerment through Digital Solutions Project

IFAD intends to allocate grant funds from the resources under the Supplementary Fund Grant from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), Republic of Korea for the implementation of the grant Smallholder Economic Empowerment through Digital Solutions (SEEDs).

Brewing up a better future for Sri Lankan tea farmers

Sri Lanka is among the world’s top five exporters of tea. But tea farmers here must balance making a profit and preserving the soil. Find out how IFAD is helping farmers diversify their income streams so they can be more resilient and secure a better life for themselves.

IFAD project helps preserve the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest and improve communities' lives

IFAD and the government of the state of Maranhão launched today a project that seeks to address the pressing issue of environmental degradation of the Amazon Forest in Maranhão and the high rates of poverty and food insecurity in the region - the “Amazon Sustainable Management Project (PAGES).”

EIB and IFAD deepen collaboration to strengthen food security, climate adaption and expedite project implementation

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and IFAD have today penned two agreements to further strengthen their cooperation in low- and middle-income countries worldwide, with a particular focus on Africa.

La escuela móvil de cocina Miska recorre Bolivia para formar a cientos de jóvenes emprendedores rurales

Miska, palabra quechua que significa “siembra temprana”, es el nombre simbólico de la primera escuela móvil de cocina que ofrecerá una formación integral en gastronomía y habilidades digitales a cientos de jóvenes emprendedores en su recorrido por zonas rurales de Bolivia.

IFAD, GAFSP and WFP announce partnership to support Bhutan’s transition to commercially oriented agroecological farming

IFAD and the Royal Government of Bhutan have signed a loan and grant agreement amounting to US$30.94 million to improve food and nutrition security in Bhutan.

Appel à propositions: Programme mondial pour les petits producteurs agroécologiques et la transformation durable des systèmes alimentaires (GP-SAEP) – Burkina Faso

Le Burkina Faso a été sélectionné comme un des pays bénéficiaires pour la mise en œuvre du GP-SAEP en Afrique, en accord avec les bailleurs.

Appel à propositions: Programme mondial pour les petits producteurs agroécologiques et la transformation durable des systèmes alimentaires (GP-SAEP) – Madagascar

Le Madagascar a été sélectionné comme un des pays bénéficiaires pour la mise en œuvre du GP-SAEP en Afrique, en accord avec les bailleurs.

New IFAD initiative will help reduce global warming by lowering methane emissions from small-scale farming

With sharp reductions in methane emissions key to keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius, IFAD is launching a new initiative to help developing countries lower methane emissions from agricultural and small-scale farming. Announced today at the AIM for Climate Summit, the new program will receive US$3 million in support from the Global Methane Hub and US$ 1 million in support from the US State Department.

Ethiopian farmers set to benefit from climate-smart initiatives

Against a backdrop of multiple shocks, IFAD and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, today, signed the Participatory Agriculture and Climate Transformation Programme (PACT) grant agreement for US$ 106.54 million.

The sun is the unlikely solution to rural India's water problem

In India, two rural villages find comfort in solar-powered water systems.

El FIDA promueve la inversión en negocios agrarios rurales de América Latina y el Caribe para asegurar el suministro mundial de alimentos

América Latina y el Caribe es un pilar clave para el suministro de alimentos a nivel mundial, así como para la mejora de la seguridad alimentaria y reducción de la pobreza, advirtió Rossana Polastri, Directora Regional del FIDA para dicha región durante el Foro PyMEs Agroalimentario Italia – América Latina, celebrado esta semana en el marco de la Feria MACFRUT en Rimini, Italia.

Winds of change for Argentina’s herders

Climate change poses a myriad of challenges for Argentina’s rural herders. But one woman has no intention of backing down and tells us how she plans to forge a new way forward.

Five tips for journalists reporting on Indigenous Peoples

Journalists can play an important role in telling the stories of Indigenous Peoples. Here are five ways in which the media can report on these important communities in a meaningful way.  

IFAD President and President of Kenya agree to accelerate agriculture and adapt to climate crisis

On his first official visit to Kenya, Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, met with William Ruto, President of Kenya, to strengthen IFAD and Kenya’s long-standing partnership to scale up investments in agriculture and help small-scale farmers adapt to climate change.

Caravan of hope: How mobile shelters changed the lives of shepherds in Türkiye

Shepherds in Türkiye rely on the Taurus Mountains for their livelihoods - but living and working in these highlands is no mean feat. Here’s how IFAD-funded caravans have provided them with more comfortable, hygienic and safe living conditions.

Urgent investment in rural areas is needed to safeguard global food security says UN’s IFAD

To avert future food crises and growing global hunger, IFAD's President Alvaro Lario arrives in Washington this week with an urgent call for increased investment in the small-scale farmers who produce one-third of the world’s food.

Bigging up biodiversity – Episode 43

This month on Farms.Food.Future we immersed ourselves in the world of biodiversity, ahead of World Biodiversity Day on 22 May.

Japan and UN’s IFAD boost global food security by connecting small-scale producers to the private sector

In a statement released today by Alvaro Lario, President of the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Tetsuro Nomura, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF), the two leaders announced the launch of the Enhanced Linkages between Private Sector and Small-scale Producers initiative (ELPS).

Meet the farmers fighting for our ecosystems

Ecosystems across the world are suffering huge losses. Here are three examples of how small-scale farmers are working to restore and conserve our habitats.

IFAD at the Perugia International Journalism Festival

How do we make reporting on Indigenous Peoples’ issues safe and meaningful? IFAD will engage with the journalistic community in an event at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, as part of its work to raise the voice of the poorest and most disenfranchised rural people.

IFAD President Alvaro Lario meets Minister Tetsuro Nomura and joins the G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Miyazaki, Japan

As the world braces for yet another year of uncertainty amid multiple crises, IFAD's President Alvaro Lario will make his second official visit to Japan to bring the voices of poor small-scale food producers in developing countries.

After the earthquake in Türkiye, rural people need more support than ever

In southern Türkiye countless farming communities are suffering after losing their homes and livelihoods to the devastating earthquake that struck the country.

IFAD issues first sustainable bond in euros to Germany’s HPK and others, increasing investments to alleviate rural poverty and hunger

IFAD today issues its first-ever euro private placement for €65 million to four German pension funds with the Hamburger Pensionskasse (HPK) as key investor.

Behind the scenes of an IFAD project: Your top questions answered

Find out what happens behind the scenes of an IFAD project as we answer our followers’ top questions.

10 000 productores rurales ecuatorianos transformarán sus medios de vida gracias a un proyecto de USD 30 millones apoyado por el FIDA

Con la visión compartida de superar la pobreza rural y lograr un campo próspero, competitivo, sostenible e inclusivo, el Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) del Ecuador y el FIDA presentaron hoy en Guayaquil el nuevo Proyecto de Desarrollo Sostenible y Apropiado en Territorios Rurales (DESATAR).

Six proven ways to transform rural communities

After 40 years working with rural people, here are some of the things we have learned to make our work under IFAD13 a success.

IFAD and Burundi sign US$3 million grant to help cushion small-scale farmers from continued impacts of Ukraine crisis

Today, IFAD and the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (MINEAGRIE) signed a US$3 million grant to help mitigate the ongoing impacts of the Ukraine crisis.

IFAD officials to meet government authorities and small-scale farmers in Angola

Donal Brown and Associate Vice President and Chief Risk Officer, Alberto Cogliati will make a three-day visit to the country, from 28 to 31 March.

The EU and IFAD join forces to support resilient and sustainable food systems

Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships, and Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, signed two agreements today for a total of €70.7 million.

IFAD loan of 5 million euros to Mauritania to help strengthen the resilience of marginalized rural populations

IFAD and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania have signed a loan agreement for 5 million euros to finance the "Joint Sahel Programme in response to the Challenges of COVID-19, Conflicts and Climate Change (SD3C G5 Sahel + Senegal).

From Nigeria to Nepal, going online helps rural women build businesses

Meet the women using digital tools to build successful businesses and stronger communities.

It’s not too late to prevent the worst-case scenario

The IPCC’s latest Synthesis Report is a reminder that the power is in our hands to prevent the very worst outcomes of climate change—if we take decisive and ambitious action now.

“There is no food security without water security,” says IFAD executive in plea to increase investments in water solutions for small-scale farmers

Ahead of the UN 2023 Water Conference, IFAD calls for accelerated investments to help small-scale farmers in developing countries access and manage increasingly scarce water resources in the face of a changing climate and more extreme weather events.

When the world is drying up, every drop of water counts

Climate change and a growing population are exacerbating water scarcity. As the water cycle is disrupted, farmers are coming up with inventive ways to harvest, store and use water. IFAD is helping them with simple but effective and climate-smart water infrastructure.

YouTubers y TikTokers rurales de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras promocionan su entorno con apoyo del FIDA

Con el objetivo de revalorizar la ruralidad desde el protagonismo juvenil, el FIDA presentó hoy en La Paz la segunda edición de la iniciativa “YouTubers y Tiktokers Rurales”, un ciclo de talleres de capacitación y un concurso de talentos para promover la creación de empleo juvenil y la mejora de los niveles de nutrición de casi 5 000 jóvenes de entre 16 y 35 años de zonas rurales y periurbanas de Bolivia, Colombia y Honduras.

Turning dreams into reality in West Africa

Young people in rural areas of West Africa are leaving unemployment behind and setting up successful agri-businesses.

Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD: "Spain can become a world leader in the fight against hunger and poverty at this crucial time"

In his first official visit to Madrid, the Spanish president of IFAD, Álvaro Lario, highlighted Spain's potential to "become a world leader in the fight against hunger and poverty at this crucial time," when high food prices are “putting millions of people on the ropes” and threatening global stability.

As Cyclone Freddy breaks records, vulnerable rural people are in the eye of the storm

For over a month, Cyclone Freddy has been battering south-east Africa. This may be the longest-lasting tropical cyclone ever recorded—and vulnerable rural communities are in the eye of the storm. We explain what this means for IFAD’s project participants in the region.

UN Agency IFAD becomes a voting member of the ICMA principles, providing investors with another reason to bank on rural development

IFAD has become a voting member of the International Capital Markets Association (ICMA) principles.

Meet the young entrepreneurs fighting to preserve and restore our biodiversity

Young people the world over know that conserving our biodiversity is key to eradicating hunger and achieving a healthy and sustainable food system. Here’s how they’re fixing our broken planet.

‘Don’t give up on Niger’ - Ambassador Cindy Mccain, calls for increased donor support amidst growing food insecurity

Addressing a press briefing from Rome, Ambassador McCain said, “My appeal to the international community today is, do not give up on Niger. One thing is sure – when we come together as one world, we can save lives.”

Time to step up investments in rural communities on the frontline of climate change in the Pacific islands

IFAD is advocating for more investments in small-scale farming communities in the Pacific.

As the world moves to protect oceans, we must also protect small-scale fishers

As the world welcomes the historic UN agreement to legally protect high seas, we must also ensure that small-scale fishers continue to be protected.

International Women’s Day 2023: Bridging the digital gender divide is essential for unleashing women’s potential in rural areas, say UN food and agriculture agencies

Inclusive access to digital technologies and education is crucial to reducing gender inequalities and empowering rural women and girls – that was the message from three United Nations’ food and agriculture agencies as they marked International Women’s Day 2023.

A digital divide is holding rural women back. Here is what we can do to change this

Many rural women are excluded from digital services. What is causing the digital divide and what can we do to end it?

From tulips to tomatoes: Technology empowers women in Asia

In Pakistan and Bangladesh women are harnessing technology to connect to the world and build a business, one click at a time.

A new chapter in IFAD’s work with persons with disabilities

Meet IFAD’s new Disability Inclusion Champion as she works towards amplifying the voice and potential of persons with disabilities.

IFAD, the UN’s rural development agency, and India deepen shared commitment to build resilient rural livelihoods

As India takes over the G20 presidency, an IFAD delegation to India met key officials.

IFAD President in Germany stresses “importance to invest in building long-term resilience” in rural communities

During his first visit to Germany since taking office five months ago, IFAD President Alvaro Lario, commended Germany’s leadership throughout the recent global food, energy and climate crises.

What difference does rural investment make to the world’s poorest people?

As we begin our 13th replenishment, our Report on IFAD’s Development Effectiveness ensures we continue to efficiently invest in rural people, protect the planet and leave no one behind.
