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Meet the young rural people bringing back bees

May 2024

From Tanzania to Tajikistan, rural youth are combining tradition with modern techniques to build sustainable livelihoods on an ancient delicacy: honey. 

After Cyclone Freddy, investment brings hope to rural Malawi

April 2024

Rural Malawians are still rebuilding and coming to terms with Freddy’s impacts. But thanks to much-needed investments in small-scale farming, hope is finally starting to appear on the horizon. 

The three types of biodiversity: explained

April 2024

Genetic, species, ecosystem: learn about the three main types of biodiversity and explore the role each plays in making agriculture productive, nutritious and resilient.

See how water and peace go hand in hand

March 2024

Peace and water are inextricably intertwined. That’s why sustainable rural development can help reduce conflict in communities – and why water is often the crucial element that can make the difference.

Champions of change: Meet the winners of the 2024 IFAD Gender Awards

March 2024

Visit the five inspiring winners of this year’s Gender Awards and find out how they’re addressing the harmful practices, social norms and economic disparities that keep women from achieving their potential.

Twenty years on from the first Farmers’ Forum, four farming leaders weigh in

February 2024

We asked four farmers’ organization leaders from around the world about current challenges, new developments and their hopes for the future at the eighth global meeting of the Famers’ Forum.

Recipes for Change: Nsima with chicken casserole and khobwe balls

February 2024

Learn how to make a delicious and sustainable Malawian meal with these recipes collected from rural communities by Chef Sophie Grigson.

The wonderful power of wetlands

February 2024

Wetlands are closely linked with our wellbeing – they protect against erosion, improve water quality, and host a vast range of species. Let’s visit some of these precious ecosystems and meet the rural people protecting them.

In rural China, greenhouses bring new life to the desert

January 2024

Growing food is a challenge in the harsh desert landscape of northwestern China. But thanks to new greenhouses built by a local cooperative, this village is bursting with fruits, vegetables and mushrooms.

Clean energy, thriving rural communities

January 2024

Rural communities need energy to develop, but in a rapidly heating world, a green transition is crucial. Renewable sources, like solar power and biogas, are allowing them to prosper without relying on polluting fossil and wood fuels.

Early warning systems help small-scale farmers prepare for climate change

January 2024

Climate change is making extreme weather events more intense and frequent.  With IFAD’s support, small-scale farmers are getting the advanced warning they need to limit damage to their livelihoods and recover faster.

Self-sufficient farming for better health in the remote Pacific

December 2023

Rural people in Kiribati are leading the way in sustainable farming, making nutritious foods available and creating a foundation for better health in the years to come.

Integrated farming strengthens climate resilience in Cambodia

December 2023

Integrated farming provides ecosystem benefits and builds climate resilience. Find out how this system is strengthening Cambodia’s small-scale farmers and their communities.

The world is not prepared for climate change

December 2023

For rural people, the climate nightmare is a reality. They urgently need support to adapt to a changing world. To do this, IFAD is issuing three calls to action – find out what they are.

Persons with disabilities and IFAD join forces to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

December 2023

In a world of climate catastrophes, rising food prices and global instability, find out how persons with disabilities are taking their rightful place in the effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

COP: Where does it come from and where is it going?

November 2023

COP is an annual meeting where decision makers discuss how best to tackle climate change. But how did the summit come to be and what difference does it make for rural people? Find out here.

How indigenous youth are grappling with climate change

November 2023

Climate change is having a huge impact on Indigenous Peoples all over the world. We sat down with three indigenous youth to talk about how erratic weather patterns are affecting their communities and how they are drawing on tradition and technology to cope with it.

With the right resources, rural women can change the world

October 2023

When rural women access finance, the entire world flourishes. Find out how financially empowered women are leading the fight against climate change, achieving sustainable development and ensuring food security for their communities and the planet.

Thriving in Türkiye: meet the women lifting themselves out of poverty

October 2023

All over the world rural women face numerous challenges that men do not. Find out how an IFAD-funded project in Türkiye is providing them with the tools to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive.

Four questions with IFAD’s new Vice-President

October 2023

Meet IFAD’s new Vice-President. Gerardine Mukeshimana discusses the importance of investing in rural communities, climate change adaptation and giving women access to resources.

Why the Sustainable Development Goals matter: your questions answered

September 2023

As countries meet to evaluate how much progress has been made towards the Sustainable Development Goals, find out more about these 17 objectives and why they’re important for the rural communities we work with.

Healthy planet, healthy people: How IFAD and GEF are partnering to transform the world

August 2023

Small-scale farmers need financial support to face the climate crisis. For the last 20 years, IFAD and the Global Environment Facility have been supporting rural communities as they build food systems that nourish us all.

As temperatures rise, so too does our need for diverse crops

July 2023

Drought is the number one cause of agricultural production loss. This is why IFAD supports small-scale farmers as they grow crops that are resilient, but often neglected.

Her land, her rights: How land ownership can transform the lives of women - and hold back desertification - in Niger

June 2023

Meet the woman who fought for her right to land ownership and contributed to halting drought and desertification.

A New Day is possible

June 2023

Small-scale farmers in developing countries produce one third of the world’s food. But today they are only one flood, one drought or one failed harvest away from ruin. To stem the impact of climate change on food security and to reduce poverty, IFAD is calling for more investment in rural communities - now.

A New Day: Q&A with the people IFAD supports

June 2023

IFAD's new film, ‘A New Day’, tells the story of Tunisia’s rural people and is a testament to their resilience as they battle to adapt to our changing weather. We speak to two IFAD-supported project participants about their daily struggles, as well as their hopes and dreams for the future.

Behind the Scenes of ‘A New Day’

June 2023

IFAD’s latest film, ‘A New Day’, was shot in Tunisia amid soaring temperatures. Get a behind the scenes look of how we made the film, the people we met and the challenges of shooting in an area dramatically affected by climate change.


Why development is a smart investment even in unstable times

June 2023

In an age of multiple intersecting crises, only a holistic approach to both humanitarian and development assistance can disrupt the cycle.

Debunking three myths about rural people and the environment

June 2023

The world is full of misconceptions about rural people and the environment. Find out what’s true and what’s not, as we debunk three major myths.  

Rural people rely on biodiversity. Here's how IFAD protects it

May 2023

Biodiversity is especially important for small-scale farmers. Here’s how IFAD is further integrating it into projects all over the world.

Rural people make a beeline for prosperity

May 2023

On World Bee Day, meet the pollinators buzzing to protect our planet and the rural people taking care of them.

Winds of change for Argentina’s herders

May 2023

Climate change poses a myriad of challenges for Argentina’s rural herders. But one woman has no intention of backing down and tells us how she plans to forge a new way forward.

Five tips for journalists reporting on Indigenous Peoples

May 2023

Journalists can play an important role in telling the stories of Indigenous Peoples. Here are five ways in which the media can report on these important communities in a meaningful way.


Caravan of hope: How mobile shelters changed the lives of shepherds in Türkiye

April 2023

Shepherds in Türkiye rely on the Taurus Mountains for their livelihoods - but living and working in these highlands is no mean feat. Here’s how IFAD-funded caravans have provided them with more comfortable, hygienic and safe living conditions. 

Six proven ways to transform rural communities

March 2023

After 40 years working with rural people, here are some of the things we have learned to make our work under IFAD13 a success. 

It’s not too late to prevent the worst-case scenario

March 2023

The IPCC’s latest Synthesis Report is a reminder that the power is in our hands to prevent the very worst outcomes of climate change—if we take decisive and ambitious action now.

When the world is drying up, every drop of water counts

March 2023

Climate change and a growing population are exacerbating water scarcity. As the water cycle is disrupted, farmers are coming up with inventive ways to harvest, store and use water. IFAD is helping them with simple but effective and climate-smart water infrastructure.

As Cyclone Freddy breaks records, vulnerable rural people are in the eye of the storm

March 2023

For over a month, Cyclone Freddy has been battering south-east Africa. This may be the longest-lasting tropical cyclone ever recorded—and vulnerable rural communities are in the eye of the storm. We explain what this means for IFAD’s project participants in the region.

2022: Resilience in the face of adversity

December 2022

As we near the end of 2022, IFAD looks back on some of the themes that defined a year of dramatic change. 

Rising sea levels threaten Egypt's fertile plains in the Nile Delta

December 2022

The Nile Delta is the breadbasket of Egypt, but climate change threatens agriculture here. IFAD is working to protect the land and improve the quality of previously infertile land. Sabrina Dhowre Elba, IFAD colleagues, and project coordinators and participants describe how this is changing people’s lives.

How disability and the climate crisis converge

December 2022

18 million persons with disabilities are expected to be displaced by climatic events by 2050, we must urgently include them in climate action—both as participants and decision makers.

COP27 is over. Here are five things the world must do now to move forward

November 2022

As the countdown clock to 2050 ticks ever louder, IFAD was at COP27 to share what we know about responding to climate change. Here are five solutions to help the world get back on track towards a more sustainable future.

Saving the Amazon: The story of the indigenous women fighting climate change

November 2022

In the heart of the Peruvian Amazon, a group of indigenous women are fighting climate change through reforestation and ancestral farming techniques.


Why climate finance matters: Your questions answered

November 2022

Climate finance is complicated, and we get a lot of questions about everything it entails. We’ve put together some answers to the ones we receive most often.

Climate finance keeps carbon where it belongs: underground

November 2022

Climate finance is essential to prevent the worst-case climate scenarios from happening and to protect the most vulnerable people from a climate breakdown.

Financing resilience: how ASAP+ is helping rural communities adapt to climate change

November 2022

When it comes to climate change, small-scale farmers are among the world’s most vulnerable communities. This is why IFAD focuses on climate resilient agriculture and climate finance through programmes like ASAP+.

Four ways small-scale fishers can help us weather the climate storm

November 2022

Climate change and environmental degradation are posing an unprecedented threat to the world. Find out how small-scale fishers are weathering the storm – and becoming part of the solution.


Seeing the bigger picture: 6 ways IFAD uses GIS to optimize climate investment

November 2022

Discover how IFAD uses Geographic Information Systems to better understand where and how climate change is affecting smallholder farming, and what is needed to mitigate its effects.  

A tale of two towns in Tajikistan

October 2022

In Tajikistan two neighbouring towns face different fates as one suffers the aftermath of drought and displacement and the other is saved by irrigation.

Five ways IFAD is helping to reduce rural poverty in an age of climate change

October 2022

Even when a world without poverty seems out of reach, here’s how IFAD continues to work in developing countries, amplifying the voices of rural people and integrating them into value chains, so they can earn and save, while feeding the world and conserving the natural environment. 

Water brings life to rural people

October 2022

Irrigation brings water to the world's poorest rural people in the right quantities and when they need it, helping farmers adapt to climate pattern shifts.

East Africa is experiencing its worst drought in decades. It’s time to invest in climate adaptation

August 2022

East Africa is experiencing one of the worst droughts in decades, with millions facing food insecurity as crops fail, livestock die and water sources dry up. Read how IFAD is building resilience to climate change and what else needs to be done.

Women-led sea patrols in the Philippines are protecting livelihoods and the ocean

August 2022

Coastal communities in the Philippines depend on the sea for sustenance, but these once thriving oceans are emptying due to climate change and harmful fishing practices. Local women are fighting back, protecting fisheries while using them sustainably.

See how permaculture transformed farmland in Nepal from barren to lush

July 2022

When Megnath Ale Magar returned to his village in Nepal after a decade working abroad, he found a degraded land. In just three years, he transformed his barren farmland into a lush ecosystem using a permaculture approach.

From subsistence to self-sufficiency: how women in Sudan are using savings and credit groups to build a better future

July 2022

Climate change, commercial agribusiness, and societal norms threaten small-scale farmers’ way of life in a small village in Sudan. A women’s savings and credit group is changing this.

Against the backdrop of conflict and COVID-19, IFAD is helping farmers grow in Yemen

June 2022

Years of conflict in Yemen have taken their toll – and among all of the devastation that’s been wrought, the country’s agricultural sector is one of the hardest hit. Now, an IFAD-supported initiative is helping Yemeni farmers get back on their feet.

It’s been 50 years since the first Stockholm Conference. What have leaders done to protect our planet since?

June 2022

In June 1972, members of the United Nations gathered in Stockholm for the first-ever conference on protecting the environment. Fifty years later, global leaders are returning to where it all began to decide where we go from here.

Our planet is losing its biodiversity. Here are five ways IFAD and rural people are protecting it

May 2022

Biodiversity is the key to all the essential benefits we get from nature: from clean air to our ability to regulate the climate. At IFAD, we integrate protecting biodiversity into everything we do.

How farmers around the world are protecting nature’s delicate balance – and reaping the rewards

May 2022

Healthy ecosystems are diverse ecosystems. And at IFAD, we believe that small-scale farmers are amongst the greatest stewards and beneficiaries of biodiversity.

As COP15 tackles desertification, here are three ways IFAD is helping farmers in sub-Saharan Africa build their resilience to climate change

May 2022

Sub-Saharan Africa’s drylands – that is, the areas where more water is lost through evaporation than gained through rainfall – are facing widespread degradation. There are many factors causing this, but one of the most prominent is the use of agricultural practices that aren’t adapted to the land, such as overgrazing and intensive agriculture.

The thin green line that’s holding back the Sahara desert

May 2022

The Great Green Wall was envisioned as a line of trees stretching across Africa to protect against desertification. Today, it is a mosaic of farms, forests, and wilderness, where sustainable agriculture is the norm and rural-dwellers thrive.

These numbers show that restoring drylands and preventing desertification is good for the planet – and good for us

May 2022

From California to the Sahel, from the steppes of Central Asia to the Andes, drylands are some of the most productive ecosystems in the world. But they’re also some of the most fragile.

Indigenous peoples lead adaptation efforts through IFAD’s dedicated funding

April 2022

Over the millennia, indigenous peoples have developed practices that honour the interconnectedness of people and nature – yet all too often, their contributions are overlooked and devalued. IFAD is committed to supporting indigenous peoples in overcoming poverty and meeting global challenges through building on their identities and cultures.

Agriculture is not just a contributor to climate change. It is an essential part of the solution - IFAD’s reaction to the latest IPCC report

April 2022

While we can no longer avoid climate change, we can still limit its impacts. It is time we start viewing agriculture as an essential part of the solution.

Communities use GIS maps to conserve forests and adapt to climate change

March 2022

Making the right decisions about managing natural resources isn’t always easy. That’s especially true for watersheds, where the local ecosystem depends on the health of multiple waterways. Now, GIS technology is helping communities in rural Nepal monitor and preserve the forests fed by local watersheds.

Meet some of the women leading sustainable development around the world

March 2022

Sustainable development can only be achieved with the contributions of rural women, yet they face many challenges. Let’s meet three women who have transformed their lives with the help of the JP RWEE initiative.

Recipes for Change: Sri Lanka - Polos Curry

March 2022

In Sri Lanka, the climate crisis is causing rising temperatures, increasingly extreme weather events and variable precipitation patterns are harming agricultural productivity and food security. Through the Smallholder Agribusiness Partnership Programme, IFAD offers solutions for rural people, including promoting jackfruit among smallholder farmers because of its high value and resilience.

Uncovering the truths about groundwater

March 2022

Below our feet lies a hidden treasure: groundwater. It sustains ecosystems and provides food, drink and livelihoods for billions. And as climate patterns change with global heating, this reliable water source is becoming ever more important for food security and livelihoods.

In Moldova, shelter belt forests build rural livelihoods and protect against climate change impacts

March 2022

Forests are an excellent buffer against the effects of climate change. They’re also home to a variety of native plant and animal species that can foster resilient, sustainable local economies.

Promises kept: Crop insurance makes a difference for Kenya’s small-scale farmers

March 2022

Farming can be a risky business indeed. Recently, some IFAD-supported initiatives have begun piloting crop insurance programmes for participating farmers – and for KCEP-CRAL farmers in Kenya, the new insurance policies arrived just in time.

These numbers prove that rural women are crucial for a better future. But they're not getting what they need to succeed

March 2022

Despite being largely responsible for the food on our farms and on our tables, women don’t have access to the same resources as men. Without access to land, finance, training, inputs and equipment, women can’t produce effectively, achieve financial stability or food security, or grow their businesses.

To tackle climate change, we need to empower rural women. Here are four ways to do that

March 2022

Rural women already know what needs to be done to help their households and communities adapt to climate change and build resilience. Here are four ways to empower them for a climate-safe future.

5 questions you should be asking about climate change and rural women

March 2022

Women and girls all over the world are more strongly affected by climate change. For International Women’s Day, we’re taking a look at why that is and how women and girls can lead the way in adapting to the new environment.

An alarm we can no longer ignore: IFAD’s reaction to IPCC’s latest report

February 2022

The IPCC’s new report, “Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability”, underscores the urgency of climate change adaptation.

A green new hope for degraded soils

December 2021

Over half the world’s arable land is already degraded, and this number is growing at a rate of 23 hectares per minute. But with the support of an IFAD-funded project – along with an unlikely ally – farmers in Bolivia’s Pando region are restoring the land in record time.

Highlights from COP26 – Friday 12 November 2021

November 2021

The end of COP26 is fast approaching, and we’re still waiting for a final agreement. However, based on the draft texts that have been released, it’s clear there’s still a risk of gaps between long-term targets and short-term action.

Public-private partnerships accelerate climate change adaptation in Viet Nam

November 2021

In recent years, saline intrusion – the encroachment of seawater into fresh water sources – has become a serious threat to small-scale farmers in Viet Nam’s Mekong Delta. Thanks to a public-private partnership, a local technology company was able to collaborate with an IFAD-supported project to create a lasting solution.

Effective micro-organisms: The key to healthy soil and healthy diets in rural Lao

November 2021

Agriculture is the main source of income and livelihood in rural Lao. But Lao crops are highly climate-sensitive, leaving farmers with little room for error when it comes to climate adaptation.

Highlights from COP 26 – Wednesday 10 November

November 2021

The start of the second week of the Glasgow Climate Change Conference marked a shift to a more political phase of the conference. Ministers arrived, former US President Barack Obama drew a crowd, and negotiations continued.

Four ways nature-based solutions benefit rural people and communities

November 2021

“Nature-based solutions” (NbS) might sound like a buzzword, but these techniques are some of the most effective tools in our arsenal against the effects of climate change.

Highlights from COP26 – Saturday 6 November

November 2021

IFAD Goodwill Ambassadors, Idris and Sabrina Elba attended COP26 to help ensure that African farmers are not left out of the climate conversation and to promote greater investments for small-scale farmers and producers to adapt to climate change.

Six reasons to focus on small-scale producers at COP26

November 2021

IFAD believes rural economies and food systems have the potential to become more resilient, sustainable, inclusive – and productive – all at the same time. But to get there, we need to focus our attention and support on the people who make these systems work.

Highlights from COP26 - Wednesday 3 November

November 2021

It’s the first day at the IFAD Pavilion at COP26 in Glasgow, United Kingdom, and we’ve come together with thousands of activists, world leaders and representatives of businesses and civil society from around the world to talk about the greatest challenge we face: how to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Bringing the benefits of agricultural insurance to smallholders in Viet Nam: Building awareness and understanding

November 2021

Between sowing their seeds and selling their harvest, smallholder farmers in developing countries face a multitude of potentially devastating risks. In Viet Nam, as in countries around the world, many of the most severe threats are climate-related, including storms, floods, excessive heat, frost and drought.

Protecting homes and livelihoods in Bangladesh’s Haor Basin

November 2021

On one terrible day four years ago, Anjuli Rani Das’s life was swept away before her eyes. A flash flood engulfed her small duck farm, washing away everything she had worked for in the past years.

What do the IPCC report’s findings mean for rural dwellers? Your questions answered

October 2021

The IPCC report released in summer 2021 leaves no more room for ambiguity: the climate is changing, and it’s because of human activity. Here, we answer some of your questions about the report, why it’s important, and what its findings mean for some of the world’s most vulnerable populations.

Oysters and honey: The perfect combination for Senegal’s Delta of Saloum

October 2021

The Delta of Saloum’s mangrove forest is rich in beauty and biodiversity, but it has suffered from years of deforestation, disrupting the area’s ecosystem and threatening the livelihoods of the area’s farmers and fishers. Recently, a collaborative project has begun to tackle both problems by funding a restoration of the mangrove and supporting local farmers’ associations.

What are nature-based solutions? Your questions answered

October 2021

We believe nature-based solutions (NbS) are the key to helping the most vulnerable people adapt to the effects of climate change. But just what are NbS, and why do we think they’re so great?

Why invest in climate change adaptation? Your questions answered

October 2021

It’s official: human-induced climate change is happening. Some of its effects are already being felt, and further impacts are inevitable. Alongside mitigating our greenhouse gas emissions, we need to help those already feeling the worst effects – particularly small-scale agricultural producers – adapt.

IFAD’s Rural Development Report 2021

September 2021

Our food systems are failing us. From the climate, to the environment, to nutrition, to human health and well-being, they are not delivering the outcomes we all need. IFAD’s Rural Development Report 2021 describes the systemic issues that have led to the situation we are in, identifies priorities for transforming our food systems, and provides recommended actions to achieve meaningful change.

Restoration takes root: Nasreen’s story

September 2021

Nasreen’s family was struggling to make ends meet. Now, thanks to an IFAD-supported project, she runs her own ecological farm that produces high-quality, chemical-free vegetables – all while it restores the local ecosystem.

Community-driven change brings water security in Tonga

August 2021

Eua Island is home to many of the Kingdom of Tonga’s natural resources. Recently, climate change and natural disasters have caused significant water supply challenges, but an IFAD-supported project – made possible by the islanders’ incredible community spirit – is working to change that.

Three ways to harvest water in Brazil’s sertão

July 2021

For centuries, people living in Brazil’s semi-arid region have struggled with a lack of water. But over the last decades, thanks to support from IFAD and other development actors, these communities are squeezing a few more drops of water from Mother Nature.

Climate-smart agriculture supports food systems in rural Georgia

June 2021

Through the use of climate-smart agriculture techniques, an IFAD-supported project is helping rural Georgian farmers holistically restore their local and regional ecosystems.

Restoring ecosystem services in the Peruvian Andes

May 2021

In the Andes of Peru, rural farmers are helping to restore the region’s degraded lands and improve water security.

Unless we urgently rethink agriculture, more diseases will jump species

January 2021
As the world grapples with the current pandemic, other threats, not least our climate emergency, have not gone away. The science is clear that without urgent global action, the climate and broader environmental crisis could be worse.

To “green” the Sahel, we need big plans and small actions

January 2021

The best way to make the desert bloom is to dig a hole. Not a well, but a shallow pit in the sandy soil about as wide as the length of your forearm. Then add some dung, plant your seeds, and wait for the rains.

Five reasons IFAD is putting small-scale farmers at the forefront of food systems transformation

December 2020

Our current food systems are not sustainable. Hunger has been on the rise for several years, with an estimated 811 million people worldwide going hungry in 2020 – and with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, up to 132 million more people are expected to join this number soon. 

How Bhutan is showing the way in building crop biodiversity

December 2020

For countries like Bhutan – nestled in the high Himalayas, historically isolated and topographically challenging – ensuring food security is vital.

IFAD-supported projects help women come back to the countryside

October 2020

Life in the countryside isn’t always easy – especially for rural women, whose contributions and successes have only recently begun to receive the attention they deserve.
