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IFAD President at G7: Bigger and smarter investments in small-scale agriculture are key to build a prosperous Africa
"Our first line of action against climate change, hunger and poverty is prosperous rural communities. Investing in small-scale farmers and rural entrepreneurs is the most effective way to unlock the immense potential of Africa’s agriculture and food systems for all," said Alvaro Lario, President IFAD heading to the G7 Agriculture Ministers meeting starting in Syracuse tomorrow.
Transforming Africa’s Food Systems – Episode 68
In this episode, we dive into the innovations farmers are using to transform East and Southern Africa's food systems for the better.
Summit of the Future: IFAD calls for political determination to reform the global financial architecture
Amid challenges like hunger, debt, inequality, and climate change, Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, urges world leaders at the UN's Summit of the Future in New York to “recognize that a lack of resources is not the greatest barrier – it is the political determination to invest in solutions at the scale needed".
IFAD and Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries partner with the private sector to boost small-scale producers’ coffee production sustainably in Tanzania
IFAD, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan and two of Japan's leading companies, coffee manufacturer UCC Ueshima Coffee Co.,Ltd. and trading company Marubeni Corporation, launched a pilot project to support small-scale coffee producers in Tanzania to sustainably increase their production.
Sustainable development takes a village. This community in Lao PDR proves it
Thanks to a new participatory planning process, Mang village has become an example of sustainable, inclusive development in action – and its people have renewed reason for hope.
Caribbean Development Bank and IFAD sign procurement framework agreement to boost efficiency in co-financed projects
The Caribbean Development Bank and the IFAD have signed a landmark Agreement to enhance the effectiveness of project procurement processes. This Agreement, which applies to joint co-financed projects, is designed to simplify procurement procedures, reduce transaction costs, and improve project planning and execution across the Caribbean.
IFAD urges G20 leaders to invest in sustainable agriculture and rural development
“G20 support is crucial for targeted investments and effective public policies that foster prosperous rural economies and strengthen family farming and food systems,” said Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, at the G20 Agriculture Ministerial Meeting in Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Con acuerdo firmado en reunión de ministros de Agricultura del G20 en Brasil, el FIDA y el IICA reforzarán su trabajo conjunto para combatir la pobreza rural en América Latina y el Caribe
El FIDA y el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) profundizarán su trabajo conjunto, con foco en el sostenimiento de la seguridad alimentaria en las áreas rurales a través de la promoción de inversiones, la digitalización de la agricultura y el fortalecimiento de las cadenas de valor.
IFAD and Niger sign supplementary financing agreements to improve food security and resilience of poor rural households
The Government of Niger and IFAD recently signed documents to bring additional financing to the Family Farming Development Programme in the regions of Maradi, Tahoua, Zinder (ProDAF MTZ) and for the Family Farming Development Programme in the regions of Diffa (ProDAF Diffa) respectively.
Demystifying South-South and Triangular Cooperation
SSTC might sound like development jargon, but it’s a key driver of sustainable growth and innovation. Let’s unpack what the term means – and why it matters for rural people.
IFAD launches new Great Green Wall initiatives to build resilience to the impacts of climate change across the Sahel
At a workshop in Saly, Senegal, today, IFAD, the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environment Facility, launched two new programs aimed at improving access to best practices, promoting innovation and digital transformation, and facilitating mutual learning among Great Green Wall stakeholders.
UN Agency IFAD wins global award for fund traceability innovation using blockchain
IFAD proudly announces that its innovative TRACE blockchain initiative has been awarded the prestigious World Future Award for best blockchain-based traceability solution in 2024.
Building a more nourished future – Episode 67
Travel from the flourishing school gardens of Tajikistan and Tunisia to the farms of Iraq and Moldova, where a brighter, more nutritious future is taking root.
IFAD and the Philippines launch new project to boost rural livelihoods and protect ecosystems
IFAD and the Republic of the Philippines launched a new project to support rural communities, particularly those in the vulnerable uplands, at an event at the Department of Finance in Manila last week.
Rural futures in focus: Zimbabwe
We caught up with IFAD's Country Director for Zimbabwe, Francesco Rispoli, about the country's present challenges – and future potential.
Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe trazan la ruta para fortalecer su soberanía y seguridad alimentaria mediante las inversiones del FIDA
Tras dos días de fructíferos diálogos, el FIDA ha recibido las recomendaciones de líderes representativos de los Pueblos Indígenas en América Latina y el Caribe, para garantizar con una nueva ruta de trabajo común su participación plena y efectiva en las decisiones de inversión que el Fondo y los gobiernos realizan en la región.
The International Fund for Agricultural Development and AKADEMIYA2063 partner to promote agrifood systems transformation across Africa
IFAD and AKADEMIYA2063 have signed a MoU to collaborate on promoting evidence-based policymaking, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, applied to Africa's agrifood system transformation and continental agendas such as the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme.
IFAD at AFSF 2024: “We need to seize the opportunity to scale up investment in the transformation of Africa’s food systems.”
"IFAD is doubling down on its partnerships with African leaders, farmers, and the private sector to invest in transforming their food systems," said Donal Brown, Associate Vice-President, Programme Management Department, IFAD, at the Africa Food Systems Forum (AFSF).
Building up on past successes, Rwanda and IFAD step up investments in sustainable and productive food systems
With adaptation finance needs estimated at about US$ 50 billion a year for Sub-Saharan Africa, IFAD and the Government of Rwanda are playing their part by launching the Rwanda Dairy Development Project (RDDP) phase II.
8 ways to sustainably boost food production in Africa
Increasing agricultural production is critical to fighting hunger in Africa, but often results in overexploited natural resources. Luckily, there are ways to do so sustainably.
Women’s leadership making a difference in rural China
In Longhui County, Hunan Province of southern China, women have many talents and want to start businesses, but they lack the resources and opportunities they need. This was a daily challenge for Ms. Hongyan Li, the hard-working Vice Chairwoman of the Longhui County Women's Federation.
Closing the rural gender gap - Episode 66
In this episode, you’ll hear from the winners of this year’s IFAD Gender Awards and learn how they're building a prosperous, more gender-equal future for farming.
This is a critical moment for water. Only by working together can we turn the tide
As leaders gather for World Water Week, IFAD President and UN-Water Chair Alvaro Lario shares insights on our planet's most precious resource.
Aquaculture brings lasting change to Viet Nam’s Mekong Delta
Three years after our project in the Mekong Delta came to an end, we returned to Viet Nam to see if rural communities have continued to thrive with aquaculture.
IFAD and Bhutan reinforce their ties for sustainable agriculture and rural prosperity
Reehana Rifat Raza, Regional Director for the Asia and the Pacific Division at IFAD, completed a five-day visit to mark the 45th anniversary of the partnership between IFAD and the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB).
Jóvenes innovando la América Latina rural - Edición especial
En esta edición especial en español, exploramos cómo los jóvenes rurales e indígenas de América Latina utilizan la tecnología para promover su cultura y la conservación ambiental.
Meet the young people making irrigation in Asia smarter
Rural youth are bringing agriculture into the digital age. Meet three young rural people in Asia who’ve cracked the irrigation code!
IFAD and Lesotho to jointly boost agricultural investment
"IFAD reaffirms its commitment to supporting Lesotho in unlocking the potential of its agricultural sector as well as enhancing food and nutrition security", said Donal Brown, IFAD’s Associate Vice-President for Programme Management Department while visiting the country on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Basotho nation.
The Indigenous Peoples stewarding the planet - Episode 65
To mark International Day of the World's Indigenous People, we shine a spotlight on Indigenous Peoples’ essential role in building a sustainable future.
Indigenous Peoples show how both people and the planet can thrive in harmony
From the Andes to the Amazon, meet three Indigenous Peoples’ organizations that are transforming their communities with IFAD’s support.
IFAD inaugurates new Nepal country office to increase impact on rural lives
A new office signaling IFAD’s enduring commitment to working with the Government of Nepal to improve the lives and livelihoods of rural people was inaugurated today.
Climate finance isn't working for Indigenous Peoples. This must change
Indigenous climate activist Helen Biangalen-Magata weighs in on the urgent need to rethink how development finance supports communities like hers.
Sustainable development can solve rural China's climate challenges
Our Associate Vice-President Donal Brown reflects on how IFAD has accompanied this dynamic country on its development journey – and how we will continue to collaborate into the future.
IFAD issues a EUR 100 million sustainable bond to Bank Al Maghrib, jointly amplifying action for rural development
IFAD and the Bank Al Maghrib have agreed to jointly take action in increasing funding to rural development.
Recipes for Change: Jollof fonio with black-eyed peas
Black-eyed peas are not only an important ingredient in the local cuisine of The Gambia and Senegal – they are climate-resilient, too. Try them yourself with this delicious fonio recipe.
Call for Proposals: Private Sector for Food Systems
This grant strengthens partnerships between the private sector and smallholder producers to stimulate investments in inclusive and climate-resilient agricultural value chains.
Solutions to hunger exist. What we are lacking is finance
The latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World Report confirms that we have the means to end hunger, but are missing the money and the political will to do so. We explore the issues, solutions and what IFAD is doing to better finance food security and nutrition.
Hunger numbers stubbornly high for three consecutive years as global crises deepen: UN report
Around 733 million people faced hunger in 2023, equivalent to one in eleven people globally and one in five in Africa, according to the latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report published today by five United Nations specialized agencies.
IFAD partners with Zenkyoren to issue its first nutrition bond
IFAD issued its first nutrition bond, under its Sustainable Development Finance Framework, for US$50 million to Zenkyoren, National Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives (Japan).
IFAD advocates for investments in small-scale and family farmers together with Brazil-led G20 efforts to fight hunger and poverty
Under Brazil’s leadership, the G20 group, which unites the global north and global south, is presenting a renewed commitment to fight hunger and poverty and promote social inclusion.
Greening the Sahel – Episode 64
In this episode, we take a close look at what could one day be the largest living structure on our planet: the Great Green Wall.
IFAD becomes MCDF implementing partner
IFAD Associate Vice President Donal Brown and Sir Danny Alexander, Vice President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which is the Administrator of the Multilateral Cooperation Center for Development Finance (MCDF) Finance Facility, signed an MCDF Implementing Partner Agreement in Beijing on 13 July. It was observed by MCDF CEO Zhongjing Wang.
Facing down drought in Zimbabwe with irrigation
In the face of challenging conditions, small-scale farmers in Zimbabwe's southeastern drylands are standing strong – and irrigating their way to food security.
Tanzania’s seaweed farmers bring the ocean’s bounty to the world
Climate change is making seaweed farming off Tanzania’s coast a challenge – but IFAD is supporting seaweed farmers so they can adapt to this new normal.
IFAD and Senegal partner to increase smallholder farmers’ resilience to external shocks
The financial agreement to fund the Food System Resilience Programme (FSRP) was signed recently by IFAD and the Government of Senegal, for a total cost of €€27.8 million.
To end hunger we need more investment in rural development and better ways to mobilize funding
“Our best chance of delivering on our commitment to end hunger by 2030 lies in scaling up investments, and developing new and innovative ways to mobilize funding,” flagged Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, to an audience of UN Members States at the annual High Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York.
IFAD and China forge stronger partnership to boost rural revitalization and South-South collaboration
Donal Brown, Associate Vice President of IFAD's Programme Management Department, visited China for the first time last week to enhance collaboration with Chinese policymakers and development partners. His visit focused on reaffirming a close partnership and advancing rural development initiatives within and beyond China.
How small-scale farmers in Saudi Arabia are preserving a cultural treasure
Coffee has been grown in Saudi Arabia for centuries. But today, climate change is taking its toll. See how one small-scale farmer has built a thriving coffee farm, and is preserving traditions, despite challenges.
Call for proposals: IFAD grant Agri Connect
This call for proposals is to select a recipient or consortium of recipients to receive IFAD grant financing to implement the project ‘Agri Connect.
Bridging the nutrition gap in Africa - Episode 63
In this episode, we embark on a culinary journey across West Africa and introduce IFAD’s newest Recipes for Change chef.