

Search Results

28 NOV

Experts and practitioners come together to improve nutrition outcomes in agricultural development in West and Central Africa

Languages: English, French
20 JUL

New partnership to promote decent work across food systems

Languages: English, Spanish, French
19 JUL

UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment

Languages: English
19 JUL

New analysis: Rising obesity rates in developing countries linked to high cost and limited availability of healthy foods

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
09 MAY

Appel à propositions: Programme mondial pour les petits producteurs agroécologiques et la transformation durable des systèmes alimentaires (GP-SAEP) – Burkina Faso

Languages: French
09 MAY

Appel à propositions: Programme mondial pour les petits producteurs agroécologiques et la transformation durable des systèmes alimentaires (GP-SAEP) – Madagascar

Languages: French
28 MAR

The EU and IFAD join forces to support resilient and sustainable food systems

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French
14 NOV

Small-scale farmers are vital to feeding West and Central Africa and transforming food systems

Languages: English, French
12 NOV

IFAD to increase investment and presence in transforming food systems in East and Southern Africa

Languages: English
24 SEP

To transform our food systems we must reimagine how they are financed, says IFAD President

Languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French


Media contacts

Asset Publisher

Alberto Trillo Barca

Communication Officer, Global Media

[email protected]

Caroline Chaumont

Communication and Media Outreach Officer

[email protected]