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Eliminating poverty and hunger high on global agenda as countries pledge funds to IFAD

At a time when hunger and poverty are increasing due to conflict, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the world’s poorest countries are the first to pledge funds to the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to support its work to ensure that the most vulnerable rural people can sustainably access nutritious food and decent incomes.

Multi-million euro contribution from Germany to IFAD will help avert a COVID-19 food crisis

In the face of a looming food crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Germany has committed funds to IFAD to help ensure small-scale farmers can continue growing food in some of the poorest regions of the world.

World Soil Day: A tribute to our friends underground

Today is World Soil Day, so let’s dwell a little on this amazing world of earthworms, mites, fungi and microbes.

Working closer as a UN family in country – a review of progress in implementing the UN reform agenda across Asia Pacific

The adoption of General Assembly resolution 72/279 in May 2018, triggered a consortium of UN organizations to come together and rethink how the United Nations Development System can deliver more coherent, accountable and effective support to help countries achieve the 2030 Agenda.

New UN report reveals the inequality in the geographical distribution of malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean

A new United Nations report shows the territorial inequality of malnutrition in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Sicurezza alimentare e Covid-19, come proteggere le filiere?

La vice Ministra degli Esteri Emanuela Del Re ed esperti italiani e internazionali ne discutono in un seminario online aperto ai giornalisti.

Three ways we’re using digital technologies to fight rural poverty in the NEN region

Digital technologies have become our constant companions over the last few decades. Devices like smartphones and laptops have become even more relevant after the COVID-19 outbreak, helping us stay in touch even in times of physical distance.

The United Nations will present a new report on food and nutrition security in Latin America and the Caribbean

On December 2, the United Nations will present the new edition of the report Panorama of food and nutritional security in Latin America and the Caribbean 2020, focused on the territories that suffer the highest rates of malnutrition, stunring and overweight.

Rural youth, innovation and tradition: the challenge of a new order

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the reinvention of the agricultural sector is indispensable today. In fact, it is already beginning to take place with young people at the heart of it.
