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IFAD President at G7: Bigger and smarter investments in small-scale agriculture are key to build a prosperous Africa

"Our first line of action against climate change, hunger and poverty is prosperous rural communities. Investing in small-scale farmers and rural entrepreneurs is the most effective way to unlock the immense potential of Africa’s agriculture and food systems for all," said Alvaro Lario, President IFAD heading to the G7 Agriculture Ministers meeting starting in Syracuse tomorrow.

Transforming Africa’s Food Systems – Episode 68

In this episode, we dive into the innovations farmers are using to transform East and Southern Africa's food systems for the better.

Summit of the Future: IFAD calls for political determination to reform the global financial architecture

Amid challenges like hunger, debt, inequality, and climate change, Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, urges world leaders at the UN's Summit of the Future in New York to “recognize that a lack of resources is not the greatest barrier – it is the political determination to invest in solutions at the scale needed".

IFAD and Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries partner with the private sector to boost small-scale producers’ coffee production sustainably in Tanzania

IFAD, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan and two of Japan's leading companies, coffee manufacturer UCC Ueshima Coffee Co.,Ltd. and trading company Marubeni Corporation, launched a pilot project to support small-scale coffee producers in Tanzania to sustainably increase their production.

Sustainable development takes a village. This community in Lao PDR proves it

Thanks to a new participatory planning process, Mang village has become an example of sustainable, inclusive development in action – and its people have renewed reason for hope.

Caribbean Development Bank and IFAD sign procurement framework agreement to boost efficiency in co-financed projects

The Caribbean Development Bank and the IFAD have signed a landmark Agreement to enhance the effectiveness of project procurement processes. This Agreement, which applies to joint co-financed projects, is designed to simplify procurement procedures, reduce transaction costs, and improve project planning and execution across the Caribbean.

IFAD urges G20 leaders to invest in sustainable agriculture and rural development

“G20 support is crucial for targeted investments and effective public policies that foster prosperous rural economies and strengthen family farming and food systems,” said Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, at the G20 Agriculture Ministerial Meeting in Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Con acuerdo firmado en reunión de ministros de Agricultura del G20 en Brasil, el FIDA y el IICA reforzarán su trabajo conjunto para combatir la pobreza rural en América Latina y el Caribe

El FIDA y el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) profundizarán su trabajo conjunto, con foco en el sostenimiento de la seguridad alimentaria en las áreas rurales a través de la promoción de inversiones, la digitalización de la agricultura y el fortalecimiento de las cadenas de valor.

IFAD and Niger sign supplementary financing agreements to improve food security and resilience of poor rural households

The Government of Niger and IFAD recently signed documents to bring additional financing to the Family Farming Development Programme in the regions of Maradi, Tahoua, Zinder (ProDAF MTZ) and for the Family Farming Development Programme in the regions of Diffa (ProDAF Diffa) respectively.

Demystifying South-South and Triangular Cooperation

SSTC might sound like development jargon, but it’s a key driver of sustainable growth and innovation. Let’s unpack what the term means – and why it matters for rural people.

IFAD launches new Great Green Wall initiatives to build resilience to the impacts of climate change across the Sahel

At a workshop in Saly, Senegal, today, IFAD, the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environment Facility, launched two new programs aimed at improving access to best practices, promoting innovation and digital transformation, and facilitating mutual learning among Great Green Wall stakeholders.

UN Agency IFAD wins global award for fund traceability innovation using blockchain

IFAD proudly announces that its innovative TRACE blockchain initiative has been awarded the prestigious World Future Award for best blockchain-based traceability solution in 2024.

Building a more nourished future – Episode 67

Travel from the flourishing school gardens of Tajikistan and Tunisia to the farms of Iraq and Moldova, where a brighter, more nutritious future is taking root.

IFAD and the Philippines launch new project to boost rural livelihoods and protect ecosystems

IFAD and the Republic of the Philippines launched a new project to support rural communities, particularly those in the vulnerable uplands, at an event at the Department of Finance in Manila last week.

Rural futures in focus: Zimbabwe

We caught up with IFAD's Country Director for Zimbabwe, Francesco Rispoli, about the country's present challenges – and future potential.

Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe trazan la ruta para fortalecer su soberanía y seguridad alimentaria mediante las inversiones del FIDA

Tras dos días de fructíferos diálogos, el FIDA ha recibido las recomendaciones de líderes representativos de los Pueblos Indígenas en América Latina y el Caribe, para garantizar con una nueva ruta de trabajo común su participación plena y efectiva en las decisiones de inversión que el Fondo y los gobiernos realizan en la región.

The International Fund for Agricultural Development and AKADEMIYA2063 partner to promote agrifood systems transformation across Africa

IFAD and AKADEMIYA2063 have signed a MoU to collaborate on promoting evidence-based policymaking, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, applied to Africa's agrifood system transformation and continental agendas such as the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme.

IFAD at AFSF 2024: “We need to seize the opportunity to scale up investment in the transformation of Africa’s food systems.”

"IFAD is doubling down on its partnerships with African leaders, farmers, and the private sector to invest in transforming their food systems," said Donal Brown, Associate Vice-President, Programme Management Department, IFAD, at the Africa Food Systems Forum (AFSF).

Building up on past successes, Rwanda and IFAD step up investments in sustainable and productive food systems

With adaptation finance needs estimated at about US$ 50 billion a year for Sub-Saharan Africa, IFAD and the Government of Rwanda are playing their part by launching the Rwanda Dairy Development Project (RDDP) phase II.

8 ways to sustainably boost food production in Africa

Increasing agricultural production is critical to fighting hunger in Africa, but often results in overexploited natural resources. Luckily, there are ways to do so sustainably.

Women’s leadership making a difference in rural China

In Longhui County, Hunan Province of southern China, women have many talents and want to start businesses, but they lack the resources and opportunities they need. This was a daily challenge for Ms. Hongyan Li, the hard-working Vice Chairwoman of the Longhui County Women's Federation.

Closing the rural gender gap - Episode 66

In this episode, you’ll hear from the winners of this year’s IFAD Gender Awards and learn how they're building a prosperous, more gender-equal future for farming.

This is a critical moment for water. Only by working together can we turn the tide

As leaders gather for World Water Week, IFAD President and UN-Water Chair Alvaro Lario shares insights on our planet's most precious resource.

Aquaculture brings lasting change to Viet Nam’s Mekong Delta

Three years after our project in the Mekong Delta came to an end, we returned to Viet Nam to see if rural communities have continued to thrive with aquaculture.

IFAD and Bhutan reinforce their ties for sustainable agriculture and rural prosperity

Reehana Rifat Raza, Regional Director for the Asia and the Pacific Division at IFAD, completed a five-day visit to mark the 45th anniversary of the partnership between IFAD and the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGoB).

Jóvenes innovando la América Latina rural - Edición especial

En esta edición especial en español, exploramos cómo los jóvenes rurales e indígenas de América Latina utilizan la tecnología para promover su cultura y la conservación ambiental.

Meet the young people making irrigation in Asia smarter

Rural youth are bringing agriculture into the digital age. Meet three young rural people in Asia who’ve cracked the irrigation code!

IFAD and Lesotho to jointly boost agricultural investment

"IFAD reaffirms its commitment to supporting Lesotho in unlocking the potential of its agricultural sector as well as enhancing food and nutrition security", said Donal Brown, IFAD’s Associate Vice-President for Programme Management Department while visiting the country on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Basotho nation.

The Indigenous Peoples stewarding the planet - Episode 65 

To mark International Day of the World's Indigenous People, we shine a spotlight on Indigenous Peoples’ essential role in building a sustainable future.

Indigenous Peoples show how both people and the planet can thrive in harmony

From the Andes to the Amazon, meet three Indigenous Peoples’ organizations that are transforming their communities with IFAD’s support.

IFAD inaugurates new Nepal country office to increase impact on rural lives

A new office signaling IFAD’s enduring commitment to working with the Government of Nepal to improve the lives and livelihoods of rural people was inaugurated today.

Climate finance isn't working for Indigenous Peoples. This must change

Indigenous climate activist Helen Biangalen-Magata weighs in on the urgent need to rethink how development finance supports communities like hers.

Sustainable development can solve rural China's climate challenges

Our Associate Vice-President Donal Brown reflects on how IFAD has accompanied this dynamic country on its development journey – and how we will continue to collaborate into the future.

IFAD issues a EUR 100 million sustainable bond to Bank Al Maghrib, jointly amplifying action for rural development

IFAD and the Bank Al Maghrib have agreed to jointly take action in increasing funding to rural development.

Recipes for Change: Jollof fonio with black-eyed peas

Black-eyed peas are not only an important ingredient in the local cuisine of The Gambia and Senegal – they are climate-resilient, too. Try them yourself with this delicious fonio recipe.

Call for Proposals: Private Sector for Food Systems

This grant strengthens partnerships between the private sector and smallholder producers to stimulate investments in inclusive and climate-resilient agricultural value chains.

Solutions to hunger exist. What we are lacking is finance

The latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World Report confirms that we have the means to end hunger, but are missing the money and the political will to do so. We explore the issues, solutions and what IFAD is doing to better finance food security and nutrition.

Hunger numbers stubbornly high for three consecutive years as global crises deepen: UN report

Around 733 million people faced hunger in 2023, equivalent to one in eleven people globally and one in five in Africa, according to the latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report published today by five United Nations specialized agencies.

IFAD partners with Zenkyoren to issue its first nutrition bond

IFAD issued its first nutrition bond, under its Sustainable Development Finance Framework, for US$50 million to Zenkyoren, National Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives (Japan).

IFAD advocates for investments in small-scale and family farmers together with Brazil-led G20 efforts to fight hunger and poverty

Under Brazil’s leadership, the G20 group, which unites the global north and global south, is presenting a renewed commitment to fight hunger and poverty and promote social inclusion.

Greening the Sahel – Episode 64

In this episode, we take a close look at what could one day be the largest living structure on our planet: the Great Green Wall.

IFAD becomes MCDF implementing partner

IFAD Associate Vice President Donal Brown and Sir Danny Alexander, Vice President of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which is the Administrator of the Multilateral Cooperation Center for Development Finance (MCDF) Finance Facility, signed an MCDF Implementing Partner Agreement in Beijing on 13 July. It was observed by MCDF CEO Zhongjing Wang.

Facing down drought in Zimbabwe with irrigation

In the face of challenging conditions, small-scale farmers in Zimbabwe's southeastern drylands are standing strong – and irrigating their way to food security.

Tanzania’s seaweed farmers bring the ocean’s bounty to the world

Climate change is making seaweed farming off Tanzania’s coast a challenge – but IFAD is supporting seaweed farmers so they can adapt to this new normal.

IFAD and Senegal partner to increase smallholder farmers’ resilience to external shocks

The financial agreement to fund the Food System Resilience Programme (FSRP) was signed recently by IFAD and the Government of Senegal, for a total cost of €€27.8 million.

To end hunger we need more investment in rural development and better ways to mobilize funding

“Our best chance of delivering on our commitment to end hunger by 2030 lies in scaling up investments, and developing new and innovative ways to mobilize funding,” flagged Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, to an audience of UN Members States at the annual High Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York.

IFAD and China forge stronger partnership to boost rural revitalization and South-South collaboration

Donal Brown, Associate Vice President of IFAD's Programme Management Department, visited China for the first time last week to enhance collaboration with Chinese policymakers and development partners. His visit focused on reaffirming a close partnership and advancing rural development initiatives within and beyond China.

How small-scale farmers in Saudi Arabia are preserving a cultural treasure

Coffee has been grown in Saudi Arabia for centuries. But today, climate change is taking its toll. See how one small-scale farmer has built a thriving coffee farm, and is preserving traditions, despite challenges.

Call for proposals: IFAD grant Agri Connect

This call for proposals is to select a recipient or consortium of recipients to receive IFAD grant financing to implement the project ‘Agri Connect.

Bridging the nutrition gap in Africa - Episode 63

In this episode, we embark on a culinary journey across West Africa and introduce IFAD’s newest Recipes for Change chef.

Cocoa farmers bring sweet dreams to life

Did you know nearly all of the world’s cocoa is produced by small-scale farmers? Let’s celebrate some of the people making our lives a little sweeter.

The Angolan cooperative building a brighter future

Small-scale farmers and fishers are joining forces and tapping into northern Angola’s immense potential for inland aquaculture.

New US$53 million agricultural development programme launched in Malawi to combat food insecurity

IFAD and the Government of Malawi launched a US$53 million agricultural development programme today that seeks to commercialise agriculture production and enhance the resilience of small-scale farming systems for improved income, food and nutrition security in the country.

International Fund for Agricultural Development inaugurates country office in Burkina Faso

IFAD inaugurated a new country office in Ouagadougou today.

Major step in CAFI-Cameroon partnership: First $20 million project approved to support transition to deforestation-free agroecological practices

A first US$20 million project funded by the Central Africa Forest Initiative (CAFI) will support Cameroon’s small-scale cocoa and coffee producers adapt to the new European Union regulations, so that they continue exporting to the EU while they transition to deforestation-free agroecological practices based on sustainable principles.

China contributes US$10 million to scale up South-South and Triangular Cooperation with IFAD

President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China announced a renewed US$ 10 million contribution to the China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) Facility last week. This funding demonstrates China’s ongoing commitment to supporting SSTC within the UN system, with a particular focus on agricultural development in the Global South.

Farming with pride for inclusive agriculture – Episode 62

Hear from LGBTQ+ farmers forging inclusive spaces in vegetable farming, beekeeping and beyond.

IFAD inaugurates regional office for West and Central Africa in Abidjan

IFAD today inaugurated its regional office for West and Central Africa in Abidjan. This important step underlines IFAD's commitment to decentralisation and improving its operational effectiveness.

Brazil: IFAD to invest in strengthening the climate resilience of more than 75,000 rural households in Pernambuco

Last Thursday, IFAD, the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) and the Government of the State of Pernambuco presented the activities of Sertão Vivo in Pernambuco. This project, which promotes climate resilience and poverty reduction in the Northeast region of Brazil, was also co-financed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

UN Rome-based Agencies and COP Presidencies mobilise for climate action and finance in fragile contexts ahead of COP29

WFP, FAO, IFAD, and the COP28 and COP29 presidencies have today called for an urgent scaling up of climate action and financing for adapted and resilient agrifood systems in fragile and conflict-affected settings.

Small businesses for a sustainable future in Brazil

Farming is not easy in Brazil’s semi-arid north-east. But with the support of a local cooperative, these small businesses are producing food while protecting nature.

OPEC Fund deepens partnership with IFAD to strengthen food security and climate action

The OPEC Fund for International Development and IFAD today signed a cooperation agreement to expand their partnership and boost co-financing of projects that enhance food security and build climate resilience, providing critical support to smallholder farmers who grow one-third of food worldwide.

IFAD Annual Report 2023

The world needs to find new ways to invest in rural people and their activities. IFAD’s Annual Report 2023 outlines how this is already happening.

IFAD Annual Report 2023: Steady progress and innovation in rural development amid a challenging global context

"More than any other group it is rural people who suffer the consequences of today’s escalating global crises," said Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, at the launch today of IFAD’s Annual Report 2023: Investing in Rural Communities for a Sustainable Future.

PM Modi, IFAD launch US$217 million programme to empower rural communities in Jammu and Kashmir

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the "Competitiveness Improvement of Agriculture and Allied Sectors Project in Jammu and Kashmir" programme, a partnership between IFAD and the Government of Jammu and Kashmir in India to enhance the competitiveness and climate resilience of small-scale farmers.

Global Agroecology Coalition launches its 2024-2030 strategy

The Agroecology Coalition is a global coalition of more than 300 members from pioneering governments, international agencies, scientific groups and civil society organizations. IFAD, a member of the coalition and a strong supporter for agroecology, will host the event.

Morocco's rural women venture forth with vinegar

Apple farming is a way of life in central Morocco, but farmers have been struggling with post-harvest losses. This all-woman cooperative is turning things around.

In Zambia, I saw rural resilience first-hand

IFAD Associate Vice-President Guoqi Wu shares insights after a visit to project areas in Zambia, which has been hit hard by drought.

Dry planet: drought and desertification, region by region

We asked IFAD’s climate experts how desertification and drought are affecting different parts of the world – and how rural people are leading the change that’s needed.

Uzbekistan and IFAD expand collaboration with the opening of a new country office in Tashkent

IFAD is proud to announce the opening of its new country office in Uzbekistan, marking a major achievement in IFAD’s long-standing commitment to support the country’s rural development efforts.

IFAD welcomes Canada’s generous contribution to fight hunger and poverty and urges other member states to do the same

IFAD applauds the announcement by the Prime Minister of Canada, today, at the G7 in Puglia, to commit CA$100 million to IFAD’s 13th replenishment, to support the world’s poorest rural populations in its 2025-2027 programme of work.

Digital remittances reduce poverty and drive rural transformation by connecting millions of ‘unbanked’ women and men, new IFAD-authored G20 report reveals

In celebration of the International Day of Family Remittances on 16 June, the G20’s Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) has today unveiled a new report that provides evidence of the transformative impact of digital remittances, as a driver of financial inclusion and poverty reduction worldwide.

14 reasons why remittances are important

Remittances continue to matter more than ever, particularly in rural areas where they count the most and provide further opportunities towards rural transformation. Here are 14 reasons why.

IFAD, IOM Celebrate Vital Role of Remittances in Nepal’s Development

IFAD and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), as well as the Resident Coordinator’s Office, celebrated the International Day of Family Remittances (IDFR) in Kathmandu yesterday.

Harnessing diversity for agricultural resilience – Episode 61

With the right support, every rural person can rise above challenges and drive development. From Malawi to Brazil, hear from the farmers rewriting the agricultural narrative.

Restoring ecosystems from the ground up

Dwindling water sources and severe droughts are degrading soils. But it’s not too late to restore ecosystems – if rural people take the lead.

Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit: A Catalyst for Change in African Agriculture

The African continent loses a staggering US$4 billion worth of soil nutrients annually due to erosion. This loss affects over 485 million people and threatens food security. To address this major challenge and obstacle to feed its growing population, the African Union (AU) convened the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health (AFSH) summit in May, in Nairobi Kenya.

El FIDA y el Grupo BID estrechan lazos de colaboración en favor de la población rural e indígena de América Latina y el Caribe

El FIDA y el Grupo Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (Grupo BID) firmaron hoy un memorando de entendimiento para reforzar el apoyo que brindan a la población rural e indígena de América Latina y el Caribe, especialmente en la Amazonía.

El FIDA reafirma su compromiso con los productores de papa en América Latina

Con motivo del primer Día Internacional de la Papa, el FIDA ha reafirmado hoy su compromiso de seguir invirtiendo en los productores de papa en América Latina con el fin de preservar este recurso natural, cultural e identitario, que juega un papel clave en la lucha contra el hambre y la malnutrición en todo el mundo.

Supporting farmers with disabilities in Uganda

Ugandan farmer, Fred Ouma, lost his sight ten years ago. Unable to contribute to his family, Fred became depressed, and his family suffered.

How diverse crops create a safety net for Solomon Islanders

Bringing back dietary diversity is crucial to building resilience and ensuring Solomon Islanders can always access enough nutritious food, even in times of crisis.

IFAD delegation visits Rwanda to discuss rural development gains

A high-level delegation from IFAD, led by Vice-President Gérardine Mukeshimana, visited Rwanda this week to discuss the country’s progress in developing rural areas and the investments needed to continue to promote inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth.

Media advisory: China-IFAD SSTC Facility to showcase climate-smart solutions at upcoming event

IFAD and the China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility are co-organizing a virtual and in-person event on Wednesday, 29 May, to highlight proven and cost-efficient solutions to climate change's effects.

When it comes to protecting biodiversity, we must all do our part

Biodiversity in all its forms has transformative power – protecting it requires a whole-of-society approach, in which we all play our part.

From bees to trees: bringing nature back into agriculture – Episode 60

To celebrate World Biodiversity Day, we explore how rural communities are making farming green again. Tune in to hear from a young Zimbabwean and global conservation leaders.

Meet the young rural people bringing back bees

From Tanzania to Tajikistan, rural youth are combining tradition with modern techniques to build sustainable livelihoods on an ancient delicacy: honey.

Senegal launches Africa Integrated Climate Risk Management Programme to support smallholder farmers

The Government of Senegal, in partnership with several international organizations including FAD, officially launched the Africa Integrated Climate Risk Management Programme (AIRCM) today.

Proyecto reforzará la resiliencia climática de más de 250.000 personas en el estado brasileño de Ceará

El FIDA, el BNDES y el Gobierno del Estado de Ceará presentaron hoy en Fortaleza un proyecto que reforzará la resiliencia climática de más de 250.000 personas en 72 municipios del estado de Ceará.

6 ways IFAD is helping to prevent the next pandemic

Given the complex interconnections between the health of animals, people and the planet, how can we prepare ourselves for the next pandemic? Here’s how IFAD’s investments are helping.

IFAD and Japan’s Yokohama City partner for key global food security events

IFAD and Yokohama City, Japan, announced today in Rome their partnership to collaborate on two crucial upcoming global food security events: TICAD9, the 9th Tokyo International Conference on African Development, in 2025; and GREEN×EXPO 2027.

IFAD enters the Australian Dollar market, issuing AUD 75 million sustainable bond to investor Meiji Yasuda Life

IFAD issued its first Australian Dollar (AUD) private placement today, setting yet another milestone as an issuer of sustainable bonds in international markets and broadening its issuance currency pool.

7 innovations transforming rural lives

Small-scale farmers rely on new ideas, techniques and technologies to prosper in our rapidly changing world. Let’s explore seven innovations driving sustainable, inclusive rural development today.

El Presidente del Fondo de Desarrollo Agrícola de la ONU ratifica la apuesta por el sector productivo de camélidos en Bolivia, luego de invertir 165 millones de dólares en desarrollo rural por cuatro décadas

El FIDA ha cofinanciado 14 proyectos de desarrollo en beneficio de la población rural junto al Gobierno de Bolivia en las últimas cuatro décadas, con una inversión total de 291,5 millones de dólares, de los cuales 165 millones fueron financiados por el Fondo. El anuncio fue hecho por el Presidente del FIDA, Álvaro Lario, quien se encuentra en el país y fue parte de la ceremonia oficial de lanzamiento del Año Internacional de los Camélidos en La Paz, liderada por el Presidente del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Luis Arce Catacora.

IFAD and Cambodia to continue to collaborate on key initiatives to boost small-scale agriculture and farmers’ incomes

An IFAD delegation to the Kingdom of Cambodia led by Donal Brown, Associate Vice-President of the Programme Management Department, met key officials, including Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economy and Finance Aun Pornmoniroth, to discuss investments that will promote inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth in rural areas.

Appel à propositions “ Coordination régionale et soutien au dialogue politique du Programme conjoint Sahel en réponse aux défis COVID-19, conflits et changements climatiques (SD3C) ”

Cet appel à propositions vise à sélectionner un bénéficiaire pour recevoir un financement sous forme de don du FIDA sur trois ans pour mettre en œuvre le projet: « Coordination régionale et soutien au dialogue politique du Programme conjoint Sahel en réponse aux défis COVID-19, conflits et changements climatiques (SD3C) », pour un montant total pouvant atteindre 500,000 US dollars.

Rural Malawians on building back after Cyclone Freddy – Episode 59

A year on from Cyclone Freddy, hope is returning to Malawi’s farms. Tune in to hear directly from the small-scale farmers who are building back stronger with IFAD's support.

IFAD deepens partnership with Bangladesh, opens new office to drive rural development

Gerardine Mukeshimana, Vice-President of IFAD, inaugurated a new country office in Bangladesh yesterday on her first official visit to the country, marking another step forward in IFAD’s enduring commitment to supporting Bangladesh's rural development efforts.

Innovation for Sustainability: Global leaders harness the power of innovation

Global leaders from the public and private sectors and civil society will gather in Rome to discuss innovation for sustainability and explore innovative processes, products, approaches, and co-financing solutions towards sustainability. The Summit will feature presentations, roundtables, and workshops that focus on the Climate, Health, and Nutrition Nexus.

With new geospatial tools, mapping environmental impact is as easy as ABC

Launched this year by the IFAD-hosted Agri-PBD Platform, the ABC-Map uses satellite data to get a holistic view of environmental impact without requiring any ground data.

Call for proposals: IFAD grant for supporting the use of satellite data in project design, monitoring and evaluation

This call for proposals is to select a recipient or consortium of recipients to receive IFAD grant financing to implement the project ‘Capitalising on Earth Observation Data to support Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation’ (CAPEO).

After Cyclone Freddy, investment brings hope to rural Malawi

Rural Malawians are still rebuilding and coming to terms with Freddy’s impacts. But thanks to much-needed investments in small-scale farming, hope is finally starting to appear on the horizon.

Global Report on Food Crises: Acute hunger remains persistently high in 59 countries with 1 in 5 people assessed in need of critical urgent action

According to the latest Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC), nearly 282 million people in 59 countries and territories experienced high levels of acute hunger in 2023 - a worldwide increase of 24 million from the previous year. This rise was due to the report’s increased coverage of food crisis contexts as well as a sharp deterioration in food security, especially in the Gaza Strip and the Sudan.

Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for Uzbekistan

Through its Financing Facility for Remittances, IFAD is pleased to launch the Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for Uzbekistan.

Regenerative agriculture: from soil to sustainability – Episode 58

Hear from global leaders in regenerative agriculture – and learn how IFAD is leveraging their techniques to combat climate change in rural communities.

4 ways IFAD is using AI to transform rural development

Artificial Intelligence is not just a buzzword for IFAD – it is a powerful new technology that delivers better development results and increases impact.

Meet the women closing the digital divide in rural China

Investing in women's digital empowerment can foster prosperity not just for them, but for entire communities. These three remarkable rural women revitalizing their villages in rural China are living proof of this.

Without gender equity there will be no sustainable development, declares IFAD at launch of the Inter American Decade for the Rights of Rural Women

“Equal opportunities and rights for rural women are essential for building more prosperous and inclusive societies capable of tackling global challenges such as climate change and food insecurity. Without gender equity, there will be no sustainable development,” declared IFAD.  

The three types of biodiversity: explained

Genetic, species, ecosystem: learn about the three main types of biodiversity and explore the role each plays in making agriculture productive, nutritious and resilient.

Brazil: New IFAD-funded project to promote payment for environmental services will foster agroforestry transition in cocoa production areas in Bahia

Today, IFAD and the Land Conservation Organization (OCT) – a prestigious Brazilian non-governmental organization working in southern Bahia state – unveiled the new CompensaAÇÃO (CompensACTION) project: Promotion of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) for deforestation-free supply chains in Brazil.

Senior IFAD official to meet Ministers and small-scale farmers in Zambia to promote agricultural transformation

Guoqi Wu, Associate Vice-President, Corporate Services, IFAD, will visit Zambia from 10 to 12 April 2024. He will meet with the President of Zambia, H.E. Hakainde Hichilema, Minister of Finance and National Planning, Hon. Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane, Minister of Fisheries and Livestock, Hon. Makozo Chikote, Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Reuben Mtolo Phiri, the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Beatrice Mutali and development partners.

Agriculture’s Indigenous trailblazers – Episode 57

On this episode, Indigenous leaders from Nepal, Mexico and Kenya weigh in on what it means to protect the planet while preserving their cultures, and fighting for the right to land, nutrition and education.

Why rural development in Haiti matters, even during emergencies

IFAD’s Country Director for Haiti, Paolo Silveri, shares his insights on the current crisis – and explains why IFAD is committed to continuing operations.

In Mozambique, a boost to private sector finance is a boost to rural communities

Financial exclusion is acute in rural Mozambique, and women are disproportionately impacted. Closing the funding gap to catalyse private-sector investment in rural communities can make all the difference.

Somalia and IFAD sign new financial agreement to strengthen food security and build resilience in rural areas

To support Somalia's efforts to address the effects of decades of conflict, environmental degradation, and underfunded infrastructure and agricultural productivity, IFAD and the Government of Somalia have signed a new financial agreement to fund the Rural Livelihood Resilience Programme (RLRP).

Rural youth rocking the digital age – Episode 56

In this episode, we speak to three young YouTubers and TikTokers in Latin America who are bringing their rural lives to the world via our screens – and encouraging young rural people to build a future at home.

IFAD establishes a new Multi-Donor Funding Facility to support the Joint Sahel Programme

In a significant move to address the triple COVID, conflict and climate crisis in the Sahel, IFAD has established a Multi-Donor Funding Facility (MDFF) which will channel funding to the existing Joint Sahel Programme in Response to the Challenges of COVID-19, Conflict and Climate Change (SD3C).

See how water and peace go hand in hand

Peace and water are inextricably intertwined. That’s why sustainable rural development can help reduce conflict in communities – and why water is often the crucial element that can make the difference.

IFAD and Montenegro sign financing agreement to support climate adaptation in Northern mountainous areas

Amid growing climate challenges in Montenegro, IFAD signed an agreement with the Government of Montenegro to finance the Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience in the Montenegrin Mountain Areas project (GORA). The project aims to support small-scale farmers and rural communities to cope with the effects of a changing climate.

Alvaro Lario: “Without family farming, we would not have eaten today”

More than 150 representatives from all five continents have gathered in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Euskadi, Spain to discuss the future of family farming, which provides food for 70 per cent of the world’s people. Among the experts present was Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD and keynote speaker at the inaugural session of the VIII Global Conference. Family Farming: Sustainability of our Planet, organized by the World Rural Forum.

Meet the families farming their way towards a sustainable future

Family farms are key to building sustainable food systems – and to achieving zero hunger worldwide. Let's meet some of the families around the world whose farms are thriving with IFAD's support.  

IFAD and WFP work together to combat hunger in fragile contexts

IFAD and WFP have today launched an action plan to work together in fragile contexts — countries simultaneously affected by economic shocks, and extreme weather, in combination with little or no institutional and government capacity to help people cope. The UN agencies seek to leverage the strengths and expertise of each organization to enhance resilience in fragile environments and improve food security for those who need it most.

Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for the Kyrgyz Republic

IFAD’s multi-donor Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) is pleased to launch the Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for the Kyrgyz Republic.

Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for Tajikistan

Leveraging remittances to foster financial and digital inclusion, and support the sustainable reintegration of migrant returnees for local economic development in rural areas.

Women shaping sustainable food systems – Episode 55

To mark International Women's Day, we explore how gender inequality and gender-based violence can be overcome to build inclusive, sustainable food systems.

Invest in rural women

Investing in women is the surest way to prosperity – and a world without hunger. That’s why IFAD invests in women. They’re the smartest investment in a sustainable future.

IFAD and partners to build resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change impacts in seven Sahelian Countries

Today, IFAD launched the Africa Integrated Climate Risk Management Programme (AICRM): Strengthening Smallholder Farmers' Resilience to Climate Change Impacts, with a workshop in Banjul, The Gambia. Dr Jyotsna Puri, Associate Vice-President of the Strategy and Knowledge Department at IFAD joined over 60 participants, including government representatives from the programme's host countries, as well as financial and implementing partners.

Investing in women and girls makes economic sense and accelerates progress for millions of people

Investing in gender equality and women’s empowerment is not only more urgent than ever but also an incredibly smart investment to generate economic growth, food security, income opportunities and better lives, particularly in rural areas where most of the world’s poorest live. That will be the message tomorrow on International Women’s Day from leaders at the Rome-based United Nations agriculture and food agencies event - Invest in Women: accelerate progress.

IFAD and JICA Renew their Memorandum of Cooperation for Rural Development, Food and Nutrition Security

In a renewed Memorandum of Cooperation, IFAD and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) agreed yesterday to reinforce their collaborative efforts to enhance rural development, food and nutrition security, with a special focus on Africa.

Champions of change: Meet the winners of the 2024 IFAD Gender Awards

Visit the five inspiring winners of this year’s Gender Awards and find out how they’re addressing the harmful practices, social norms and economic disparities that keep women from achieving their potential.

EU and IFAD launch new initiative to strengthen financial inclusion by boosting digital remittances in Central Asia

Today, in partnership with the European Union, IFAD launched the Platform for Remittances, Investment and Migrants’ Entrepreneurship (PRIME) Central Asia Initiative in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, to maximize the socio-economic impact of remittances, the hard-earned money sent home by migrant workers.

Building resilience, empowering communities: new fisheries project set to transform lives in Mozambique

Today marks a significant step towards a brighter future for Mozambique's artisanal fisheries sector. A new project that aims to transform the livelihoods of 90,000 artisanal fishers in five coastal provinces in the country has been endorsed with the signing of a US$63 million financing agreement between IFAD and the Government of Mozambique.

Global food crisis, poor nutrition and the effects of climate change need urgent action, says IFAD President

A global food crisis and the effects of climate change are taking a toll on those most vulnerable: millions of people – many of them small-scale farmers and their families – who are unable to afford a healthy diet. At this critical juncture, Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, is visiting the Solomon Islands and Australia from 29 February to 8 March 2024 to collaborate on next-steps and to deepen IFAD’s strategic partnership with governments across the region.

MOPAN assessment of IFAD 2023

The Multilateral Organization Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) is an independent network of 22 member states with a shared vision to promote an effective multilateral system that delivers solutions to evolving global goals and local challenges.

Zero waste, full plates: winning with school meals - Episode 54

In this episode, we explore why we must pursue zero hunger and zero waste as joint goals. In particular, we look at how these efforts are crucial for children, who depend on nutritious diets for healthy development.

Prosperity or the planet? Luckily, they're not mutually exclusive

All too often, value chain development harms the planet by emitting carbon and degrading environments. That’s why to build truly prosperous rural areas, we must make value chains not just strong, but sustainable.

Twenty years on from the first Farmers’ Forum, four farming leaders weigh in

We asked four farmers’ organization leaders from around the world about current challenges, new developments and their hopes for the future at the eighth global meeting of the Famers’ Forum.

Sophie Grigson on how diversifying crops in Malawi cultivates sustainability and resilience

IFAD Recipes for Change chef Sophie Grigson travelled to Malawi to meet local small-scale farmers who are fighting back against climate change by diversifying their crops.

IFAD Member States approve ambitious $2 bn plan to reduce hunger and poverty for 100 million rural people

The 178 Member States of IFAD today adopted an ambitious agenda to improve the production, incomes, food security and resilience of more than 100 million rural people over three years.

IFAD highlights the transformative power of innovation for small-scale farmers

For small-scale farmers in some of the most remote corners of the world, innovation isn't just a buzzword. It's a lifeline with the potential to reshape the future of agriculture by generating and scaling up new ideas, new approaches and opportunities to sustainably overcome the challenges they face on a daily basis.

Recipes for Change: Nsima with chicken casserole and khobwe balls

Learn how to make a delicious and sustainable Malawian meal with these recipes collected from rural communities by Chef Sophie Grigson.

Swaying the power of seaweed - Episode 53

Seaweed packs a punch. It produces more than half of the world’s oxygen and removes millions of tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year. It's also incredibly nutritious and easily cultivated, with seaweed farming making up nearly a third of all marine aquaculture.

Global leaders harness the power of innovation for small-scale farmers at IFAD’s 47th Governing Council

Heads of state, ministers, development and innovation experts and representatives of small-scale farmers from all over the world will gather in Rome to participate in the IFAD’s annual Governing Council.

El FIDA insta a entidades públicas y privadas a acelerar las inversiones en desarrollo rural en Perú

El FIDA anunció hoy que, durante más de 25 años, su apoyo en el financiamiento de proyectos de inversión pública ha permitido generar un impacto positivo para miles de comunidades y hogares rurales por un monto total de 345 millones de dólares, de los cuales 155 millones han sido aportados por el Fondo.

A guide to the pulses that power our planet

Pulses are at the heart of thriving rural communities, and an essential ingredient for a sustainable future. Learn about some of these superfoods – and how to cook them with our Recipes for Change!

Rebuilding livelihoods in Afghanistan’s rural communities

IFAD’s Crisis Response Initiative is helping pastoralists in Herat build resilience against crises by training pastoralists in animal husbandry practices, providing veterinary units with equipment and supplying high quality feed during winter months.

Innovation for a food-secure future

Heads of state, ministers, development and innovation experts and representatives of small-scale farmers from all over the world will gather in Rome to participate in IFAD’s annual Governing Council.

Strengthening rural value chains, one link at a time

A well-oiled agricultural value chain allow small-scale farmers to make the most of their produce. That’s why IFAD works with rural communities around the world to strengthen local value chains and overcome the challenges that arise along the way.

Call for proposals: IFAD grant for Programme in Rural Monitoring & Evaluation Phase III

This call for proposals is to select a recipient or consortium of recipients to receive IFAD grant financing to implement the Programme in Rural M&E (PRiME) Phase III for a total amount of up to US$1.5 million.

The wonderful power of wetlands

Wetlands are closely linked with our wellbeing – they protect against erosion, improve water quality, and host a vast range of species. Let’s visit some of these precious ecosystems and meet the rural people protecting them.

In rural China, greenhouses bring new life to the desert

Growing food is a challenge in the harsh desert landscape of northwestern China. But thanks to new greenhouses built by a local cooperative, this village is bursting with fruits, vegetables and mushrooms.

IFAD enters the SEK market, issuing 1 billion SEK sustainable bond to investors Skandia and Folksam

IFAD issued its first SEK club deal today, a strong indication of investors’ continued interest in IFAD. The lead investor Skandia, and Folksam, bought a seven-year one billion SEK sustainable bond to support IFAD in its mission to stimulate sustainable growth and inclusive development in rural areas of developing countries. Skandia led with a 900 million SEK investment, and Folksam complemented with 100 million SEK.

Navigating marine biodiversity for a better tomorrow – Episode 52

Marine biodiversity is a precious resource – but it has long been under threat. Today's coral reefs, for example, cover half the area they did in 1950, and nearly 10 per cent of marine life is at risk of extinction.

IFAD and Lesotho partner to support small-scale producers increase the value of their wool and mohair

A new financing agreement aimed at improving the livelihoods of wool and mohair farmers was signed recently by IFAD and the Kingdom of Lesotho by correspondence. The new project aims to increase the economic and climate resilience of 225,000 rural people.

Clean energy, thriving rural communities

Rural communities need energy to develop, but in a rapidly heating world, a green transition is crucial. Renewable sources, like solar power and biogas, are allowing them to prosper without relying on polluting fossil and wood fuels.

When it comes to measuring water security, lived experiences matter

Water stress is growing around the world. To effectively tackle it, a new approach assesses not only whether water infrastructure is available and working, but also whether it is meeting the needs of the people who rely on it.

IFAD partners with Hamkorbank in Uzbekistan to provide needed micro-loans to dairy and horticulture producers

IFAD is increasing its efforts to facilitate private sector engagement in rural development. By providing a US$2.5 million loan to Hamkorbank, a leading commercial bank in Uzbekistan, 1,500 low-income dairy and horticulture producers will be able to access micro-loans to increase their incomes and improve their livelihoods.

IFAD Vice-President calls for strong leadership to address root causes of hunger and rural poverty at Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference

As the climate crisis intensifies and multiple conflicts increase global instability, visionary and committed political leadership is more crucial than ever to address the root causes of hunger, extreme poverty, and inequitable food systems, warned Gérardine Mukeshimana, Vice-President of IFAD, at the Berlin Agriculture’s Ministers Conference of the 16th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture.

IFAD President makes first official visit to Algeria to promote youth employment and climate adaptation in rural areas

IFAD President Alvaro Lario will be visiting Algeria next week in his first official visit to the country since he was elected head of the International Fund for Agricultural Development in 2022.

Joint IFAD and IDB project in Brazil will improve the lives of 210,000 rural people in the semiarid Piauí State

IFAD and the Interamerican Development Bank have joined forces to increase small-scale farmers’ income, and improve food and nutrition security, in the Piauí-Canindé basins, reaching 210,000 poor rural people in Piauí, one of the poorest regions in Brazil.

Why camelids are key to a better future in Bolivia and beyond

Why has the UN declared this year the International Year of Camelids? IFAD’s Country Director for Bolivia, Daniel Anavitarte, explains why you should care about these extraordinary mammals – and why they’re key to sustainable rural development in South America and beyond.

La CEPAL y el FIDA proponen redefinir el concepto de ruralidad para mejorar las políticas públicas e impulsar la agenda de desarrollo socioeconómico

La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y el FIDA proponen una nueva aproximación al concepto de ruralidad en México y América Latina con el objetivo de focalizar la acción pública para reducir las desigualdades y avanzar en la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.

Ahead of Davos, IFAD acts to increase concessional blended financing to encourage vital private sector investments in rural economies

As global leaders gather at the World Economic Forum in Davos to discuss financing today’s global challenges, IFAD is accelerating its efforts to catalyse increased private sector investments in rural and agricultural development.

Why we celebrate international days: your questions answered

There’s an international day for nearly every global issue you can think of. Learn how they come into being, the key observances for rural people – and why they matter.

New multi-service platform provides access to improved financial services for Moroccan migrants and their families

New partnership between IFAD and international money transfer operator, Moneytrans. The project is part of the Platform for Remittances, Investments and Migrants’ Entrepreneurship in Africa, an initiative funded by the European Union and implemented by IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances.

Early warning systems help small-scale farmers prepare for climate change

Climate change is making extreme weather events more intense and frequent. With IFAD’s support, small-scale farmers are getting the advanced warning they need to limit damage to their livelihoods – and recover faster.

Maximising the development potential of remittances in Southern Africa

To address the lack of an effective and efficient payment infrastructure for low-value remittances in Southern Africa, IFAD and the European Union have joined forces through the PRIME Africa initiative.

Rural youth breathe fresh life into Sri Lanka

Young people are crucial contributors to prosperous rural communities. Meet two entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka who are working hard to make a difference.

A bright new year for rural people – Episode 51

In this episode, IFAD Vice-President gives insight into the challenges faced by rural people, followed by fellow IFAD colleagues explaining how we can improve the lives of small-scale farmers.

A year of rural stories

For countless people in IFAD-supported projects, 2023 was a year in which their lives changed. Here are some of the stories we told over the past 12 months.  

From city to soil: Young graduates seek a better life in rural areas

All over the world university graduates are trading in cities for rural areas. IFAD is helping to create employment opportunities so that young people can earn a living and stay connected to the land.

Member States set IFAD on track to largest replenishment ever to tackle poverty, hunger and the climate crisis

At a time when climate change and conflict are fuelling greater food insecurity in many developing countries, IFAD received record-breaking pledges in support of its largest replenishment ever, putting the organization on track to positively impact the lives of millions of rural people across the globe.

World leaders support IFAD's urgent call for increased investment in rural communities

Statement by Alvaro Lario, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development; Vera Esperança dos Santos Daves De Sousa, Minister of Finance of Angola; Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty of France.

Bolivia: El FIDA promueve el intercambio de conocimientos rumbo al Año Internacional de los Camélidos

Con el apoyo técnico y financiero del FIDA, la Ruta de Resultados e Intercambio de Experiencias en la Cadena Productiva de Camélidos ha iniciado hoy, con el objetivo de mostrar los avances del sector de camélidos en los departamentos bolivianos de La Paz, Oruro y Potosí, en el marco del Programa ProCamélidos y rumbo al 2024, Año Internacional de los Camélidos - declarado por la ONU.

Self-sufficient farming for better health in the remote Pacific

Rural people in Kiribati are leading the way in sustainable farming, making nutritious foods available and creating a foundation for better health in the years to come.

Investing in a better future: A new day dawns, and we have reasons for hope

When climate and natural disasters strike, it’s rural people who are worst affected. Investing in their resilience ensures that they not only endure times of crisis, but emerge stronger. Associate Vice-President of Programmes Donal Brown explains how rural communities can change the world for the better.

Integrated farming strengthens climate resilience in Cambodia

Integrated farming provides ecosystem benefits and builds climate resilience. Find out how this system is strengthening Cambodia’s small-scale farmers and their communities.

In the face of climate change and increased global food insecurity, Member States reaffirm support to IFAD

Last Friday at the COP28 UN climate summit in Dubai, UAE, the Netherlands announced an historic pledge of US$150 million to IFAD.

Gender equality in rural areas essential to climate change adaptation, says IFAD President

In the face of escalating climate change impacts on vulnerable rural populations globally, Alvaro Lario, the President of IFAD, emphasized today that promoting gender equality in rural communities is essential to climate change adaptation, with women acting as powerful catalysts of change.

The world is not prepared for climate change

For rural people, the climate nightmare is a reality. They urgently need support to adapt to a changing world. To do this, IFAD is issuing three calls to action – find out what they are.

IFAD launches innovative financing mechanism to support small-scale food producers to adapt to climate change in Eastern Africa

Following the recent release of data confirming a sharp global decline in climate finance dedicated to adaptation efforts, IFAD and partners have today unveiled a new financing mechanism to boost support to small-scale food producers in rural communities in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda to adapt to a changing climate.

​​​​​​​The USA contributes US$50 million to a new multi-donor trust fund addressing climate and food crises hosted by UN's IFAD

Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, announced today at the COP28 UN climate summit in Dubai that the US will contribute US$50 million to the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS)’s new multi-donor trust fund, hosted by IFAD.

Persons with disabilities and IFAD join forces to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

In a world of climate catastrophes, rising food prices and global instability, find out how persons with disabilities are taking their rightful place in the effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

IFAD at COP: Raising the voices of rural people

Follow IFAD's journey at COP28, as we showcase efforts towards sustainable agriculture, climate resilience and food security, and raise the voices of rural people all over the world.  

Small-scale farmers must not be forgotten if we want to feed the world and safeguard the planet - IFAD at COP 28

IFAD will urge global leaders at COP28 to urgently focus far more attention and funding to the hundreds of millions of small-scale farmers who feed much of the world and are key to global food security and stability.

Over 200,000 farmers to benefit from IFAD, ADB initiative to boost dryland farming in Indonesia

IFAD and the Government of Indonesia signed a new initiative aimed at transforming dryland farming to make it more climate-resilient and profitable, bolstering the livelihoods of over 200,000 farmers over the next five years.

COP: Where does it come from and where is it going?

COP is an annual meeting where decision makers discuss how best to tackle climate change. But how did the summit come to be and what difference does it make for rural people? Find out here.

Experts and practitioners come together to improve nutrition outcomes in agricultural development in West and Central Africa

A regional knowledge and experience sharing workshop that addresses nutrition, rural development and food system transformation began today in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Improving food and nutrition security in West and Central Africa is crucial. It is estimated that 29.8% of the population of West Africa and 13.9% of the population of Central Africa are undernourished.

Investing in climate resilience - Episode 50

COP28 is just around the corner – our 50th episode focuses on small-scale farmers and their resilience in the face of climate change.

Sharp decrease in climate finance going to small-scale farmers - new report shows

Ahead of COP28, IFAD urges global leaders to shift gears and drastically and urgently scale-up climate finance for small-scale farmers and small agribusinesses.

Bringing global finance to rural development

The path towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals has never seemed more precarious. Find out how IFAD is using private investment to secure prosperity and sustainable development for the world’s poorest communities.

IFAD lists its sustainable bonds on the London Stock Exchange - ringing the bell for rural development

Private investors are a powerful force to help us fund a world where no one is left behind, said Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD at the London Stock Exchange (LSE).

El FIDA se une a ALIDE como nuevo miembro adherente para dinamizar las inversiones en la población rural de América Latina y el Caribe

El FIDA se incorporó como nuevo miembro adherente de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Instituciones Financieras para el Desarrollo.

Fishing for a better future in Nigeria

In Nigeria, aquaculture brings new opportunities to rural youth and helps to reduce the country’s unemployment rate.

Vice-President Mukeshimana Makes First Official Visit to Egypt to Promote Action on the Water-Food-Energy Nexus

Gérardine Mukeshimana, the recently appointed Vice-President of IFAD, will make her first official visit to Egypt during which she will discuss with Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly the need for concerted action to advance sustainable rural development through Egypt's Nexus for Water, Food, and Energy (NWFE) Programme.

How indigenous youth are grappling with climate change

Climate change is having a huge impact on Indigenous Peoples all over the world. We sat down with three indigenous youth to talk about how erratic weather patterns are affecting their communities and how they are drawing on tradition and technology to cope with it.

Connecting global financial markets to small-scale farmers: discover the impact of IFAD’s first sustainable bonds

IFAD will share results of its first sustainable bonds at the London Stock Exchange (LSE) on 21 November, and illustrate how investments are improving the lives of hundreds of thousands of small-scale farmers, who are trying to cope with climate change, inflation and broken supply chains.

New UN report: 43.2 million people suffer from hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the region has higher levels of overweight and obesity than the global estimate

The Regional Overview 2023 indicates that, despite halting the upward trend in the last period, hunger levels in the region remain above the 2019 figures prior to the outbreak of COVID-19. In addition, 8.6% of children under five years of age are overweight.

Investing in a better future: Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia

The Near East, North Africa, Europe and Central Asia is a dynamic region faced with many challenges. We caught up with Regional Director Dina Saleh to find out how rural people are coping with the realities of conflict and climate change and to understand why the right investments now can make all the difference later.

Indigenous Peoples partner with IFAD, Sweden’s Sida, and Packard Foundation to build resilience and adapt to climate change

As the climate crisis intensifies and the world seeks sustainable solutions, IFAD, together with its partners the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, and the Packard Foundation, have today announced the recipients of the Indigenous Peoples' Assistance Facility grants.
