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Protecting health and protecting livelihoods: a delicate balance in the era of COVID-19
Development encompasses a wide range of actions that enables people, communities and nations to thrive even after projects have ended.
Media invite: IFAD and WEF panel - Protecting food security during COVID-19
Online briefing with experts from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and UN Goodwill Ambassadors for IFAD Idris and Sabrina Dhowre Elba on food security in times of COVID-19.
Long-term development supports quick action in a crisis: an update from Asia and the Pacific
It has been really inspiring to receive updates from the field over the past two months illustrating how IFAD-supported projects are continuing to deliver.
The potential impact of COVID-19 on China’s food security: Prospects for food imports
Last week, the China Grain Reserve Group announced its intention to purchase 22 million tonnes of imported grain during 2020. Should China worry about food security?
Planting seeds in the new normal: Rural women in Pakistan amid COVID-19
In rural Pakistan, women are important partners in agricultural development. They perform a variety of crucial tasks, including weeding and tilling land, planting seeds, collecting farmyard manure and harvesting. They are also responsible for cleaning, drying and storing grains.
Balancing the Pandemic, Biodiversity and Farming - Episode 8
In this month’s programme, we explore how to maintain a balance between battling COVID-19 and promoting farming and biodiversity.
On the International Day for Biological Diversity, commitment to sustainable agriculture is more important than ever
This year’s theme for the International Day for Biological Diversity is “Our Solutions are in Nature.”
In Brazil, a “quiet revolution” for rural women makes the invisible visible
In north-eastern Brazil, as in so many other places, rural women's work is often invisible. But a revolution is taking place – and IFAD is a part of it.
Bees, biodiversity and COVID-19 - World Bee Day
Bees support countless ecosystems, bolster biodiversity, anchor food chains and help ensure humans’ agricultural security. Not bad for insects no bigger than a paperclip.
Fast and flexible: IFAD’s first successful project restructuring protects smallholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted agricultural and food systems around the world, along with the livelihoods and food security of the poorest rural communities – precisely the groups of people whom IFAD concentrates its efforts on.
Stay at home! Savings, contingencies and electronic wallet use
Without initially knowing it, last year more than 13,000 young women in Colombia began to prepare for the current economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Five ways organizations can help countries build agile and inclusive responses to COVID-19
How can we enhance local capacity to respond to this emergency in an agile and inclusive manner?
COVID-19 response must target African agriculture and the rural poor
Africa has so far escaped the worst health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the continent looks like it could be the worst hit.
Colombia: Rebuilding lives and businesses in post-conflict rural areas
Colombia is a country rich in natural resources and diverse communities. But in small towns and across the countryside, many families remain poor.
El FIDA invertirá USD 554 millones para apoyar la recuperación de la agricultura familiar en América Latina y el Caribe tras el impacto de la COVID-19
El FIDA destinará USD 554 millones de dólares para sostener la agricultura familiar en América Latina y el Caribe durante la crisis de la COVID-19 y para contribuir a su recuperación y modernización una vez el impacto de la pandemia haya pasado.
No ordinary solution: Afro-Colombian ingenuity in the fight against COVID-19
The story of the Afro-Colombian community has always been one of resilience. Historically, this group has faced the country’s highest rates of poverty and food insecurity, and has lacked access to many basic services.
The making of a turning point: A rural Chinese women’s cooperative joins the COVID-19 fight
In 2016, the IFAD-funded YARIP project had partnered with the Qujing Zhanyi District Women’s Federation to transform traditional embroidery art into a new source of income and employment. Qujing, located in the ethnically diverse Yunnan province, is home to the Yi, an ethnic group with a population of about 300,000.
Before and during COVID-19, an e-voucher initiative makes a difference for Kenyan farmers
Victoria Muteti, a 44-year old farmer living in Kenya’s Makueni County, has many reasons to be satisfied. In January 2020, she was able to harvest more than 2,500 kilograms of sorghum from her 2.5-acre farm – far more than the 1,000 kg she harvested in 2019.
Tracking the implementation and impact of the Uganda Yield Fund: A groundbreaking M&E system for a groundbreaking fund
We are in the middle of a shift in how development is financed. Impact investing is on the rise.
When they came home: Migration and responses to COVID-19 in India
With most of the world sheltering in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ILO estimates that about 2.7 billion people are currently affected by workplace closures.