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La CEPAL y el FIDA proponen redefinir el concepto de ruralidad para mejorar las políticas públicas e impulsar la agenda de desarrollo socioeconómico
La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y el FIDA proponen una nueva aproximación al concepto de ruralidad en México y América Latina con el objetivo de focalizar la acción pública para reducir las desigualdades y avanzar en la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.
Ahead of Davos, IFAD acts to increase concessional blended financing to encourage vital private sector investments in rural economies
As global leaders gather at the World Economic Forum in Davos to discuss financing today’s global challenges, IFAD is accelerating its efforts to catalyse increased private sector investments in rural and agricultural development.
Why we celebrate international days: your questions answered
There’s an international day for nearly every global issue you can think of. Learn how they come into being, the key observances for rural people – and why they matter.
New multi-service platform provides access to improved financial services for Moroccan migrants and their families
New partnership between IFAD and international money transfer operator, Moneytrans. The project is part of the Platform for Remittances, Investments and Migrants’ Entrepreneurship in Africa, an initiative funded by the European Union and implemented by IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances.
Early warning systems help small-scale farmers prepare for climate change
Climate change is making extreme weather events more intense and frequent. With IFAD’s support, small-scale farmers are getting the advanced warning they need to limit damage to their livelihoods – and recover faster.
Maximising the development potential of remittances in Southern Africa
To address the lack of an effective and efficient payment infrastructure for low-value remittances in Southern Africa, IFAD and the European Union have joined forces through the PRIME Africa initiative.
Rural youth breathe fresh life into Sri Lanka
Young people are crucial contributors to prosperous rural communities. Meet two entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka who are working hard to make a difference.
A bright new year for rural people – Episode 51
In this episode, IFAD Vice-President gives insight into the challenges faced by rural people, followed by fellow IFAD colleagues explaining how we can improve the lives of small-scale farmers.
A year of rural stories
For countless people in IFAD-supported projects, 2023 was a year in which their lives changed. Here are some of the stories we told over the past 12 months.
From city to soil: Young graduates seek a better life in rural areas
All over the world university graduates are trading in cities for rural areas. IFAD is helping to create employment opportunities so that young people can earn a living and stay connected to the land.
Member States set IFAD on track to largest replenishment ever to tackle poverty, hunger and the climate crisis
At a time when climate change and conflict are fuelling greater food insecurity in many developing countries, IFAD received record-breaking pledges in support of its largest replenishment ever, putting the organization on track to positively impact the lives of millions of rural people across the globe.
World leaders support IFAD's urgent call for increased investment in rural communities
Statement by Alvaro Lario, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development; Vera Esperança dos Santos Daves De Sousa, Minister of Finance of Angola; Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty of France.
Bolivia: El FIDA promueve el intercambio de conocimientos rumbo al Año Internacional de los Camélidos
Con el apoyo técnico y financiero del FIDA, la Ruta de Resultados e Intercambio de Experiencias en la Cadena Productiva de Camélidos ha iniciado hoy, con el objetivo de mostrar los avances del sector de camélidos en los departamentos bolivianos de La Paz, Oruro y Potosí, en el marco del Programa ProCamélidos y rumbo al 2024, Año Internacional de los Camélidos - declarado por la ONU.
Self-sufficient farming for better health in the remote Pacific
Rural people in Kiribati are leading the way in sustainable farming, making nutritious foods available and creating a foundation for better health in the years to come.
Investing in a better future: A new day dawns, and we have reasons for hope
When climate and natural disasters strike, it’s rural people who are worst affected. Investing in their resilience ensures that they not only endure times of crisis, but emerge stronger. Associate Vice-President of Programmes Donal Brown explains how rural communities can change the world for the better.
Facing a future of growing food insecurity and climate challenges, world leaders commit to increased funding for small-scale farmers and rural people
Press conference - IFAD’s Member State consultation and pledging session.
Integrated farming strengthens climate resilience in Cambodia
Integrated farming provides ecosystem benefits and builds climate resilience. Find out how this system is strengthening Cambodia’s small-scale farmers and their communities.
In the face of climate change and increased global food insecurity, Member States reaffirm support to IFAD
Last Friday at the COP28 UN climate summit in Dubai, UAE, the Netherlands announced an historic pledge of US$150 million to IFAD.
Gender equality in rural areas essential to climate change adaptation, says IFAD President
In the face of escalating climate change impacts on vulnerable rural populations globally, Alvaro Lario, the President of IFAD, emphasized today that promoting gender equality in rural communities is essential to climate change adaptation, with women acting as powerful catalysts of change.
The world is not prepared for climate change
For rural people, the climate nightmare is a reality. They urgently need support to adapt to a changing world. To do this, IFAD is issuing three calls to action – find out what they are.