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IFAD, Stanbic Bank enter partnership to cut money transfer costs to Uganda in half

IFAD and Stanbic Bank Uganda (SBU) today announced a partnership that will cut the cost incurred by Ugandan migrant workers sending money home in half by using Flexipay, a digital payments’ platform.

Africa is in the eye of the climate change storm. Here is what its people are calling for

It’s time countries step up their investments and secure a climate-resilient future for small-scale farmers in Africa. Here’s how.

12 startups de Latinoamérica y el Caribe lideran el cierre de la brecha digital en zonas rurales

Innovatech, el novedoso proyecto financiado por el FIDA e implementado por la entidad financiera alemana Sparkassenstiftung, está sentando un precedente en Latinoamérica, al lograr una exitosa vinculación entre startups tecnológicas –empresas fintech y agtech–, y el sector rural en seis países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe.

African leader Gerardine Mukeshimana joins UN rural development agency IFAD as Vice-President

Amid growing global food insecurity and an intensifying climate crisis, Gerardine Mukeshimana takes up duties today as Vice-President of IFAD. Mukeshimana, a former Rwandan Minister for Agriculture and Animal Resources, was instrumental in leading agricultural growth in Rwanda for almost a decade.

Future proofing farming for youth - episode 47

The future of farming belongs to rural youth. In this episode, we explore how to enhance productivity and empower young farmers.

IFAD and Bangladesh observe 45 years of successful rural transformation

Minister for Agriculture Muhammad Abdur Razzaque highlighted the dramatic progress made by Bangladesh in the agricultural sector at an event commemorating 45 years of partnership between IFAD and the Government of Bangladesh.

When resilience is not enough

The line between getting by and going under is often all too thin. Disasters can immediately upend lives and reverse decades of progress and rural development. That’s why rural people also need their community, their country and their planet to be resilient.

Why farmers’ organizations matter: Your questions answered

Farmers’ organizations mean small-scale farmers can access markets, inputs, finance and information that would otherwise be hard to come by. Find out what farmers’ organisations are and what IFAD is doing to support them.
